Do you ever think of swapping between Canon and Nikon

No - Already shoot Nikon

Canons are for castles and old battleships
Yep i did it back in April (from Canon to Nikon) and very happy with the change
ive been tempted,theres something about the colours and pictures i prefer slightly with canons,especialy the reds.
i also recently had a shot/look at a mates 85mm f1.2 on his 5dmk2 and have to say thats one lovely set up.
will i change... probably not i would first like to try a d700,d3,or whats next released before i consider.
if after i still feel this way or find a bargin i would consider changing
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For me it is 100% down to ergonomics of the cameras, and I just don't like how the Nikons feel in my hands (played with a late 90's film camera, D40, D90 and D300s)
Surely there's not much in it?
They both make some stunning camera's, both make lot's of lenses and accesories etc.

I feel Canon have the edge on variety of lenses available, however.
There is a fantastic feature that Nikon DSLR's have that Canon don't, and that's the ability to have more than just 3 auto bracketed shots, which so far, all the Canon bodies I've had can only do 3.

I've changed a few times.
Canon > Sony, Sony > Nikon then Nikon > Canon.
Purely because I like change, and I like trying new bits of gear etc.
I think the gear is half the fun of the hobby.
And changing gear around is fun :nuts:

And at the risk of having the P taken out of me EVEN MORE, by a few of my pals on here, I'd do it again without hesitation :D
I went from Nikon to Canon about a year ago, basically because I thought the 40d/50d, was in between the D90and d300 models, and for what I wanted was the best option and was the best value. At the time most people seemed to be going the other way. If the D7000 was around then I have no doubt that I would have stayed with Nikon. It looks very impressive.

It also gave me an excuse to change lens set up. As I had picked up a few Nikon bargains along the way, I actually made money selling my Nikon gear, and got some decent canon kit.

My observations in changing were firstly that the RAW files behaved very differently- CR2's need more PP, the embedded jpegs seem better/sharper in the NEF files- colours seem more saturated. Not really a criticism- just needs a bit of work. Also Nikon autofocus (as in single shot using all the AF points) seemed more reliable, although the canon perhaps edges it for moving subjects. Lastly Nikon seemed to work better with their speedlights.

Perfectly happy with my Canon for now, the only reason i'd consider changing back now would be if I went FF.
I have said for a long time that the day Nikon release the 300mm F4 with VR I would seriously consider a swap.

But that was based on where Canon were going with their bodies - the D300 was looking mighty appealing. However for me the 7D was a bit of a game changer there - and it took me nearly a year but now I have one. Also canon have a much better selection of telephoto lenses than Nikon - by this I mean lenses that appeal to most budgets.

TBH neither system is that much better than the other, but they do have strengths and weaknesses. I'd love to shoot with a D300s and a 200-400mm F4 - that is my ideal kit - but also very pricey.
I've been wanting to swap ever since Nikon bought out the D3, everything I want in a camera, but commercially there isn't much point as I've go too much invested in Canon.

Maybe one day Canon will release a full frame 8fps (Please), until then it's the 1ds mk3 for me, which is a fantastic bit of kit, but has it's limitations.
Other than getting a 5dmk2 for the video, no, I wouldn't be tempted to move over.

I like my nikons and don't feel any benefit from one to the other :)
My main gripe with modern Canon DSLRs is the images out of camera are so damn soft. I mean I know they want to install an antialiasing filter but does it seriously have to be so strong? The button layout of modern Canons is also not as good as the older models IMO. When I moved to a 1Ds I instantly loved it, despite being much older tech, whereas I could never quite "connect" with the 450D in the same way.
No, first DSLR Canon and more than happy to stick with them.....I feel it's going to get expensive though ;-)
I have only ever had Canon, I walked into a shop (WHE) and said my area of interest is aviation, so the chap said that a good starter package would be a 400D with twin lens kit (18-55 and 55-200) and said they would be fine.

I soon realised the lenses were lacking, then went out and bout a 70-300, then sold that when I got my 100-400mm.

I also replaced the 400D with a 40D, and in the new year, if all goes well, I will buy a 7D and make the 40D a second body (never intend getting rid of the 40D)

I love Canon, not because of any perceived difference from any other brand, but because that particular 40D is mine, and without the hobby I have have, I would not have had the experiences, or gained the friends that being in that hobby has given me.

I'd feel the same way if the chap at WHE had said the Nikon package was what I needed, but to be honest, I don't need to buy better kit, I need to learn what I am doing with what I have due to me still having no idea.
In reply to the OP - No.
Sometimes and to be honest if the D90 had been lighter I may well have gone for it over the 500D.
The main impetus to change comes from my brother being a life long nikon user, so it would be easy for us to borrow glass etc from each other.
As it is though I'm having his old D100 off him as a back up camera/new toy to play with.
if canon would just release the d700 equivalent we've been waiting for and stop the ridiculous mega pixel race and artificial product differentiation then I wouldn't be anything like as tempted as I am!

Indeed, the feature splitting amongst the 1 series played a large role in which brand I was to seriously invest in two years ago.
I needed a full frame with faster FPS and Canon still don't make one :shrug:.
I was also fairly baffled with why they'd make a full frame, hi res camera available but with a compromised and outdated focus system with a MSRP of over £2000. That's just damn greedy IMO.

Many complain about either brands functionality or ergonomics. Nikon suits me 110%. I like that there's a button for everything, it means I can make adjustments and react quickly without having to pull the camera away from my eye. (y)

Yes, both brands are more than capable etc but there are differences, if this difference is of any value to you then you make your choice accordingly.
I am a nikon shooter, but feel Nikon have some catching up to do.
I want the D700 but I know as soon as i buy one they will produce and update.
maybe a D700s with around 18M pix.
Canon have a lot bigger choice in the medium to high end market.
There are a lot more Canons in my price range that would suit me more than what Nikon has to offer.
Yes. I shot Nikon for 20 years in the film days and still have my F2, FM and some lenses (not dealbreakers). I bought a 30D because I couldn't afford a D200, and the camera and 17-85mm kit lens were available for a sweet price after it was discontinued.

I've added a 70-200mm f4.0 and a flash since then, and have deliberately kept my investment small. The Canon is a great camera, but I'll go back to Nikon when I can. I don't expect better results, but I have a soft spot for them and I suppose I could give my old lenses an airing. It'll be D300s or D700 (or their successors) when I do switch.
More Canon users here than Nikon :thinking:. Keep confusing me weather I should go through Nikon D90 or Canon 50D. I really won't go through Swap route once I invest in one. Let's hope I am happy with what I buy.
c cc can c ca ca c sorry some words are just not worth saying, I'll stay with Nikon
More Canon users here than Nikon

More Canon users than Nikon period not just here! Don't be swayed by the crowed go with the camera that suits you best from the manufacturer who's product lin will fit your envisaged needs.
When I first looked into getting a DSLR it was the Nikon range I was more interested in but actually handling both Canons and Nikons before buying swayed me to Canon as it just felt more comfortable and intuitive control-wise for me. Both make great bodies and lenses but I was sold purely on how the body felt to me.
Nikon D60 or Canon 450D? Got the chance to by either, can't decide. Both 2nd hand, obviously.
I see no reason to move from Canon other than for cleaner High ISO

In exchange I get worse skin tones.

TBH 1D4 at 128,000 ISO is perfectly usable so I've no need to consider it.
Having to relearn how to do something on a Nikon so it becomes second nature that I can do without thought on a Canon would put me off.
Having to relearn how to do something on a Nikon so it becomes second nature that I can do without thought on a Canon would put me off.

Exactly, but in reverse. Get to grips with your camera and don't think about swapping.

For DSLR I started with Nikon and I've stuck with Nikon. Actually not quite true because I started with Kodak DCS pro/n but that used Nikon lenses anyway. When I changes it was to a D3x and I can use all my old lenses. Never even thought about Canon, although I'm sure Canon make some very fine cameras.
More Canon users here than Nikon :thinking:. Keep confusing me weather I should go through Nikon D90 or Canon 50D. I really won't go through Swap route once I invest in one. Let's hope I am happy with what I buy.

Go for whichever you feel comfortable with.

Chances are at some point you will upgrade the body and it's once you start to invest in lenses that you will find the decision needs to be made.

There's folk on here that swear by the brand they have and almost make it a crusade to champion what they shoot with yet probably use what they use for no other reason than they've just progressed through the range that they first started with.

At the end of the day there's amazing pictures available to see wherever you care to look from photographers using all sorts of brands. We all wonder about kit at some point but I just take a step back - look at what others manage to achieve and realise that it's me that needs to improve.
Nikon are slow at producing cameras for the mid range market.
I know 12MP is enough for A3 prints but after a bit of cropping I start to get nervous about the quality, and I know there is software available but at the loss of sharpness.
Canon are constantly supplying cameras that can print A3 even after cropping.

Canon 50D, 60D, 7D, 5DMkII all under £2000

Nikon D3X just under £5000
Nikon are slow at producing cameras for the mid range market.

I wouldn't say they're slow at it at all, they justifiably don't see a point in making a wider range.

I know 12MP is enough for A3 prints but after a bit of cropping I start to get nervous about the quality, and I know there is software available but at the loss of sharpness.

Are you speaking from experience here or from speculation? Are you in an industry that demands the highest quality A3 and above sizes?

If not, I strongly advise for you to reassess your perspective. It's going down the roads of the pixel peeper and no matter which brand you invest in, you'll convince yourself of reasons to keep switching.

There are indeed folk out there that need large format, photographers in the advertising industry for example ebb towards Hasselblad and Phase One etc.

Since the release of the 1DsmkIII and the D3X, there are of course alternatives to 30MP, 40MP, 60MP systems.

Never the less, conventional sports, editorial, portraiture, event and the rest of it has been done very successfully, and printed to larger than A3.
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Is it just me or am I noticing that there are tons more Canon to Nikon defectors than the other way around?
Are you speaking from experience here or from speculation? Are you in an industry that demands the highest quality A3 and above sizes?

I take a lot of kitesurf, windsurf and surfing pics which I sell on as posters
sometimes there maybe objects in the pic that are not wanted or I may not have the reach on my lens. thus meaning I have to crop.

I dont think I am a Pixel peeper as I know what I want. D700 but with 18MP.

If I were a pixel peeper that would be my prerogative, there is nothing wrong with that.
There is a wide range of cameras on the market now and I am sure that most of the users on this forum have an average of 12 MP, when most dont even print a thing.
I don't like the red on the Nikon grip.

Just one of the factors that puts me off.
I don't like the red on the Nikon grip.

Gosh insightful, if I'd realised that I would never buy Nikon, thankfully my S5 pro has the red suppressed.......must dump my D60 and D90 hang on, Canon build quality at the lower levels at least are so far behind they are like fischer price, I'll stick with Nikon.