Do you prefer to take photos alone or in company?

Hi Les

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I went on a shoot were there were other photographers (not a TP meet). It was a closed session for photographers only

Most were only interested in taking photos and not discussing anything about what they were using. However they were a friendly bunch I have to say

Generally I go with my manageress as we are both into photography, but once at a Zoo or whatever we split up and meet only for lunch and do a comparison then of what we have taken


That's my idea of hell.....

I don't have anyone in my circle of friends with an interest in photography and what with work taking up most of my time, I don't have a problem working alone. I have toyed with the idea of joining a camera club so I can mix with 'real-life' photographers (as opposed to those on forums) but the more I meet other photographers, the more I realise that I actually find many of them quite boring out of no fault of their own, but because many work alone as I do and it can be hard to get across the feeling something gives you when it's such a personal pursuit.
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Mostly i go out on my own , if i go to the local nature reserve i take my dog as its a bit deserted and feel more comfortable with him . :)
Dont really know anybody near me that would be interested in going out and about to take photos , but am quite happy in my own company ..(y)
Ive added myself to the Map
If I'm being honest, I much prefer to go out shooting alone. I tend to take so long choosing a viewpoint, framing the shot, faffing around with the tripod and camera, then mucking around with filters, getting the right exposure et. al. that hardly anyone I know would be prepared to hang around and wait for me.
Prefer alone TBH, if I'm out with family or friends I never seem to enjoy taking pictures, don't know why.
i do prefer to do it for my own however sometimes location you choose require another person due to some circumstances ( i do loads of photographs in abandoned buildings and due to that fact it is handy to have few mates around you. [unstable floors, local chavs wondering around etc. ])
I've never gone out with a group of photographers or on my own really. The girlfriend tends to be with me most of the time!

I'll have to try to get to a TP meet that interests me or even try going truly solo :O
I'm on my own most of the time, but I like the idea of being in the company of other like-minded photographers..any offers? :p

If you ever want a trip out to the peaks you're welcome to join me if you don't mind waiting for me to catch up! :LOL:
I think personally on my own since you can really focus solely on what you're doing with no distractions, however, if I had more like-minded friends, (we're a mixed bunch really haha) then it may be a different story.
I definitely prefer being by myself. Even when I am with other people I tend to lag behind so that I can think and do what I want.

I also put myself on the map and am proud to say that I'm the first and only one in Mexico! :clap: