dodgy email for sports photogrpah


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Anyone got the following email? Looks Dodgy.. But they obviously didnt do there homework as I ahvent got anyone famous they would want..

From: Patrizia Fonatti <>
Hello I am assistant of a painter in London and we are interessed in painting portraits of athletes who will compete Olympic 2012, like Kelly Sotherton, Michael Rimmer, Jessica Ennis ..
In this regard we are looking for photographers, freelance preferably, willing to sell their pictures. If you're interessed to show us and sell your pictures, please contact me as soon as possible.
I hope you can help us and to hear soon from you.
Thank you for your time,
Patrizia Fonatti.
Email them back saying you have pictures of Andy Pandy and see what they say.
It's funny how these email never mention you by name.

If you know a colleague who has an image of one of the people listed, then offer it at a ridiculous price and see what happens.

Or ask them to call you on your mobile.
'tis obviously the silly season for scammers (oh, ain't times 'ard)
Someone I know recently had the following:

I am melberg,please i am interested in your photography and would like to know if its possible for me to buy prints framed from you,also can i make payment via a direct bank transfer to you,thanks so much for taking time to read my message and patiently await your response
Melberg Olsen

Love the Powerbook story!