Does anyone know how to remove adobe DNG?

woof woof

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Windows 10 pc...

I've tried the usual unistall process but it isn't listed. Even though I downloaded the latest version today it's not listed. Also "open file location" only finds the shortcut and not where the program is hidden. I tried downloading CCleaner but that doesn't find the program location either. It seems well hidden.

Does anyone have any easy to follow instructions so I can find this program and delete it from my hard drive?

I have two versions... maybe more so I want to delete all but the latest.
Older versions didn't "install," they were stand alone apps... you can just delete them if you can find them. New versions install to C/Program Files/Adobe. IDK if the Creative Cloud Cleaner would be of any help.

That's the problem. The Windows file install/uninstall didn't find them and neither did CCleaner. But I did just before reading your post. Thanks :D