Does your height ever pose you a problem?

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My apologies if this has been discussed before, I had a quick search but couldn't find anything relating to this subject.

Basically I'm really just wondering how much of a problem a persons height can be in certain situations, the thing is - I'm on the short side, in that I'm smaller than the average man, so if taking photographs of people at events and gatherings, would it not be much better if you could at least be eye level with the other people?

And another question, if this really is a big enough issue as I thought it might be, has anyone ever been discriminated over it and not been offered work because they're too small?

Or perhaps this is a stupid question, either way, I'm quite concerned about it but I am rather paranoid a lot of the time, so who knows. :)
I'm about 5ft 8 and it has its advantages and disadvantages!

Advantage - Trousers cost less :p

Disadvantage - I struggle to see over things.. like advertising hoardings at Old Trafford the other week.. spent 90 minutes alternating sitting on my feet to get an extra couple of inches :D
nah, if I need to be higher I climb something, peli cases are good for standing on which is part of my reasoning for buying one :p

problem solved for you :D
I'm a bit of a shortarse. My new saviour is Liveview + face recognition when I have to hold my camera above people's heads :)
There's plenty of good stuff taken with TLRs held at waist-level.
I'm small too and do struggle sometimes when trying to take photos in crowds. Examples being focus-on-imaging for the past two years. I just hold the camera up in the air now and gun if I really want to take the shot. If I'm not fussed I just walk on.
Talked to a pro wedding tog this weekend. She was tiny. She said it helped blend into the background at weddings. At 6ft 2, I think I better disguise myself as the groom :eek:
Yes, because I used a wheelchair most of the time. I do have a higher than average wheelchair (have really long legs so makes sense!) but I'm still at waist/chest level of most people - however there are a few people I've met who are shorter than I am when I'm in my chair and they're standing.

I'm 5'8 stood up though and prefer to wear heels if possible (usually not possible). I used to wear 4" heels often, until I became disabled.
I wish I was little bit taller,
I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good
I would call her.......


But yes, it would make life easier. Especially when working in a club trying to barge my way through a packed dance floor. All you can see is a camera being held high going through a sea of revellers like some kind of tog-shark.
As you can guess from my TP name - I'm not Mr Tall :)

But at 5'7" I'm perfect height for photographing adults stood up, i.e. brides as that's generally their height or they are slightly taller with shoes. I did have one couple where I was at the height of her breasts - but I didn't mind :D

Is it a problem - nope - do I wish I taller taller/shorter - nope - thinner, fitter, younger - YES :LOL:

If it was a problem, do you not think it would be hard for many women?

I think whatever height you are you can have difficulties in some situations. For me, the only problem would be if you were looking up people's noses all the time, but you'd have to be about 5ft for that to be the case.

What height are you?
Talked to a pro wedding tog this weekend. She was tiny. She said it helped blend into the background at weddings. At 6ft 2, I think I better disguise myself as the groom :eek:

she has a point

I'm 6' 3" and fine at weddings as it gives me the presence to take control, but at wedding fayres I get more business if I sit behind my desk and talk rather than towering over small brides scaring them off :LOL:
I'm only 5ft!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

It causes me loads of probs, think i need to carry a stepladder!!!!! LOL
I'm 5"3 and its somtimes a bit of a problemwith tall clients, say 6"2 plus...sooo i have a step stool i use for portrait sessions if need be. For weddings i just pick my locations carefully!
I could do with being about 3 feet taller for group shots... Being 6'1 is a bit of a hindrance when I'm shooting a large group! ;)

I'm 5ft 6" and I can't say it's ever worried me at all. If I'm too short I stand on something, too tall I crouch down. Works for me.

Anyone even thinking of discriminating against me for my size had better watch out!
its an advantige at some concerts, i am tall and cant bend and i hate going to the front and blocking peoples also makes you to obvious at at times :thinking:
I'm shortish, but I can jump high so it's all good. I am also not too bad at climbing. Rather than complain about your height, shoot to suit it. Or do whatever it is in your control to get higher/lower as needed.

I will take this opportunity to post one of the best photos ever taken of yours truly:
I'm shortish, but I can jump high so it's all good. I am also not too bad at climbing. Rather than complain about your height, shoot to suit it. Or do whatever it is in your control to get higher/lower as needed.

I will take this opportunity to post one of the best photos ever taken of yours truly:

awesome sauce :p
Traditionally portraits (other than head shots) are shot from a camera lower than eye height, so if your head is already at the same height as someones chin or upper chest then it just means you dont have to stoop so much for the standard shots.

I am 6ft and my business partner is 6ft 2in and at the end of a long wedding (particularly if we do a lot of full length formal group shots) we are both usually suffering a bit from sore backs due to stooping.

Being taller and having long arms does help for some other photos though :)

Can I have the 1 minute 17 seconds of my life back please?
I watched that all the way through fully expecting him to cock up big style and knock it over!

At 5'3" I have the same problem as some of the other ladies, I have not developed the ability to walk up walls like our friend above who really should change his nick to blooming Spiderman!

But I can usually find something handy to stand on to give the the angle I want and I'm not adverse to the occasional "Hail Mary" shot.
Can I have the 1 minute 17 seconds of my life back please?


Thanks for saving 1 min of mine. :D

However, back to the subject, the camera on a monopod, held up high and triggered remotely should make for some nice high angle shots. It might take a few attempts, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I've read a few threads or mag articles where they've listed a step ladder as a piece of essential wedding kit.
I am rather tall and the only disadvantage is being called a giraffe when I run by mates (off here funnily enough :LOL:)

I do find it to be a pain at OUlton, though. Reason being I always think I am in the way of the bloke behind :LOL::LOL:
my main problem is low doors and ceilings after few drinks... :bonk:
Aww... Don't worry we're not that bad. We'd have sympathised with you afterwards... :)