Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

She is sadly missed but will never be forgotten. Turned 11 earlier this month and was still bouncing around like a spring lamb on the way to the vets yesterday morning. I took her in to get her Claws clipped and mentioned to the vet that I thought she may have an abscess on a back tooth which had been bleeding a lot. He examined her and her mouth had a huge tumour, she was put under to get a piece for biopsy and remove the adjacent tooth. However on examination it was found that the tumour was right down the back of her throat. She must have been in agony for some time but the old girl had never let on. She had a matter of weeks left but we decided the best thing was to let her sleep peacefully while still sedated. We got to spend the last few minutes with her and although we now have a house full of incredible shock and sadness we also have years of wonderful memories of our loving girl who was so full of fun and life right till the end.

R.I.P. Pepper

Kia (Patragarth Fantasy Girl JW ) 3 yrs.

Wanted to try out my Arri Plus 300 tungsten light asked my my model if she was happy to pose and she said" only for some biscuits..."
I love her to bits, she lay's on my lap like a cat and enjoys being stroked.

omg, that's so heartbreaking Gary :crying: She looks a wonderful member of the family, so sorry for your loss :(

sending you & yours hugs,
captainjack said:
Kia (Patragarth Fantasy Girl JW ) 3 yrs.

Wanted to try out my Arri Plus 300 tungsten light asked my my model if she was happy to pose and she said" only for some biscuits..."
I love her to bits, she lay's on my lap like a cat and enjoys being stroked.

Well - your lighting works well IMHO - and you have a lovely model!
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Gazamonk said:
She is sadly missed but will never be forgotten. Turned 11 earlier this month and was still bouncing around like a spring lamb on the way to the vets yesterday morning. I took her in to get her Claws clipped and mentioned to the vet that I thought she may have an abscess on a back tooth which had been bleeding a lot. He examined her and her mouth had a huge tumour, she was put under to get a piece for biopsy and remove the adjacent tooth. However on examination it was found that the tumour was right down the back of her throat. She must have been in agony for some time but the old girl had never let on. She had a matter of weeks left but we decided the best thing was to let her sleep peacefully while still sedated. We got to spend the last few minutes with her and although we now have a house full of incredible shock and sadness we also have years of wonderful memories of our loving girl who was so full of fun and life right till the end.

R.I.P. Pepper

You have my sincere sympathies. What a shock for you - that you didn't expect when you woke today. I have been in the situation of coming back from from the vet to the house like you - its tough! However, it would be odd not to be sad - when one loses part of the family..... dogs are such 'giving' companions....
Gorgeous, they are so full of character, she is lovely and just having lost ours your photos make me happy and sad at the same time. In a good way though.
She is sadly missed but will never be forgotten.
Sorry about your loss Gary. Its amazing what impact these creatures have on out lives.
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Tell me about it ! I have been staggered and overwhelmed by the power of the emotions and pain I have felt over the last 48 hrs. Don't let anyone ever say " It was just a dog" , but that's a sentiment I don't have to state too strongly on this section of the forums. We all know better.
Tell me about it ! I have been staggered and overwhelmed by the power of the emotions and pain I have felt over the last 48 hrs. Don't let anyone ever say " It was just a dog" , but that's a sentiment I don't have to state too strongly on this section of the forums. We all know better.

Awful news, I'm really sorry for your is obvious that you did the right thing in not letting her suffer any further.
Some lovely dogs here, lots of BT's too, here's one of ours, Jerry...

To all those who left kind words, every little thing helps at the moment.
Thank You.
Gazamonk said:
Tell me about it ! I have been staggered and overwhelmed by the power of the emotions and pain I have felt over the last 48 hrs. Don't let anyone ever say " It was just a dog" , but that's a sentiment I don't have to state too strongly on this section of the forums. We all know better.

Gaz you are so right we do, I went through the same last year and although words can help at the same they can't, best wishes and thoughts going out to you and your family.
Sincere condolences to you and your family Gary such a sad story. You made a brave decision which was the right one for your beautiful girl.

R.I.P. Pepper
Gazamonk said:
Tell me about it ! I have been staggered and overwhelmed by the power of the emotions and pain I have felt over the last 48 hrs. Don't let anyone ever say " It was just a dog" , but that's a sentiment I don't have to state too strongly on this section of the forums. We all know better.

I truly sympathise with you and yours on this saddest of bereavements. It may be a terrible thing to say, but on losing our first dog (Scooby)- the pain was a lot worse than when some fairly close relations died. We had to have Scooby put to sleep also - and like you - it was the right thing to do. However, it didn't quite feel like that for a long time afterwards. Looking back now - we are thankful that we could actually do the right thing for our very faithful little friend - and i hope that you will be able to take similar comfort in due course. We are lucky in one sense that we CAN do the selfless thing for our beloved pets......

Thank you Mary, it does get easier as the days pass but you dont realise how much of your everyday existence is permeated by the dog. Every day another little reminder pops up that she is no longer here. I am sure that everyone who frequents this part of the forum is a dog lover and many will have been through this before. To those who have there first dog all I can say is enjoy every wonderful moment that they are with you. The sadness of the loss is compensated for a million fold by the years of pleasure and the unconditional love and forgiveness that they give in return.

Keep popping into this forum and get joy from the wonderful pictures of content and happy dogs taken by there grateful owners. Each giving the other pleasure in return.
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Sorry to hear of your loss, Gary. I would never have believed how attached someone could become to a dog until we lost Zippy 2.5 years ago. We'd only had him for 14 months and yet I was devastated when he was run over and killed, at the tender age of 19 months. It came as such a shock that I missed him so much. I still shed a tear for him today.

Still, time is a great healer and after several months of agonising over whether to adopt another dog we decided we really would like to and seven months down the line we got Jazz, from Battersea. We've now had her for almost two years and hope she is with us for many years to come. Here she is relaxing in the sun after a lovely long walk, ball chase and swim this morning.

Lol catching the rays! What a brilliant expression. Haven't smiled much the last few days but that's helped. Great capture.
tdodd said:
Sorry to hear of your loss, Gary. I would never have believed how attached someone could become to a dog until we lost Zippy 2.5 years ago. We'd only had him for 14 months and yet I was devastated when he was run over and killed, at the tender age of 19 months. It came as such a shock that I missed him so much. I still shed a tear for him today.

Still, time is a great healer and after several months of agonising over whether to adopt another dog we decided we really would like to and seven months down the line we got Jazz, from Battersea. We've now had her for almost two years and hope she is with us for many years to come. Here she is relaxing in the sun after a lovely long walk, ball chase and swim this morning.

What an utterly blissful photograph - go Jazz! :)
I'm so sorry for your loss Gary. I have my first dog, he's only turning 2 in March, but I already fear the day I might loose him. He might drive me crazy at times, but he makes me so incredibly happy...... Funny thing - just few days ago, I was invited to the dinner with some friends and colleagues. It was at the restaurant, late evening so I wouldn't take my dog with me. I left my dog in the room and went to the hall. Just when I was putting my shoes on, I noticed that along with my bag I also grabbed his leash and collar. I thought to myself "wow, we really are attached. there's barely a moment when we're not together" :D :bonk:

Anyways, here's my boy - it's taken with P&S camera, so sorry for the quality. He's my lil' Mr. Sunshine :love:




Some cracking pics on here.

Nice shots of Lassie helps. We had a blue merle breed many moons ago. He was a great dog.
helps said:
I'm so sorry for your loss Gary. I have my first dog, he's only turning 2 in March, but I already fear the day I might loose him. He might drive me crazy at times, but he makes me so incredibly happy...... Funny thing - just few days ago, I was invited to the dinner with some friends and colleagues. It was at the restaurant, late evening so I wouldn't take my dog with me. I left my dog in the room and went to the hall. Just when I was putting my shoes on, I noticed that along with my bag I also grabbed his leash and collar. I thought to myself "wow, we really are attached. there's barely a moment when we're not together" :D :bonk:

Anyways, here's my boy - it's taken with P&S camera, so sorry for the quality. He's my lil' Mr. Sunshine :love:

Again thanks for the kind words, I know what you mean It's almost a week and I am still reaching for the lead when I put on my jacket and I cannot get used to putting leftover rice/pasta etc into the trash. Lol.

Your dog is gorgeous btw what brilliantly expressive face. He's a cracker, cherish the time mate cherish the time.
This might be a silly question but if it's a cross rottie/poodle does he shed hair? Poodles don't but Rottweilers do. Just curious.
She is sadly missed but will never be forgotten. Turned 11 earlier this month and was still bouncing around like a spring lamb on the way to the vets yesterday morning. I took her in to get her Claws clipped and mentioned to the vet that I thought she may have an abscess on a back tooth which had been bleeding a lot. He examined her and her mouth had a huge tumour, she was put under to get a piece for biopsy and remove the adjacent tooth. However on examination it was found that the tumour was right down the back of her throat. She must have been in agony for some time but the old girl had never let on. She had a matter of weeks left but we decided the best thing was to let her sleep peacefully while still sedated. We got to spend the last few minutes with her and although we now have a house full of incredible shock and sadness we also have years of wonderful memories of our loving girl who was so full of fun and life right till the end.

R.I.P. Pepper

Very sad indeed. 11 years is a fair old age for a boxer :D

The happy memories outlive the sad times.