
Andy Jones
Edit My Images
I got a mate to come round this morning to pose for some natural light portrait tests which went fine but then I thought I'd print one out for him. Beautiful pink cast it had, ok so Vista's colour management has gone awol. Tried printing from Qimage, Lightroom, and CS2 with and without ICM enabled. Always the same pink cast.

My dear wife says maybe it's the cartridges need changing and I say no dear, they're nearly full.

Long story short and after much mucking about with Vista's colour settings I finally printed the head test pattern and the yellow patch was barely there. Ran the cleaning routine and everything's fine.

Moral, never overlook the obvious, esp. when the wife suggests it :)
You should know by now that us wimmin are always right ;) :razz:
don't you just hate it when that happens. the wife being right i mean!