Doing it in the dark!

Phil Monk
Edit My Images

Just when I thought I was getting good at this photography lark, I realise ...I'm rubbish!

I've been out tonight taking photos with my D60 and I'm having problems focusing in the dark. The subject I need in focus is too dark so the AF doesn't register. If I try the MF I always seem to get it wrong. Even when I think I have it, I get home I find ...I haven't!

Has anyone any tips on how to put this right?

Thanks in advance.
Try using a torch Phil. Shine it on the subject to get the auto focus something to work with and then turn off before you shoot
Thanks Andy but the subject tonight was a lighthouse that was too far away to be lit with a torch.
use the distance scale on the lens, f8 + and eyeball it ;)

You're gonna have to speak english for me to understand. I'm not a pro, just a part timer. ;)

I was set on f8. Am I right to assume that the higher the fstop the more chance of things in the distance being in focus.

What David was suggesting was that you guess the distance to the lighthouse and set that on the distance scale of your focus ring (on the lens) then, with f/8 selected there is a good chance you'll get it in focus.

Of course, if your lens doesn't have a distance scale your bu99er'd :D

The alternative is to set up the camera before it gets dark, focus on the lighthouse, set the lens to manual focus (so it doesn't get disturbed) and then wait until it gets dark before taking the shot. Okay if you have the time :)
yeah, the D60 doesn't handle the dark too well.

And if you have the kit lens you won't have a distance scale on the lens.

You've also discovered that manual focussing on a crop body is a royal PITA!

I've done similar shots before. Tripod is a must. set camera to around f11-f22. adjust shutter speed for correct exposure. Then using manual focus try and guess it correctly, should be easier using f11-f22. However, to be sure, move the focus ring a tiny amount each way from what you think is correct and take another shot.

If I can shoot a manual 50mm @ f/1.8 this way you should easily be able to shoot at f/11+
Thanks Andy but the subject tonight was a lighthouse that was too far away to be lit with a torch.

Use a bigger torch :D

On my camera I'd be on a tripod, using manual focus, then pop on live view and use the zoom function to get critical focus. Then it's just a case of having a aperture setting to get a decent depth of field, so F11-16 or more, to take out any other errors.

Sometimes it's just about using the manual focus and picking a point on the target that will focus, like a light to dark edge, then recomposing the shot.
Sounds like you would be far enough away to set the lens to infinity focus unles it's a small lighthouse :)