Don't you just hate it when ....

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.... you take a load of photos then at the end realise its been on the wrong setting :(

Just getting used to my D90. Went to a local nature reserve and took photos of ducks and some scenery. Got to the end at realised it had been in manual mode on f5 1/250. Some come out ok but some are horrible. Hey ho , more practice needed I think !
Yes indeed; I'm very used to shooting a number of exposures with different levels of exposure compensation (-3 to +3 usually) and can do it without looking at the camera. It's only when I realise that they are all at fast shutter speeds that I think to check if I am on A or M! :bang:

I really need a check list of things to do before beginning to shoot.
does the D90 not have an exposure meter in the view finder?

.... you take a load of photos then at the end realise its been on the wrong setting :(

Just getting used to my D90. Went to a local nature reserve and took photos of ducks and some scenery. Got to the end at realised it had been in manual mode on f5 1/250. Some come out ok but some are horrible. Hey ho , more practice needed I think !
Or when you knock the setting wheel, or is that just my fat thumb?
Yep it is annoying, spent a whole day in daylight on iso 800 they were all noisy as hell
I keep knocking the mode selector dial all the time on my Kx. Like I ever want the stupid scene modes...since I spend 99% of the time in Av mode, apart from the odd excursion into M when I get the light meter out, I'm seriously considering getting some lock-tite out on it or similiar! Only notice when the jog wheel doesn't change what I expect and the (very dim, unreadable) light meter in the viewfinder is saying "overexpoesed lots and lots!!!!!!"...woops...usually missed the shot by then though, hey ho....
or when you find you've left the WB on sodium (always seems to be when i'm shooting jpegs too :bang: )
Before I do anything "official" like weddings or portraits, I always reset my camera, so I know it's not left on any settings, but I do occasionally shoot the cats, or some landscapes on an odd setting... Did a snowy scene at ISO 3200 a couple of years ago, ruined all the photos (noise on the D80 wasn't great)... And I sometimes forget to turn off bracketing, so I get two underexposed pics, then one that's OK, then two more that are overexposed :D
i always check mine before i shoot (habit) i also check my lcd often zooming in and out, will learn to check my histogram one day
I have done this once and for one shot only, never again.
Pulled up at the place I was going to be taking pics, changed the lens and got out of the car, there in front of me was a Kestral sitting on a post, so i lifted the camera and fired off 3 shots, (camera was in slow burst mode so only counts as one shot ha ha) checked the screen as it flew away and the screen was white, cannot remember the settings I had it on but from that day on the first thing I check is what the settings are.


p.s the Kestral came back though a few minutes later and yes I nailed the shots this time
That's why it is always wise to check the review shot on the first couple... my viewfinder shows me current aperture, shutters speed etc so it is usually obvious if something is a bit cock eyed. I have left it on MF instead of AF a few times though!

Friend of mine managed to take 1500 shots the other day, all on the wrong settings. Thought the white screen was telling her something else not that the whole lot were burnt out. :bang:
The D90 does have an exposure meter in the viewfinder... All Nikon bodies do.
I do this with stunning excuse is I struggle to see the info in the viewfinder:shake:

Actually I'm old and forget to reset things like ISO and exposure comp etc:wacky:
ISO gets me as well. Learnt from previous mistakes now!
Remember to have a quick look at yours pics when you take them. :)

I did this when I bought my D90 2nd hand, had it in aperture mode and was annoyed that they were all stupidly dark... then I realised the previous owner had played with the exposure control thingy (technical term) settings :LOL:
Ive had mine on the wrong iso setting a few times. Maybe I was shooting the night before & had the iso high, only to use it the next morning again :(
I'm not too aware of what features Nikon's have, but my Canon 5D has the "C" mode, which loads your custom settings each time you start up the camera, so mine always comes up in aperture priority (at f2.8), ISO 100, RAW and with AF and burst set to 1 frame.

Infact my S90 has the same feature too, very useful.