Dude looks like a lady!

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I wonder why they are behind a fence, are they getting ready for something?
Don't know what his? right hand is doing in #4!
great candids, well spotted and well done for sticking with it!
there was temporary fencing around a re-turfed area in Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester.. you don't see it in the the pics but there were hundreds of people around and he stuck out like a sore thumb! (as you can imagine).

i've never seen a whale tail on a bloke before :wacky:
It's his sandals I find queer...... no, not queer, just funny.... :police:
That grimace in the second one....... is he trying to look like Mr Punch?:shake:

I could go on but would probably end up with a ban:puke:
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it's a good job we can only submit still images and not video... because if you'd have seen his walk... O - M - G! He took about 12 steps to cover a yard!
leftcurl said:
it's a good job we can only submit still images and not video... because if you'd have seen his walk... O - M - G! He took about 12 steps to cover a yard!

Probably due to wearing that thong......and he has nail varnish on his toes. That's not right for a bloke!
Dodgy underwear and footwear, was he a "thong and dance" man maybe?
I think it's fine to post candid pics and these are fun but believe posters should respect the subjects both as a thing in itself but also to protect photographers integrity which of cause is no concern of pap, red tops etc

it's a good job we can only submit still images and not video... because if you'd have seen his walk... O - M - G! He took about 12 steps to cover a yard!

You really should get out more Leigh.
I like the way that chap in #2 is looking over the wall as if he knows there is something "different" to look at.