Beginner Editing photo help

Edit My Images
Hi. I took some photos of my daughter and the colour is out. I want to use them for fathers day but they're not good enough to print out. I'm not sure where I went wrong but if anyone would give me some hints for a)correcting the images that I already have to make them better and b) pointers to explain what went wrong so that I can improve I would really appreciate it. Feel free to be critical but be kind-I am very new.
Apparently I can't post links until I have 3 posts so that's made it a bit harder for you guys to help! :)
Thank you. :) I have lightroom but I figure I don't know what I'm doing too well as these are the edited photo and I just can't get the colours to look right, She still looks kind of grey. :/
Hi Vanessa, tbh honest I don't see much wrong withh the colours some of the fuscia colours in her dress are maybe a wee bit oversaturated but the colour and exposure look pretty good accross all of them. What is it about the colours you don't like at the moment?

There's lots of ways to go about correcting different issues but we'll need to know what you have access to for editing in terms of systems and software?

The shots of your wee girl are lovely by the way I especially like DSC_0076 on your flickr feed which has a gorgeous expression. It's biggest issue is the same as all the rest though you have shot at a very wide apperture and missed focua. For critical quality you need to be nailing focus on the eye and you're a good bit out hereyou can see some of the greass behind her is much sharper. If it was a gift for your husband as a medium sized canvas from a fair viewing distance it would still look lovely as it's not to close in but for looking at close up as a print it's going to be fairly obvious it's quite badly out of focusI;'d start off at smaller appertures until you get better at nailing focus to give you a bit of room with where the focus will fall.

If you let us know what tools you have and what in particular your unhappy with in the colours I'm sure we'll be able to help.
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Thanks guys. I use lightroom. I love DSC_0076 too, it's my favourite actual shot but I just think her skin colour looks like it's in shadow, but it's not. Kind of grey. Does that make sense?
Thanks guys. I use lightroom. I love DSC_0076 too, it's my favourite actual shot but I just think her skin colour looks like it's in shadow, but it's not. Kind of grey. Does that make sense?
yes just what i said!!!!
Yes that looks better Mike! What did you alter?
at the top of the develop module is the adjustment brush "K" go into it and open effect it has lots of different things in and you need to use exposure then click where you want to use it and choose the size of your brush if you hover over the pin it shows where you have brushed in a reddish /pink hue at the bottom of the pic hit save hth mike actually at the bottom of the pic it says "DONE"
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Ok fab thank you. I wouldnt have thought of trying that. I appreciate the advice.
There is an AUTO button - although the purist would not suggest you use that, it is a great place to start so that you can see what adjustments the PC brain makes.
In addition, there are a number of You Tube vidoes that (if you have time) will greatly enhance your ability to understand adjustments - all of which are useful if you shoot RAW.

If you are just shooting jpegs, then you can't really go wrong with Picasa which is a free editing tool that is a LOT easier to comprehend than Lightroom. (it also does RAW).

Good luck and carry on taking great images.
There is an AUTO button - although the purist would not suggest you use that, it is a great place to start so that you can see what adjustments the PC brain makes.
In addition, there are a number of You Tube vidoes that (if you have time) will greatly enhance your ability to understand adjustments - all of which are useful if you shoot RAW.

If you are just shooting jpegs, then you can't really go wrong with Picasa which is a free editing tool that is a LOT easier to comprehend than Lightroom. (it also does RAW).

Good luck and carry on taking great images.
absolutely nothing wrong with the auto button but it dose not teach you what has been adjusted, so you don't actually learn how to edit. i prefer to play and reset if i don't like what i see. understanding what the adjustments do is quite important. you tube videos are good although some of the things people say when teaching can sometimes be rubbish so if you don't know what they are saying is TRUE you can end up more confused i have now done 2 courses on using lightroom and am still a long way off being an expert :)
They don't look too bad on my TV which I use as a monitor and the poses are excellent and what a cutie!

You certainly have a gorgeous model there for many years of picture taking.

It might also help you to get a grey card or white card and use that to set the WB the next time you encounter such a shot because the yellow of the grass will throw most cameras auto WB off - you get the same problems in woods etc.
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Hi Vanessa

Well, I think you have some beautiful pictures there. Is your husband a photographer? If not, he's far less likely to pick up on white balance, critical focus and the like. That's not to say you can ignore them, but if their purpose is making him happy then, well... you can probably ignore them!

Also worth bearing in mind how they'll be printed - take them to a supermarket printlab and they could well mess up any careful white balance tinkering with a poorly set up printer :eek:

Funnily enough, I locked onto the same picture as @CraigDHD - the expression in 76 is lovely. I have a "girly girl" of a similar age (she refuses to wear anything except flowery dresses) and they really do make the most wonderful models.

One trick I use is to try to get something white or grey (neutral) in shot somewhere. A lot of my daughter's clothes have splashes of white in them somewhere. That makes a handy (but not perfect) white balance reference point. You're supposed to use mid grey, but with fast moving kids and scenes which will come and go and need to be grabbed when they're there, getting the grey card out isn't always an option.

Most importantly of all, keep taking the photos as it's the only way to get better. And you're making a great start so far :clap: