Electronic Cigarettes

Cheers for the advice Steve and Gordon. Will try to stick with it.(y)
Got delivery of these this weekend so will be stopping tomorrow

Friend at work bought them and I tried them out, very realistic

The "smoke" is realistic, some consistency and amount. You get the same feel on the throat and also the nicotine hit. The taste isn't unpleasant and is probably about 80% of the taste of a ciggy. Putting the taste aside it's the nearest thing you can get to smoking I've found - got high hopes of this working

Probably need to try a few flavours, have ordered some Marlboro and B&H to try out
Got delivery of these this weekend so will be stopping tomorrow

Friend at work bought them and I tried them out, very realistic

The "smoke" is realistic, some consistency and amount. You get the same feel on the throat and also the nicotine hit. The taste isn't unpleasant and is probably about 80% of the taste of a ciggy. Putting the taste aside it's the nearest thing you can get to smoking I've found - got high hopes of this working

Probably need to try a few flavours, have ordered some Marlboro and B&H to try out

Good luck! (y) .... Let us know how you get on!
Well, I have been using it now for a while and I have to say that it just wasnt giving me the hit I needed, so I ended up using it to replace maybe 3 or 4 cigarettes and then switching to having a real one, and then back on the intellicig again.

Also, mine kept leaking onto my mouth when inhaling, which isnt very nice at all. I bought 2 and they both did it, but maybe I was just doing something dumb??!!

Anyways, it isnt helping me in the way I had hoped so I think its just time to knock smoking on the head fullstop, so this morning I took my first champix tablet.

Here's hoping :)
The intellicig wasn't great for me either, although it hasn't leaked....more of a case of dried up. The Tornado Tank is much better, but need to find a better flavour.

Still smoking, but have cut down by a third.
Well, I have been using it now for a while and I have to say that it just wasnt giving me the hit I needed, so I ended up using it to replace maybe 3 or 4 cigarettes and then switching to having a real one, and then back on the intellicig again.

Also, mine kept leaking onto my mouth when inhaling, which isnt very nice at all. I bought 2 and they both did it, but maybe I was just doing something dumb??!!

Anyways, it isnt helping me in the way I had hoped so I think its just time to knock smoking on the head fullstop, so this morning I took my first champix tablet.

Here's hoping :)

I think you need to keep using it and perhaps find a 'juice' that works for you :thinking: The 'leaking thing isn't nice, but I've found that it's worse as the cartridge gets low, also cleaning it regularly really helps, As soon as I hear the 'bubbly thing' going on I top up the cart and it really helps to reduce the leaking!
The intellicig wasn't great for me either, although it hasn't leaked....more of a case of dried up. The Tornado Tank is much better, but need to find a better flavour.

Still smoking, but have cut down by a third.

Yep! .... I've cut down by about a third to a half too (y)
I should have to a third.

Not sure about anyone else on this (Tornado tank), but it does make me cough more every time I take a long draw. As said by Gordon, gets a bit better the longer you stick at it, but because of the taste I don't consider it a complete alternative to a fag. I have only tried tobacco flavour atm, not the greatest of tastes, but being able to use something where you inhale and blow out a vapour that simulates a ciggy is the best tool yet.
I think you need to keep using it and perhaps find a 'juice' that works for you :thinking: The 'leaking thing isn't nice, but I've found that it's worse as the cartridge gets low, also cleaning it regularly really helps, As soon as I hear the 'bubbly thing' going on I top up the cart and it really helps to reduce the leaking!

I think James is still using the intellicig so he has a different problem. I have used similar types and the atomisers aren't adequate to boil off the fluid quickly enough to give you a satisfying amount of vapour. This results in sucking harder to try and improve it and getting a mouthful of fluid.

Like you I find the tank lets more fluid past when it is low and not actually being used. This results in the fluid sitting in the atomiser and either seeping out or being sucked up through the cartridge. Not very pleasant. I'm not sure why it happens, but maybe the fluid thins out because of the constant heat from the atomizer. As you say, cleaning it regularly helps. When you need to replace an atomiser you may want to consider using the Mega Atomiser and cartridges which uses the same battery as the Tank. It actually holds more fluid and gets over the leaking problems.
I should have to a third.

Not sure about anyone else on this (Tornado tank), but it does make me cough more every time I take a long draw. As said by Gordon, gets a bit better the longer you stick at it, but because of the taste I don't consider it a complete alternative to a fag. I have only tried tobacco flavour atm, not the greatest of tastes, but being able to use something where you inhale and blow out a vapour that simulates a ciggy is the best tool yet.

I've not had the problem with the cough, but maybe I don't draw on it as long or hard. Tobacco flavours are all very different from each make of liquid, but none are exactly the same as burning tobacco. I find French Pipe and Cigar very satisfying and also use a lot of Virgina which is a sweet taste.
I think we must remember that it isn't a cigarette and just enjoy the experience it for what it is.
I quit yesterday, and thanks to the NHS smokefree app I know that I've been stopped for 1 day, 13 hours, 3 minutes and 33 seconds, and have saved £9.47 (which is a gip, I smoked rollies :LOL:)

I'm using nicotine patches and an inhaltor for when I feel the urge. The tangle that's in the NHS quit kit is good for keeping your hands busy too.

Do I need to go to mine GP to ask for this NHS quit kit ?

After meals is the killer for me, not helped by the fact I actually enjoyed smoking, but health and fitness wise I've got no choice but to quit :LOL:

I do enjoy smoking as well...its more a matter of enjoing it then being addicted ;)

But promised my girl I will try to quit in Spetmeber after we come back from the wedding :) otherwise....huge party with loads of food and drink will get me back to smoke if I quit now ;)

So I have a plan ;)
Totally Wicked have a 15% discount on all products including liquids until May. You can probably get a further 7.5% discount using this code D4B4A at the checkout.

Just a quick thanks to those who recommended the Tornado Tank :clap:

I had been using a couple of intelicig's for the last month and although they did a job, they are pretty frustrating at times. Sometimes very good and other times next to useless, and require lots of effort in terms of charging batteries (which don't last long) filling carts, etc.

The TT overcomes all the short comings of the intelicig and lasts well over a day without the need to do anything. Simply charge the battery, fill the tank and off you go. The starter kit comes with everything you need, and a backup for everything too (not that I've needed it yet)

So simple and reliable and for £50 a bargain!

Have been using the intelicig e-pure liquid (which on first impressions I think I prefer to the Wicked liquid) but will be interested to try some of the different flavours as I try and cut down the nicotine content.

If you want to quit and have tried all the other methods but failed, get yourself one of these and you'll wonder why you hadn't tried one sooner.
I'm glad you are enjoying your TT Adrian. I think half the fun is trying new flavours although the Roast Beef and the Hot Chilli do seem a little extreme.:puke:
I'm glad you are enjoying your TT Adrian. I think half the fun is trying new flavours although the Roast Beef and the Hot Chilli do seem a little extreme.:puke:

:agree: .... Must admit I've developed a liking for the Roast beef and sausage flavour and the Spam and bacon flavour is a bit special :D The chocolate gateaux and chips didn't do too well though :shrug: ..... no salt on the chips! ;)
How about trying the Diablo Loco, described as follows:-

Pain in a bottle! (the concentrate measures approx. 500,000 SHU on the Scoville Heat Scale - That's 1-200x hotter than Tobasco Sauce!) Juice condiment, made using the hottest chillis in the world - and designed for spicing up other juices. If a single drop is too hot for you, dilute it to 1-10% with PG, VG or PEG-400. This is insanely hot, you have been warned!
Is there a neutral (tasteless) flavour ? (If that makes sense). Not sure I could enjoy a roast beef or chocolate or whatever flavour with a cup of tea or beer etc.
Is there a neutral (tasteless) flavour ? (If that makes sense). Not sure I could enjoy a roast beef or chocolate or whatever flavour with a cup of tea or beer etc.

I've no idea to be honest, but there are plenty of tobacco flavours, menthol etc.... If that helps?
For those of you with a Tornado Tank, even better news! There are now new tanks which hold 2ml of fluid and they are selling soft replaceable tank caps that stop the leaking problems. Everything is discounted until 2nd May. Why on earth would anybody want a cigarette anymore?

There is a downside of course, I'm now hooked on E Cigs, albeit the low nicotine at a much lower cost, but why should photography be my only vice. :LOL:
...... I have tried to give up many a time, but the sad fact is that I just enjoy smoking with alcohol and with friends, but I know I have to give up for the serious health problems it will cause me.

So, I bought an intellicig today after reading up on them in the hope that this will stop me smoking tobacco altogether....

:thinking: Well its been almost a year - and hows it gone, did it work with these e-cigs or are you still puffing on the weed :shrug:
One of the lads at work has just started using one of these electric ciggies to help him give up. He's also started training for the marathon so not boozing til April. Hope it works for him but I suspect once he's run the marathon and starts on the booze he may well start smoking again....hope I am wrong!

When I gave up I remember one of the piece of advice was that you have to continue doing things like going to the pub if that's where you enjoy smoking.

One of the things that stick in my mind from reading the Alan Carr book was that if you really think you enjoy smoking take six deep drags one after the other......one of the most repulsive things I have ever done. Something you "enjoy" shouldn't be that disgusting........it's an addiction.....people think they enjoy it but they don't.....
I smoke and was thinking of using them on a plane but its not allowed for some reason, maybe stupid some folk may try to light up, but they would be great for long haul, so we just have those pen types with cartridges which are allowed, one time a inebriated woman (drunken with a bad attitude she already caused trouble on the flight) lit up in the loo, the captain said over the radio they knew who it was and when we landed the police boarded fully armed up and took her off, they released her though as we saw them bring her to the coach park to continue her holiday, she wasnt on the flight back as the airline which I wont mention refused to let her fly back with them, bet it cost her loads to get a flight back

BTW she was well drunk through out the holiday as she was in our hotel for 2 weeks everyone was well narked off with her antics all inclusive so woooooooooooooow she took advantage
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I have just started using E-cigs (can't be faffed with liquid and refilling and all that though).
So far so good (day 10, predictably).
Pros - it's like smoking! Yay!
cons - Now I'm addicted to E-cig! Not yay!:LOL:

I have been using the e-cig for just over a year now, yes it is just as habit forming as cigarettes....but not as bad for your health. I am now allowed to smoke in the car, house and in bed with no complaints from the wife and I no longer like cigarettes.
I have also used it while at the pictures, restaurants and while flying.
In the US there are hundreds of different flavors of juice and nicotine strengths 36 down to 0 nicotine. You can also buy 100% nicotine and cut it down with a flavour of your choice.
i quit cold turkey about 40 years ago ... with tablets from the Doctor
now BANNED as they were a depressant

one thing not mentioned at all on this thread

do you smokers know that you smell awful...........:puke:
i quit cold turkey about 40 years ago ... with tablets from the Doctor
now BANNED as they were a depressant

one thing not mentioned at all on this thread

do you smokers know that you smell awful...........:puke:[/QUOTE

After a shower I would smell just like you but it would take more than a shower to learn some etiquette
I smoke and was thinking of using them on a plane but its not allowed for some reason, maybe stupid some folk may try to light up, but they would be great for long haul, so we just have those pen types with cartridges which are allowed, one time a inebriated woman (drunken with a bad attitude she already caused trouble on the flight) lit up in the loo, the captain said over the radio they knew who it was and when we landed the police boarded fully armed up and took her off, they released her though as we saw them bring her to the coach park to continue her holiday, she wasnt on the flight back as the airline which I wont mention refused to let her fly back with them, bet it cost her loads to get a flight back

BTW she was well drunk through out the holiday as she was in our hotel for 2 weeks everyone was well narked off with her antics all inclusive so woooooooooooooow she took advantage

Brits on tour eh? Don't you just love em - smiley still unavailable J Arthur ****.

BTW 13 months off the weed and still want one occasionally:bonk:
my OH has this one http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/products/menthol-electronic-cigarette.html
hes had it about 2 months and has cut down from 10-20 a day to 3 max. Hes taking his time with it so hes more likely to stick to it when he gives up completely. This one has a really good reputation, and the company selling it is only down the road on the Gower.
3 nicotine strengths available, high, medium and low. Also do zero nicotine cartridges too. Currently 5 flavours; normal cigarette, menthol, cherry, vanilla and chocolate.
OH has only tried the menthol, cherry and normal ones, doesnt like the normal but loves the other 2.
Hes noticed a number of benefits just cutting down; better senses esp taste, clearer lungs, less coughing, starting not to like the smell of real fags. All good as his health is improving because of it.
OH has recommended them to quite a few people
i quit cold turkey about 40 years ago ... with tablets from the Doctor
now BANNED as they were a depressant

one thing not mentioned at all on this thread

do you smokers know that you smell awful...........:puke:


I gave up 119.85days ago, havent smoked 1198.59 cigarettes and saved around £392.54 :)

Cold turkey :) no tablets, plasters etc:)
I've been using a nicolites e cigarette since the first of the year, had a couple of moments with flat batteries etc but have only had a couple of real smokes.

To be honest I don't even feel like smoke :)

I am planing on cutting down the strength when I next by some refills though.

I gave up 119.85days ago, havent smoked 1198.59 cigarettes and saved around £392.54 :)

Cold turkey :) no tablets, plasters etc:)

That's only 10 a day............. hardly worth stopping :D
I have one of the e-cigs here, but I do prefer to smoke my roll-ups.. To big a draw on the electronic one and it makes me cough...

But it did come in bloody handy for my flight to Aus last November - it was a godsend... especially with the drinks that the nice BA lady kept feeding me! Didn't stop me diving into the smoking room at Bangkok for a couple of headrush smokes though...
Bought an EGO-T Electronic cigarette last night and picking up some oil today. Thought I might as well give this a try.

I love to smoke. :crying:
A teacher-friend told me recently that electronic cigarettes are the new must-have for the cool kids behind the bike sheds! :cool: