End of the day

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One from our stay in NW Scotland earlier this year. There are some amazing sunsets there and this was probably the most dramatic this time. Looking out between Longa Island and the headland from the beach just below where we stay. On a good day you can see Harris and Lewis in the gap but not this time.
Lens flare - I know. It doesn't bother me

Big Sand Wester Ross by Jannyfox, on Flickr
Very nice landscape/seascape style capture Jan, with some lovely light.
The flare does bother me, but it's a nice pic and lots of people don't mind so it's all good.
The flare does bother me, but it's a nice pic and lots of people don't mind so it's all good.

I have to confess I did have a bit of a grumble to myself initially. I didn't see it at the time of taking (in the viewfinder). Some images if there's flare that's all I see, but with this one I don't, so I can live with it. I don't think I'd have it on the wall though.....
Should be able to remove the flare quite easily in PS.
Frequency separation should do the trick.

Ummmm......... is that even a thing? It really is - I just googled it. I sort of understand it even though pp seems to use a different language to me. However I'm the only person in the world using PaintShop Pro (well, it feels that way sometimes). I've never used PS. There is often a way to do something in PSP but it'll be different and you have to work it out for yourself, something I'm not great at as I find all but basic layer techniques a bit baffling.
Ummmm......... is that even a thing? It really is - I just googled it. I sort of understand it even though pp seems to use a different language to me. However I'm the only person in the world using PaintShop Pro (well, it feels that way sometimes). I've never used PS. There is often a way to do something in PSP but it'll be different and you have to work it out for yourself, something I'm not great at as I find all but basic layer techniques a bit baffling.

:LOL: Yes it's a thing. Sorry I've never used PSP no can't be of any help there.

Frequency separation is used a lot in portraits for removing skin blemishes. Basically it separates the colour and the texture which then allows you to clone colour from another area of the image leaving the underlying texture intact (useful for removing flare) or clone texture from another area leaving the colour intact (Fixing skin blemishes).
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:LOL: Yes it's a thing. Sorry I've never used PSP no can't be of any help there.

Frequency separation is used a lot in portraits for removing skin blemishes. Basically it separates the colour and the texture which then allows you to clone colour from another area of the image leaving the underlying texture intact.

Thanks. It's something I'd never heard of (not a prortrait photographer). I'll have a play one day and see if there's a way of doing something similar in PSP. It's not as sophisticated as PS (reflected in the price) but you never know.
And don't be sorry. I've never used PS but I've sort of grown up with PSP. My choice to go a different way to most. I've never felt the urge to play with LR/PS.
I quite like the shot although it's probably lacking a bit of foreground, maybe that nice rounded part of the beach could've been used for a stronger composition. I think the flare should be removed as it's spoiling the image and that's a shame. It could be quite easily taken out in PS - can you still download a 30 day trial? If so I'd do that and use the technique mentioned above, there are videos on YouTube that you can follow step by step to make it easy.
I quite like the shot although it's probably lacking a bit of foreground, maybe that nice rounded part of the beach could've been used for a stronger composition. I think the flare should be removed as it's spoiling the image and that's a shame. It could be quite easily taken out in PS - can you still download a 30 day trial? If so I'd do that and use the technique mentioned above, there are videos on YouTube that you can follow step by step to make it easy.

Thanks. It's good to get differing opinions. It makes me think about what I was trying to achieve. I do sort of agree about the foreground. It's a fairly bland sandy beach apart from a peninsular of rock at one end, some stones at the other and some ripples in the sand. If everything falls into place (sun, clouds, tide) any or all the above make a great foreground, otherwise I find it better to exclude it.
I'll be back there later this year for another go