England flags on cars........

Actually, the "paid too much" argument doesn't really hold water given that the Italians, French, German, Spanish, Brazilians etc are paid just the same, if not more. The highest paid players in the premiership are mostly not English.

I guess that the statement was a generalisation "paid too much"
thats how I took it anyway.....................
( and as above agree whole heartedly if that was the case)

and a quick search revealed that a premiership player would be around
£600,000 PA
Which is quite ironic really as the MP's (and PM's) salaries were "revealed" today. and the PM was around £150,000
Oh well :)
Actually, the "paid too much" argument doesn't really hold water given that the Italians, French, German, Spanish, Brazilians etc are paid just the same, if not more. The highest paid players in the premiership are mostly not English.

I think that's mainly because the quality of English players just isn't there anymore. I bet if you add up the wages of the English players that have made the squad they'd be on more money than the likes of the Portuguese, Germans and maybe even the Italians and possibly the French?
I think that's mainly because the quality of English players just isn't there anymore. I bet if you add up the wages of the English players that have made the squad they'd be on more money than the likes of the Portuguese, Germans and maybe even the Italians and possibly the French?

I'd bet not. Most of the italians and Germans are playing for clubs like Inter, Real and the like and you can bet they pay as much, if not more than premiership clubs and you can bet yur bottom dollar that the foreign internationals who play for Man Utd, Chelsea and te like are on stonking salaries.
Just remembered I did this cartoon after England got knocked out from the 2004 World Cup and everyone found a new use for them flags.


Crikey, was it that long ago I did that cartoon?! Anyway, something tells me it will end in the same way this time round. :LOL: :naughty:
I'd bet not. Most of the italians and Germans are playing for clubs like Inter, Real and the like and you can bet they pay as much, if not more than premiership clubs and you can bet yur bottom dollar that the foreign internationals who play for Man Utd, Chelsea and te like are on stonking salaries.

so why is england always getting Brazillian, french and other foreign footballers joining our teams if they are being paid the same if not more.
Just remembered I did this cartoon after England got knocked out from the 2004 World Cup and everyone found a new use for them flags.


Very good Ian (y)
so why is england always getting Brazillian, french and other foreign footballers joining our teams if they are being paid the same if not more.

Brazilian, French and other foreign footballers join other countries' teams as well. Are you seriously suggesting that the England players are paid more that the other countries' players?
when you think about it, its silly that these lines that don't physically exist are drawn up and argued over and then people go round waving flags about it
I'd bet not. Most of the italians and Germans are playing for clubs like Inter, Real and the like and you can bet they pay as much, if not more than premiership clubs and you can bet yur bottom dollar that the foreign internationals who play for Man Utd, Chelsea and te like are on stonking salaries.

Well if the quality is not there in England then why not pay for the quality? Although without facts and figures this argument might as well stop here and frankly I can't be arsed spending time finding out what English players are earning. Frankly I think they all earn too much, English or not.
England flags?

I've got DPRK's ones :D

(I will forgive them temporarily for being Maoist Deviants)

I guess that the statement was a generalisation "paid too much"
thats how I took it anyway.....................
( and as above agree whole heartedly if that was the case)

and a quick search revealed that a premiership player would be around
£600,000 PA
Which is quite ironic really as the MP's (and PM's) salaries were "revealed" today. and the PM was around £150,000
Oh well :)

I can't be arsed spending time finding out what English players are earning. Frankly I think they all earn too much, English or not.

post 41 ;)
Last world cup when all the neighbours had their England flags out, I had a big skull and cross bones. I'll probably get it out again this year.

Hoist the Jolly Roger and start slitting throats :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Is anyone else tempted to sneak around at night and change them to different flags....just to see if anyone would notice before they got to work the following morning? :LOL:

I'd be tempted to go around & snip the "flag" part off - so they're only left with the white plastic pole though :LOL:
There have been cases where people have tried to show the Union Jack on poles on their property only to be told they need planning permission and without it it is illegal. Going on that basis I would have thought it was illegal on cars as well. It could be an offence as well by causing a distraction to other drivers. Others on here with more legal knowledge on motoring offences may be better informed.


IIRC it is illegal to fly anything other than the Union Flag without planning permission.

I remember a story where a neighbour complained because a child's birthday party had a skull and crossbones flag flying - the police made the parents take it down.
What a load of spoilsports...

Nothing wrong with it I think. There should be more flag waving in this country - we have to suffer Irish paraphenalia every St Patrick's day and loads of Scots-related stuff round Burns night etc.... why not wave the cross?

Can remember a few years ago when i first moved to Rugby there was a piece in the local rag about the PC brigade stopping the George cross being flown because it would upset the ethnic community. The local Asian leader came out and said they had no problem with it, seeing as they madly celebrated Dewali every year and the rest of the town had to put up with it.

Not that all this flag-waving will change the result of the team out in SA - it's just a bit of national pride that we should see more of :)

IIRC it is illegal to fly anything other than the Union Flag without planning permission.

Thats a shame. I'll have to tell my mum and dad who have a big one on a flag pole in their back yard. They're currently getting a suitably large Yorkshire flag made up to accompany the red and white :)
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I really think we should be more patriotic, particularly on St George's day, but i got this via text the other day and it made me laugh -

A professor has undertaken research of english men and concluded that the dangly bit they wee through falls into two categories - long and useful and less than 2inches long when swollen. To help him assess the percentages he has asked that all chaps with the little ones fly a white flag with a red cross on it from their car for the next five weeks...!!!
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........... To help him assess the percentages he has asked that all chaps with the little ones fly a white flag with a red cross on it from their car for the next five weeks...!!!

But then I am a rebel and refuse to fly a flag!
That'll screw with his results :D
patriotism it isnt.
4 years ago i remember going to the communal bin at our flats just after the world cup had finished and there were quite a lot of St G flags in it. One was brand new, so i kept it :)
i have no problem with flags being flown...........

just a problem with 8 flags (yes 8, as in the number between 7 an 9) on a 1.2 corsa with 6 yes six, 3" exhausts.........

sounded like the proverbial ant with the heavy shopping......

just so wished had the camera with me.......
i have no problem with flags being flown...........

just a problem with 8 flags (yes 8, as in the number between 7 an 9) on a 1.2 corsa with 6 yes six, 3" exhausts.........

sounded like the proverbial ant with the heavy shopping......

just so wished had the camera with me.......

He must ba a repeat offender then .....
Ok so who mentioned skull and crossbones, I've always had one on my car aerial and today some buggers nicked it :cautious: it all your lots fault for giving them the idea !!!!
i saw someone in tescos car park last week with them clipped onto the trailing edge of the bonnet right in front of the drivers face............ now thats what i call natural selection at work....
Saw a car the other day with split loyalities! It was flying English and German flags!!
patriotism it isnt.
4 years ago i remember going to the communal bin at our flats just after the world cup had finished and there were quite a lot of St G flags in it. One was brand new, so i kept it :)

I'll wager you re-use old christmas cards too.
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It's called patriotism. And it appears to be making a long overdue comeback in this country.

People in every other land in the world are proud flag wavers. Some more so than others but I wish we could be more like the Americans in this respect have have public buildings fly the national flag permanently.

Exactly! It's the world cup and the only time this country goes patriotic. If you dont like it then you only have to put up with it for 2 months them you can be pleased that tue country will no longer be patriotic.

If you can't bear the thought of flags on cars for 2 month then there is a ship setting sail for the new land leading tomorrow at high noon.
ive seen more broken ones at the sides of the roads than actually on cars.

They're like the magnetic blue roof beacons - they're only good for speeds of up to 90...
If you can't bear the thought of flags on cars for 2 month then there is a ship setting sail for the new land leading tomorrow at high noon.

What port do I need to be at?

I have no problem with patriotism........... I just find flags on cars......... chavvy and tacky.
Just a quick note regarding the car flags from the direct.gov.uk website.....

"With the World Cup approaching, England fans will be flying their England flags proudly in support of their country.

But rumours circulating on the internet have raised fears that hoisting the St George's flag on cars, mounting flags on windows and even wearing England T-shirts may be illegal.

Police forces have moved to reassure people that they are not at risk of being arrested for simply displaying flags in support of their national football team.

So what are the rules around the flag?

* It is not illegal to hang flags in windows at home
* If you plan to display flags from your car, make sure they don't restrict your sight or the sight of other drivers
* Wearing England T-shirts, or T-shirts of any other nationality, is not an offence

As for carrying flags and wearing team colours in pubs, fans should be aware that pub licence holders may have specific dress codes, or landlords may enforce restrictions which must be followed. Police will only take action where people are committing an offence, regardless of what they're wearing.

So the message from police is that people can display patriotic symbols freely so long as they're not offensive or a danger on the road, and enjoy the games."


I just think people who do this are mindless sheep and its something to latch onto, as for patriotism well?????

I have a wife and twin boys born on St Georges day, but I dont have a flag pole in the garden, I just think some people have no self respect these days.
Just a quick note regarding the car flags from the direct.gov.uk website.....

"With the World Cup approaching, England fans will be flying their England flags proudly in support of their country.

But rumours circulating on the internet have raised fears that hoisting the St George's flag on cars, mounting flags on windows and even wearing England T-shirts may be illegal.

Police forces have moved to reassure people that they are not at risk of being arrested for simply displaying flags in support of their national football team.

So what are the rules around the flag?

* It is not illegal to hang flags in windows at home
* If you plan to display flags from your car, make sure they don't restrict your sight or the sight of other drivers
* Wearing England T-shirts, or T-shirts of any other nationality, is not an offence

As for carrying flags and wearing team colours in pubs, fans should be aware that pub licence holders may have specific dress codes, or landlords may enforce restrictions which must be followed. Police will only take action where people are committing an offence, regardless of what they're wearing.

So the message from police is that people can display patriotic symbols freely so long as they're not offensive or a danger on the road, and enjoy the games."



They could have just put a much shorter note saying, "If you read it in the Express it's obviously not true."