Enlarging - Is there a way that a 6x8 negative can be printed on an enlarger that is spec'd\designed as a 6x7?

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Is it possible to print a 6x8 negative on an enlarger with an official max spec\carrier of 6x7? Is there a 'cheat' or way to stretch it? I currently have an LPL C7700 and hope to use a 6x8 film back on a Mamiya RB67...
Two problems immediately spring to mind.

1. I imagine that the enlarger carrier only has a hole 6x7 in size, so some filing mght be necessary - including part of the chassis...

2. The condensers or diffusion head (whichever it is) may not cover the larger size.

I haven't looked at my Durst 6x7 enlarger to check, but I doubt it can be done.

It is a pain that enlargers for 6x9 aren't common any more.
P.S. Welcome to the forum.
Two problems immediately spring to mind.

1. I imagine that the enlarger carrier only has a hole 6x7 in size, so some filing mght be necessary - including part of the chassis...

2. The condensers or diffusion head (whichever it is) may not cover the larger size.

I haven't looked at my Durst 6x7 enlarger to check, but I doubt it can be done.

It is a pain that enlargers for 6x9 aren't common any more.
Thanks... Thats likely the problem...diffusion area etc rather than carrier size. However...i have seen some say its been done! Need to know for sure before blowing 200 quid on a useless film back.
I would guess the way to go would be to make a 6x8 neg carrier out of cardboard and expose a sheet of paper with focussed light passing through the carrier, process paper and assess how even the illumination is. If it is suitable, it will be a combination of how conservative LPL were in design of the diffusion box and how fussy you are regarding even illumination.
I would do a similar test at 6x7 for comparison before writing off the idea, you may be surprised by how much fall off the standard set up has .
That was going to be my suggestion - bodge something as a proof of concept then do it properly if it'll work.

Good luck!
As you will in fact only loose about 5mm at either end of the frame longest side is it worth worrying about (unless some of the main subject is right on the edge (you don't mention it) I have never used 6c7 but from what I recall 6x7negas fit in very nicely of a 10x8 piece of paper with little loss and also a 12 x 16 sheet.. Anything in between means you would have to crop anyway if you wanted the full neg to be printed.

I used to have a pre war Ensign Tropical which gave negs 6x9 and I printed them on my LPL7700 with 1cm loss on either edge with no problem to me. OK, I lost a bit but composing the picture before pressing the shutter made sure that the edges always contained little of interest, so was no big deal
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