EOS 5D-Canon official press release

Steve said:
This forum is not any more for Canon fanboys than it is for Nikon fanboys, both have their strengths and weaknesses. From your short reply I took it to mean that you where indeed starting one of those totally pointless "mine is better than yours" posts which is why I replied as I did above.

Anyone that knows me will tell you that I am no more a Canon fanboy than you are ;)
If my reply above has insulted you then I offer you a full apology.
The ;) were intended to mean that I was just joking, no need for apologies.
yours is shorter .. :)

the same game : PC <> MAC , Canon <> Nikon, Linux <> Windows

I have a 20D and i would like to try a Nikon ..... And an Hasselblad with Phaseone
and the wife of my best friend :)