Especially for Cobra - a Big Pink

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The weather wasn't really here much today, and I think it will be completely absent tomorrow - rain is forecast :eek:

It's dark too early now and the log burner has been lit a couple of times. I am such a wuss now, at less than 20° I've got woolies on and am shivvering :LOL:
The weather wasn't really here much today, and I think it will be completely absent tomorrow - rain is forecast :eek:

It's dark too early now and the log burner has been lit a couple of times. I am such a wuss now, at less than 20° I've got woolies on and am shivvering :LOL:

Winter draws on ;)

Actually its been rather un-seasonally warm here.
A few damp drizzly days, but really mid teens.
A couple of light frosts, but again night time lows have generally stayed above 10oC

Dark by 5pm now though.
and sun up around 07:30
Time for me to find a nice warm corner to curl up, and hibernate in ;)
well I did warn you Chris.....

There's a definate likeness there Brian, are they related :p
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:wave: Rob. how's you
You were stupid brave getting that close to it. I saw a big flock/herd/shoal/gaggle/troop of them in California

i) They stank - bad
ii) They can't half move fast when they want to
iii) They are freaking enormous and powerful
iv) They have very big mouths and extremly bad breath
i) They stank - bad
ii) They can't half move fast when they want to
iii) They are freaking enormous and powerful
iv) They have very big mouths and extremly bad breath

The Bull Seal was a bit iffy as well...

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