Evening Harbour

Very nice take, Andrew!

…a tad too bright still and the pipe in the FG
could disappear!
Cheers chaps, I realize the pole is an eyesore now you've pointed it out and TBH I was more focused on the schoolboy error in missing all of the boat on the left.
I wasn't going to post this and probably still shouldn't as I was hoping to get another opportunity tonight but it's even cloudier tonight, heavy showers and a strong wind making the water very choppy.
Still, it's a lesson learned to make the most of the chance you get and I need to be more attentive to getting the details right at the time.
I think I should start posting on the Newbies page :(
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Coooool, Andrew!

Too bad for the newbies! ;-)
On the last image I've toiled as to keeping the moon reflection or cutting it off just below the bollard? Thoughts,

Keep the moon reflection!
I love the lengthened reflections in the last shot.
I prefer the moon reflection in the last shot, even if it does put the horrizon on the mid line.

Keep the moon reflection!
You'll notice that's what I posted :)

Both nice although personally I think with it cropped out looks a bit nicer, less distracting anyway.

The last one is a nice shot imho

I love the lengthened reflections in the last shot.
The water not being smooth has its advantages.

I prefer the moon reflection in the last shot, even if it does put the horrizon on the mid line.
Thanks, my quandary exactly. Funny how all the rules can go out the window if the image is good (I'm not saying this image is good by the way)