Evening in Jerusalem streets


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On the Friday night we were there the group leaders offered to take some of us down to the western wall as the shabbat - sabbath - was starting, so we started off from the hotel around 7pm. As it turned out, because of ramadan Jerusalem was heaving with pilgrims and visitors, resulting in us trying to work our way through very busy streets, missing the start of shabbat and not having much time. I bunged on a nifty fifty for speed, winding up the sensitivity as light levels dropped under cover, and just grabbed shots as and when I could while pressing through the crowds trying not to get separated. So none of these are finely crafted set pieces, so much as just scenes that were shot as they unfolded while passing by - here in chronological order. They do, however, give what I'd call a fairly accurate idea of *one aspect* of jerusalem, and photographically I am happy to present them for crit.

Jerusalem streets-1823 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1831 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1836 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1868 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1869 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1872 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1876 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Jerusalem streets-1878 by Toni Ertl, on Flickr

Hope you enjoyed them. :)
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spot on for atmosphere
i think i spotted the way in from the jaffa gate..
pity you couldnt capture the smells...

more please..:)
I *think* the way in was by the Damascus/Nablus gate. We were staying in the Ambassador a little way off the Nablus road, and it was a brisk 15min walk into the city from there.
I *think* the way in was by the Damascus/Nablus gate. We were staying in the Ambassador a little way off the Nablus road, and it was a brisk 15min walk into the city from there.

i sit corrected...yes damascus gate...you go in from the front...glare at the moneychangers...turn left for a bit...turn right and what ho...the aroma..and the souk
the jaffa is where there is a police station i had to report a mugging to..it was to me.. inside the gate the buildings are covered in bullet holes from the days of mad mitch...1948 independence etc

Lovely set of images Sir, you've really captured the atmosphere of a place I would love to visit.(y)

i sit corrected...yes damascus gate...you go in from the front...glare at the moneychangers...turn left for a bit...turn right and what ho...the aroma..and the souk
the jaffa is where there is a police station i had to report a mugging to..it was to me.. inside the gate the buildings are covered in bullet holes from the days of mad mitch...1948 independence etc


While there was evidence everywhere of tension and relics from war, it was nothing like Bosnia Herzgovina, where 20+ years on there are bullet holes everywhere and graffiti that says "never forgive, never forget".
While there was evidence everywhere of tension and relics from war, it was nothing like Bosnia Herzgovina, where 20+ years on there are bullet holes everywhere and graffiti that says "never forgive, never forget".

A burden that everyone has to carry.....?
#6 Really grabbed me, you caught a great moment and it still has a sense that it was very busy even with few people in the frame. I think it could have be lifted a little to be a little brighter, but I can also see that might start to distract from the main subject.
Thanks Ben. The image might have gone a little brighter, but I think the subject would have started to get lost as you suggest, and the detail in his face would also blow a little, depending on whether I raised exposure or lifted shadows.