Ever Wish.......?


TPer Emeritus
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Haven't seen the budget, anything interesting?
HeHe ... Nice spot Cedric ... can think of other things of his I'd prefer to see cut ... :D

But don't get me started on that prize pratt ... :razz:

yep, he's removed the 10p tax rate, increased the cut off for NI, if I said what I think of him I WOULD be banned :bat:
Get used to it... that's our next Prime Minister...
Another reason I'm planning to emigrate :)

Oh go on, please tell me you're planning to emigrate to the US, and George Bush.... 'cause that would be so much better!

Lets face it, can't get much worse. At least they have a decent health care system, better weather and cheaper housing - oh, and better paid work :p
Mini I'd agree on the better paid work and cheap housing but HEALTH CARE!!! I think not. Do you know how much of my pay check went for insurance... a fair bit more than I pay in taxes now and I still had to pay a co-pay when I got to the office and my medication wasn't covered at all!!! Basically of my $1400 dollars a month (ok not allot) about $275 went to health care and that was just for me not my son or my husband and in the hospital I would still have to pay a $500 co pay and pay 100% of all medications.... better I think not!
You may have to pay for it, but surely you don't have to wait something like 6 months for an operation or outpatient appointment? I'd rather pay than wait forever for appointments.
But think of all the people a good portion who have to decide between healthcare and food.... And if you do have to go on medicaid (NHS type gov't thing) then most certainly you wait at least 6 months if you are given it at all... Death is more certain.
I wish Gordon Brown's dad had cut out some of his emissions. :puke:
yep, he's removed the 10p tax rate, increased the cut off for NI, if I said what I think of him I WOULD be banned :bat:

Well if you need to get it out of your system, you can always send me a pm to laugh at.
I would probably agree with what you have to say too. ;)
You may have to pay for it, but surely you don't have to wait something like 6 months for an operation or outpatient appointment? I'd rather pay than wait forever for appointments.

6 months, i had to wait for 18 months and that was for both of my ops.

IMO, I think they have a list before you get onto the proper waiting list,
so they can fiddle the figures they report to the country.

I want to know why we get taxed twice.
We pay income tax, then have to pay tax on everything we buy.
Why can't we just pay one tax and be done with it.
Oh, and spend the money in this country before giving out handouts to everyone and his dog.
Wouldn't have his job for a £million. He's never going to please everybody so he p's on everyone instead. :( :shake: I pity whomever steps into his shoes when (?) he becomes PM.