Beginner Exposure with Flash

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Following on from the thread below and helpful comments I thought I would try some more OCF with a softbox and a bear :):

I would be grateful if you could let me know if you think I have the correct exposure for the subject in the following or if they are over or under exposed, these are straight out of camera:

1. No reflector

Learning OCF- No Reflector by SEP9001, on Flickr

2. Reflector

Learning OCF- Reflector by SEP9001, on Flickr

3.Two flash, one on the background.

Learning OCF- Two Flash by SEP9001, on Flickr

View attachment 41076

Thank you

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I'd say the last one is the closest to correct exposure. Did you keep everything set up so you can try with a person?
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Thanks, no had to take it all down but have an idea of where to put the light and reflector. I want to try and get the exposure correct in camera and thought 2 would be correct .

How far out is no 2 in terms of exposure?

Well, 2 is pretty close i think. Bit hard to say but looking at the pics 3 looks closest. Has some of the flash on the bg hit the right side of the bear (looking at the pic, so the bears left side). Pic 2 looks just a little bit under exposed to me.

Have you checked the histograms? That would be a more scientific way of judging them than me looking at them on an iPhone. The lighter background might be making the 3rd one look brighter. Optical illusion?! Did you change anything else bar the bg flash between 2 and 3?

Have you got a tripod or something you can rest the camera on? Could always try a selfie or two when you get it close with the bear. Skin and fur will react differently to the light I suspect, less chance of hot highlights on fur maybe.
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Thanks, yes I have a tripod and that is what I used. Not brave enough to take a pic of my ugly face and put it online.

Will give it another go with my son when he is up for it.

Looking at the histogram they were showing both 1 and 2 being way underexposed but they looked okay on screen. I will try and post a pic of the histogram, this will also help in understanding on how to read it.

Histogram now added to the first post. Thank you
Oh don't be shy, my ugly mug is on here somewhere. Not really under exposed at all that's not what the histograms are showing.

Exposure look pretty close. Peaks on the left in the first two is because most of both pics are the dark background and the peak on the right in the third one is because of the mostly light background, and as it's going off the right scale this indicates area of pure white (blown highlights) which you can see on the background.

The chart shows black on left through to white on right with mid tones in the middle. Height of the lines is the amount of each different tone.

First two are going off the left hand (black) edge of the chart, but only just. So small areas of total black in the pick, but nothing too much to worry about. It doesn't quite reach the right hand side, so no whites registering. Could maybe do with increasing exposure a little.

Third one is closest in the subject, it's just the background that has gone to pure white in places.
Thank you for your comments and help. Will keep at it and try and get it right in camera.
Just wanted to make sure what I think is correct is correct or close to correct.

I took some a few months a go and they looked okay to me but were about 2 stops underexposed. Have been learning and hopefully improving.

They look damn close to me. Don't know where everyone else is, usually get more people commenting. Think I remember the thread, these are much improved.
Hi There

I'm no expert but from my limited knowledge none of these look wrong or way off, if it were me I would go with number 1 or 2 as images on my lcd (back of camera) that have bright skin, even though histogram show no clipped highlights seem quite odd to proccess.
I use a small softbox and speedlight plus reflector most of the time.
Like I say I am not a photographer just a happy snapper/faffer.
