Eye's sort of a head's up !!

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Guys I've had a bit of a shock to the system recently,I'll detail in a mo,not looking for sympathy just trying to make you good folks aware........................ hopefully I'll be ok.

Our eyes are probably the most important tool we have as image makers so I felt it worth posting about the recent events,while fresh in my mind. most of us are probably aware of something called a detached retina maybe some a torn retina. I was on the first not the second. It seems a torn retina is fairly common,it can come about just as part of the aging process. the fluid in the eye can detract and literally pull the light gathering cells off the retina. this tear can allow fluid into the layers of retina leading to a detached retina. Once the retina is detached then as far as I understand there is a good chance of loss of sight completely and beiing permanant . I am not a doc,I'd rather you read up on all this and know from a proper source. My reason to write iis I have just had this happn and know what my symptoms were

Last week early on I noticed a couple of flashes streaking across my left eye,they were incredibly transient and brief. So brief I wondered if i'd imagined them,I'm not sure how many time I saw this not many for sure,flashed were golden and almost like a streak across the eye. On wed I was grafting an noticed a couple of flies about my left side,which I tried to wave away,only to realise these oof bits were actually in my eye. this was the actual moment when my retina tore,although I had no idea at the time. I also noted my vision had depreciated in that eye vision was blurry especially on close subjects long sight wasn't overly different. The next day I booked in with the Dr,she said I was getting old and this was a sysmptom of that,and I should try and rest more and not push so hard,but get checked in with my optician as I'd had new spec last year there might be a photo record as to what had changed in my eye. Booked appointment moaned about not being able to work and felt lucky

Optician meant no driving as they would use eyedrops to dilate my pupils.He did a series of tests then the real deep look at the back of my eyes. I guess the real surreal bit in all this came next.: " Right I'm going to send you off to hos for immediate surgery if that retiina gets worse you will be blind in that eye.." Hard to take in that one,no real pain, just a few flashed a few streaks and bits in your vision and bang you are being told you might loose the sight in that eye. Plus they are moving right now no messing about so you really know this is real.

So £120 worth of cabby fee and 6hours later I walked out of a hos in brum having had laser surgery to my left eye. I will have some loss but I've been incredibly lucky in the tare being on the edge of my vision Fortunately it is also not the eye I use for making piccies

Guys I repeat not after sympathy I've been pretty damn lucky as I see it Sure not out of the woods yet at all,so far so good,:)mind 2weeks off is driving me nuts already as can't do much of anything while it heals. What i'm after here is you lot knowing what my symptoms were and being able to react fast. I could so easily of gone back to work not to that optician on the words of my DR whom checked me properly and the outcome been horrible she simply didn't see the tare which was right at the top of my left eye,from then the clock was ticking until enough fluid built up with such grave consequences. to detach the retina. I always though detached retina was due to a blow of some sort !!

I'm here to say go and have a read about a torn retina many of us are getting on a bit arm your selves guys. it seems it is a quite common occurence

Obviously my huge thanks to the NHS,I love 'em all anyway having been a care worker and tried to fight for someone's life for ten or so years( I lost sadly) I know first hand how awesome so many of them are. Hos had shut they opened up for me and saved my sight what can a guy say to thank them.?????????

But this post is really for you ,I simply didn't know all this and feel others won't.

It's a weird post to make on a photography forum I hope "mods" it's ok and you'll let this one slip by Light is everything to us !!

Cheers for reading sorry if i'm slow to reply I'm being a bit careful at the mo, as you can imagine go have a read the info is out there.

take care;):D

Obviously sad to hear about your eye, but glad you did the right thing and got down to the doc's early and that you've brought it to others attention.
Get well soon :)
I've just had something similar but not immediately as nasty. As a result of thirty-five years of diabetes I have sclerosis at the periphery of both eyes. This was spotted last year and was kept under observation until my left eye grew some extra blood vessels earlier this year which the consultant said she should treat before they leaked. This is one of the tricky ones as I had no symptoms at all so it's down to how much one trusts ones medical staff. I said do it so I had two ten minute laser sessions, three weeks apart, and the consultant said she was happy with the results. She didn't treat my right eye as that would mean reporting the treatment to DVLA which might in turn require a fields eye test with loss of driving licence if failed. Obviously both eyes continue to be under observation. Like Stu, I love the NHS.
My daughter is an Optometrist and she has sent patients straight to the hospital with similar conditions.
Eye check ups are very important and quite often a good way to spot the first indications of other medical problems.

Glad you got the urgent treatment you required and a timely reminder to look after your eyes
Glad you are okay Stu ... I had a detached retina a few months back and had a successful operation at the Bristol Eye Hospital.
For me it was a large 'floater' that told me something was wrong and a visit to the local Walk-in Center sent me to the eye hospital to get it checked and then dealt with.
I had similar symptoms several months ago - the flashes and floaters that felt like an eye full of worms. I did a bit of research and discovered this should be a priority visit to the opticians. A lot of them here in Somerset are part of a scheme where you can get a free emergency appointment either the same day or the next day. Must be similar schemes elsewhere. Fortunately mine didn't need any surgery. Since then I've had the same in the other eye, but not nearly so bad. Now the floaters have pretty much gone. Still a few flashes but much less than there were. I've only ever had the flashes in the dark, usually with a light source in my peripheral vision. Mine is PVD which is where the fluid just pulls at the retina without tearing it, but the syptoms of a tear are the same, and if it needs surgery the sooner it's done the less long term damage you're likely to have. Like Stu I don't think there's enough awareness of this. The symptoms can come on very suddenly and believe me they're scary, but just because they can also start to subside don't ignore them. You need an emergency visit to an optician - wait till your next routine check and it could all be far too late - any loss of vision is going to be permanent. I'm not only a photographer - I'm also an astronomer, have a pilot's licence (currently suspended due to other medical issues but I hope to get it reinstated) and live several miles from the nearest public transport so rely utterly on driving ...........think about it............
Thanks for all the replies and kind words guys. Johnathon Jan Roger hope it all works out for you. It's sort of ironic,I really got the impression this was quite a common occurrance,even though I was pretty ignorant myself. While writing last night I wondered whether others here might have had similar problems.

Jan thanks for your story,it IS the gravity of the possible consequences that is so scary ,I had no warning symptoms at all bar the flashes,just days before the floaters etc...(.damn unfortunate name that ;)). Being told one has the potential to loose the sight in an eye ,when you haven't really had any previous issues is mind numbing Being told just how fast they want to treat, really rams home the seriousness of the situation

I'm the only one driving and working my darling can't now because of her probs this has/d the potential to clobber everything for us. The old bill are having a fair old crack down around here on drivers with defective sight,this was my second concern,bar the actual sight loss. My whole world would change if I couldn't drive. thank god I am fine on that score so far.As terrifying as not being able to drive is I did ask and have also done the distance test on myself for piece of mind although I took a few days off from driving after treatment

To all echoing Jan and repeating myself ..........................if you do get these symptoms move fast. get it checked. Do be aware you probably won't be able to drive home after said check even if everything is fine due to the drops they use to dilate the pupils

all the luck
