Fabs' 365 for 2009.....Fin

Marc, I'm really enjoying this thread, with some great images so far, and a good insight into your day to day life and thoughts.

Thanks for taking the time to post this up :)
Thanks Del. Actually they are pretty much all digital, the steam train is from a visit to a steam railway museum last year. I'm rather hoping next year's cover will be a little more contemporary (I'll see if I can arrange a little input there! ;))

Steam trains exist and move today at plenty of preserved lines so therefore can be said to be contemporary,you could have a photo of Concorde much more modern but because it now sits dead in a museum it could be said to be less contemporary
Great last couple of pics Marc and the words that came with them.
Steam trains exist and move today at plenty of preserved lines so therefore can be said to be contemporary,you could have a photo of Concorde much more modern but because it now sits dead in a museum it could be said to be less contemporary

I'll bow to you on that. Was just trying to use a posh word! :p

Great last couple of pics Marc and the words that came with them.

Cheers Clive.
For some reason all photography clubs are obsessed with steam trains. I've lost count of the times I've heard members, when shown a steam train photo, come out with preposterous remarks along the lines of "I say old chap, is that the Flying Haggis running on the Barfton to Fartwell line? I believe that's a 3 foot guage using a Preston Mortley type three engine with a modified bugger nut on the rear axel"

Those of us who like photographing preserved steam are not all of the Flying Haggis brigade and from personal experience Camera Clubs have an obsession with Female models and nudes but maybe that's just the camera clubs I went to
good photos

photos mean so much more when you know theres a reason behind them
I really admire how you are confronting your problems with your 365.
The shots are very interesting too, really like you at the zoo :D
Those of us who like photographing preserved steam are not all of the Flying Haggis brigade and from personal experience Camera Clubs have an obsession with Female models and nudes but maybe that's just the camera clubs I went to

I speak from personal experience too. My club (and those nearby) is obsessed with steam trains. Others are obsessed with naked women.
I think I'm in the wrong club.
Marc - great thread and updates. Didn't know anything about this when I met you in London.
Wow, I've only just started looking through all of these properly but this really stands out. Great pictures and I love the stories behind them. Amazing work! I'll be happy to watch how this goes for as long as you keep it up! Good luck! :)
:clap: Very deliberately I have not looked at this thread until now.I know Marc as a fellow Tp-er, a good giggle and great company on meets and very self deprecating, would a 365 change that opinion?

Well so far, the answer is absolutely not. Every picture has been an improvement on the previous and his honesty about living with MS without being self pitying and just getting on with it is very much the Marc I know. Looking forward to the rest of the year matey (y)
Day 12


My soft side. :D 16 years ago, Sue said that she wanted to get a kitten. "I'm not a cat person" says I, but if you really want one.....We got a little black kitten and called her Ebony (Yeah, original I know :bonk:). Sadly 4 years ago, she died, but we then got a brother and sister called Miki and Mysti. This is Miki, I introduced him on Day 6). Mysti is a nightmare to photograph as she is very flighty, so Miki has to perform this duty. They've been in all day because of the rain and they're not happy! :LOL:

And now, to my point (At last I hear you cry! :p). Since I have not been working (Over 9 months including time off sick) the two of them have been my company when I'm at home during the week. I know I moan when they drive me mad, but the place would feel so empty without them. Even when they're outside I still feel their presence. It is truly amazing the gift our pets can give us without even knowing it. Back to 16 years ago and my "Not a cat person" statement, I couldn't be without them now and Sue still ribs me about it to this day. So am I a soft bugger or what? ;)
Yes you are a soft bugger and from what I can tell from here you are loved and admired by many and they wouldn't have you any other way.
Am really enjoying following this. :)
as you can tell from mine so far I *wubs* my animals. They make such good subjects too :D
Lovely shot Fabs :)
Great post Marc, pets have been a big part of my life for 20 years, more a dog person though I dont mind cats, infact I like most animals but I find dogs more fun, but they can be hard work and usually want a lot more attention than cats.

Great post Marc, pets have been a big part of my life for 20 years, more a dog person though I dont mind cats, infact I like most animals but I find dogs more fun, but they can be hard work and usually want a lot more attention than cats.


Cheers Sean. Yeah, I'd still like a dog, as would Sue, but we never had one because we both work (Well hopefully I will be again soon).
Great shot Fabs.:clap:
I know what you mean about pets. After being without a dog since moving out of home many moons ago I find myself only seven weeks away from a new puppy. I can't wait, dogs and I assume cats are so tuned into your body language and demenour and just know when you need a bit of love.:)
I know what you mean, I think this the first time since leaving home at 18 that I have been without a cat and its very strange. We have the two terrible terriers to make up for it mind, and the house really does feel empty when they aren't around, even if they have only gone for a walk with bratney :love:
thats a gorgeous cat, it reminds me of my old one :( . I have 2 now thomas and tiger (you will prob end up with photos sooner or later in my 365 ) tiger only has 3 legs though
Great shot Fabs.:clap:
I know what you mean about pets. After being without a dog since moving out of home many moons ago I find myself only seven weeks away from a new puppy. I can't wait, dogs and I assume cats are so tuned into your body language and demenour and just know when you need a bit of love.:)

Thanks Mark. Cats can seem aloof, but when I am unwell, the do seem to be sympathetic around me, although I have a tendency to anthropomorphise them. :D

I know what you mean, I think this the first time since leaving home at 18 that I have been without a cat and its very strange. We have the two terrible terriers to make up for it mind, and the house really does feel empty when they aren't around, even if they have only gone for a walk with bratney :love:

Amazing how quickly the integrate themselves in to your life and burrow their way into your heart.

thats a gorgeous cat, it reminds me of my old one :( . I have 2 now thomas and tiger (you will prob end up with photos sooner or later in my 365 ) tiger only has 3 legs though

Thanks Liss. If you have cats, it would be considered rude not to include them in your 365! :D

I've just found this thread and I have to say I've missed the start a great series. I think the highlight of this so far for me is Day 8 (the passport photo shot), really impressive and your commentary throughout so far is very moving. Pets make great companions and although I am personally a dog person I can appreciate the strength you gain from your cats.

I'll be honest I don't know much about MS but I am led to believe that canabis is supposed to be very good for it, perhaps we can get a shot of that in the 365 :D I am watching
Simba & Minky say the cat picture is just purrfect!!!

When we lost Dusty, who was nearly 20 when he died, we decided to go for two cats to keep each other company. Now Simba & Minky are 8 years old. They adore each other but Simba likes to wander. Personally I think he's got a few girlfriends in tow! Minky on the other hand is much more of a home loving cat. I can be sitting having a cup of tea and get meowed at. She wants you to make a fuss of her or play ball with her!!!