Facebook pages...

Hi there, I´d be very happy about you visits on my brandnew fb site: seventyeight seconds photography
If you like it, I love you :)

Yesterday when I did the setup there was a message that something happens when I´ve got 25 followers. Does anyone know what happens then?

Greetings from germany
johnb said:
I think this sums up everything I don't like about the Facebook generation!!!

God likes this (y)
I think this sums up everything I don't like about the Facebook generation!!!

That's lovely, and you are welcome to your opinion, but this isn't going to become a "isn't facebook awful" thread. It is was it is, if you have nothing to add to the topic as it stands then maybe don't comment at all?
just went through and liked all the ones i could and did a friendship request for the one that didn't have a like button
I have liked all so far, some really great pages out there so its good to see what other people are doing around the country to market themselves - makes me realise I need to pull my finger out lol!

Mine again in case anyone fancies liking me :D Link
That's lovely, and you are welcome to your opinion, but this isn't going to become a "isn't facebook awful" thread. It is was it is, if you have nothing to add to the topic as it stands then maybe don't comment at all?

Thank you for your well informed advice.
Thanks for the 'likes' guys. Ive gone through and liked as many as I can.
I'll go through and make sure I haven't missed any a bit later when I can get on the laptop, thank you for the likes I've recieved chaps and chapesses
updated think ive done everyone now if i have missed anyone just shout
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Some great pages here, thanks to all that have liked mine so far!
Not so much after likes but any views on my facebook page would be appreciated.

(The link is in my signature)