fake dof

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I've been thinking of taking a picture which fakes the depth of field to make a small item close up look like a much larger item in the distance.
The hope was to take a photo of a toy car close to the camera and have someone in the distance jumping, which would look like they're on top of the cars.
After a bit of googling I cant seem to find many examples, so I thought I'd ask if anyone here's tried it, or got any advice/examples?
The closest example is the classic shot of people holding the eifle tower in their hand, but it would be the reverse.


I have not done this, but I suggest a

tripod to keep the camera still and help to line up the elements in the photo, and

wide angle lens to maximise the depth of field.

Hope this helps, but I may be misunderstanding your questions and this is not faking the depth of field, just arranging the things in the photo.

use a tripod and wind the f number up to f18 or higher to increase DOF , and use a wide angle lens to get the image.
I did something similar by taking two shots then "blending" them together. The difficult bit was matching the light levels on the near/far objects :)
There's no need to fake this, I've had a play with this sort of thing and one of my best results was this one..

A single shot using a 30mm lens at f/16. The "cliff" is a about 3'6" high and 8' from the camera.. the castle is full-size and about a mile and a half distant.

Use a wideangle lens and consult a doftable to get the aperture for the depth of field required.
brilliant, that tables exactly what im after.
yes tripod, wide lens and small aperture were all part of the plan.

i'll hopefully give it a go this week if the weather drys up and will post if its a success.
