Critique Falllow fawn

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Baited hide none of my work so not really the real deal for me. that said lovely to see and wonderful practice. i'd rather not say where this was I have my reasons. I messed up the framing I was just starting to mess about with framing and learning how to impliment moving the focus point of my new camera. Such a joy to have all these focus points on the 1div compared to the 550. ,but was too slow to get the portrait mode buttons on and move the point of focus,I grabbed this first with center point,but missed the real chance to frame her properly,or him for that matter. Hence a couple of crops really for fun and becuase it's so damn cute,thoughts please crit very welcome

F70F8643 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

F70F8640 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr
thanks in advance
take care

So sweet! Maybe, cropping at a different ratio would help the final rendition!
Thanks Kodiak what would you suggest?,They are just adorable it would have been nice to catch up a bit earlier in the year,but maybe next year and maybe by them I'll get them properly and put the work in myself,a bit hollow for me in a way these,but joy and learning together ain't so bad

thanks so much

…what would you suggest?

The actual ratio is 2x3. I can very well imagine a 4x5 ratio…
It would get rid of some negative at the top, maybe, but it would
take our friend right up on centre stage.
Thanks for the thoughts, an interesting exercise!! This is a frame before the last but nothing in it really what are your thoughts now kodiak?

F70F8642 by Stuart Philpott, on Flickr

many thanks


I was thinking of something like this: (but yours is not bad! ;-))


I just can't resist those eyes!
What a lovely capture of my fav of the deer types, I see them often, always when I don't have the camera and am driving, they do tend to bit a bit suicidal :rolleyes:
I absolutely love your first picture, such beautiful light and I love the crop you have done, perhaps a small amount off the top but in my opinion Kodiak's version is too cramped.
Great images Stu! I would be tempted to smooth out that grain in the background - but thats just me... :)

I was thinking of something like this: (but yours is not bad! ;-))


I just can't resist those eyes!
Tell me about it,they mess with me too so gorgeous.

As to the crops,jees mate appreciate the input !! It's all so much in the eye of the beholder,i'm not sure which I prefer at this time,one to ponder a while,the only thing I feel sure on is my first image had a bit too much on the top,just wasted space really
thanks so much

Great images Stu! I would be tempted to smooth out that grain in the background - but thats just me... :)

Hiya Jason,at the moment I only have DPP,and am concentrated on the image off the back of the camera and a decent raw conversion. I'm on a vertical learning curve ,so trying to concentrate on one area at a time,almost take it step by step. But yes i'd noticed it and wondered if someone might mention it,I think it's a very valid observation to make and appreciate you thoughts. Jason i've had this camera,(1Div) for just weeks,with it access to DPP4 is it possible I can do anything at this stage with the tools I have? I have principally tried to get the best lens and camera I can afford suited to how I think I shoot,choices always open to debate. But basically have no photoshop or other post engines as of yet. Pennies are tight so I have mused gimp. I figure I can build a set of images and come back to study post and implement that as my knowledge grows with the actual picture taking.

A work in progress my friend;) thanks for the kindness

What a lovely capture of my fav of the deer types, I see them often, always when I don't have the camera and am driving, they do tend to bit a bit suicidal :rolleyes:
I absolutely love your first picture, such beautiful light and I love the crop you have done, perhaps a small amount off the top but in my opinion Kodiak's version is too cramped.

Yup they are a bit nuts,we had the most impressive buck cross in front of us thankfully a good few yards, in front,not so long back,it's not like they cannot hear a car!! I have seen a supremely close near miss ...thank god. How she pulled her back end in and missed that beemer ,will stay with me a goodly while,hit the hedge completely upright,sends shivers!!!

We have a lot on an estate,well a couple of estates, locally. But one lot are basically captive. We have seen almost treble figures in the wild lot Ingrid in one group,maybe herd is not quite right as they were sort of fragmented. We almost always see them a a particular spot. I botched a stalk just after these pics. I was utterly fuming with myself, I know better ,but they are sharp as hell especially in number. Shaz watched me from the car,we both saw 3 even with 420 mm in my hands that's all i could see!! Something like 8 appeared from grass no higher than my knee,no idea how,remakable ,really remarkable.

It's incredible being so close though ,even though they feel safe where I took the pics and are desensitized,one can really get a handle on just how highly strung and alert they are. Absolutely amazing animals,I'm, hoping to somehow get a chance at the rut this year, who knows,but have so much to learn,Wonderous to get this chance so close ,they would spoke to the shutter anywhere else though,howling gale excepted;).

The light is a weird one because it was middle of the dayish clear blue skys patchy clouds, but woodland,so you have really dark areas and really bright where the sun hits the floor then it all tones down,shutter was up and down like a yo yo,too much to think about:D

thanks kiddo,so enchanting aren't they

Hiya Jason,at the moment I only have DPP,and am concentrated on the image off the back of the camera and a decent raw conversion. I'm on a vertical learning curve ,so trying to concentrate on one area at a time,almost take it step by step. But yes i'd noticed it and wondered if someone might mention it,I think it's a very valid observation to make and appreciate you thoughts. Jason i've had this camera,(1Div) for just weeks,with it access to DPP4 is it possible I can do anything at this stage with the tools I have? I have principally tried to get the best lens and camera I can afford suited to how I think I shoot,choices always open to debate. But basically have no photoshop or other post engines as of yet. Pennies are tight so I have mused gimp. I figure I can build a set of images and come back to study post and implement that as my knowledge grows with the actual picture taking.

A work in progress my friend;) thanks for the kindness


Hi Stuart, thanks for your comment...

I feel you pain - Photography is an expensive hobby... no one can argue with that! One way to reduce noise without post application tools is lowering your ISO (you probably know this already) 2000 on this image seems quite high IMHO...
Silly so Jason!!! Yup I am aware,but with a shutter of 1/500 felt I had no option but to push iso. Rich whom sold me the camera used a topaz noise reduction ha ha thingy,I believe, and said that's really good,but I'm not up to speed yet at all. Ah mate I never seem to have enough light becuase of the proximity so damn close I felt I needed at least 5.6 to get at least a chance of shapness on a whole head....,buddy where would you have gone please,really useful for me to hear how someone else would approach a situation,granted with only a pic and ones eyes to go on,
cheers again

thanks kiddo,so enchanting aren't they


Yes and far more energetic in the rut, can never understand the draw of the reds, these little guys are far more interesting.
We have a big heard in a local park too, I've seen the stags throw each other about when fighting
Hi Stu - sorry for the late reply. its been a long weekend

I think you are right on the nose at 5.6.... but the subject looks like it may have been still at the time of the shot? or its poking its head up to see whats about.... almost curious looking... you may have been able to knock your shutter speed down to 1/120 if not lower? giving you more wiggle with your ISO but in the heat of the moment we all know that we dont always have the time to do this (one thing i personally need to do is look at shooting more in aperture priority mode more)

I know its easy to say these things after the fact - I shoot in manual most of the time and every now and then im looking at my settings when editing in light room thinking to my self - ISO should have been this or F number should have been that... at the end of the day i guess it all comes down to practice... But lets look at the facts.....

Its a cracking shot regardless, you were there and you got the image - fair play buddy !

If i was editing i would have gone with something like this... All i have done is reduced the noise, Lifted the shadows around the eyes and lost the tree's in the bottom right corner

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Jason,I have a different forum face another hobby...folks think I know something and in some small way I guess I do,we darts...dart frogs,so I get the chance to help folks not make mistakes I made, end game goal better care frog me beloved frogs with a new guy BUT,it takes time bro..... the laboured point is thus: it's just lovely you are trying with your best to help me ,matters not you took time to get here,I dunno how I'm posting anything at the mo,bloody madness,so just thanks dude I really appreciate the help, the thoughts and the time it took to edit. .'Ere mate first thing I'd do is say sorry too to the guy waiting..... manners maketh the man an' all that,but i'm making a point I genuinely am appeciative .ok nuff said lmao

thanks on the shot mate it's gifted to me almost,but I didn't work for it and hence is what it is,but man she's so purdy.
cheers all actually fascinating for me this exercise something to ponder

Jason thanks for the edit more time kiddo;),noise reduction looks fab, the whole image looks well cleaner,fascinating. Crop a bit off the top always needed doing I ,can't really notice, even when looked for, under the eyes,but I don't know how to compare them side by side like I would when editing it's tricky to assimilate while scrolling.

Ha new camera's add to the meyhem at shot time,Jason. They are slightly desensitized ,but by god twitchy, plus me in the equation.I would love to know actually if I could have pulled back shutter,frankly I think I would be found wanting, hmm maybe not do have a rest of sorts. There were brief stationary pauses this is probably one,I had my frame and was trying to wack the focus point up from center,botched it wrong button pressed but made sure I got shots when she paused.Utter chaos really i'm damn lucky to get this.But it's a shame because with all the understory vegetation at her feet she sat in quite a nice little environment

Good stuff mate thanks so much

Lovely animals and must have been nice to see.

Just a thought Stuart.

With these type of shots and while you're getting used to the camera, would you possibly been better off not using the TC and shooting wide open and cropping??. This would have helped to get your ISO down and a cleaner image. This would also help to increase your shutter speed if needed if their twitchy animals. Although Jason_Palmer edit has cleaned the picture right up.
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Lovely animals and must have been nice to see.

Just a thought Stuart.

With these type of shots and while you're getting used to the camera, would you possibly been better off not using the TC and shooting wide open and cropping??. This would have helped to get your ISO down and a cleaner image. This would also help to increase your shutter speed if needed if their twitchy animals. Although Jason_Palmer edit has cleaned the picture right up.

Thanks Simon
Lovely animals and must have been nice to see.

Just a thought Stuart.

With these type of shots and while you're getting used to the camera, would you possibly been better off not using the TC and shooting wide open and cropping??. This would have helped to get your ISO down and a cleaner image. This would also help to increase your shutter speed if needed if their twitchy animals. Although Jason_Palmer edit has cleaned the picture right up.

Jason did a good job Simon ( it's also made me feel hugely more confident in my slow approach as even though I can't yet do what he has,I now know at least something of what is possible,in an image i've taken),so much appreciation for his efforts and kindness and now for your thoughts good sir:). Simon call me Stu every one does,to be fair I truncate names for a ruddy past time so i'm trying not to call you Si and him Jase it's hard,but trying to be polite,I'm a sad old sod that cares about others feelings mate,as well as being very informal .

Anyway, yup I think you are smack on for the deer,the reason I kept the extender on was the birds you haven't yet seen, or might not see:). Seconds before the fawns I was trying to get a great spotted wood pecker then mum fallow turned up,just minutes later. It's all very challenging and happens so fast

Simon i'm on such a learning curve (plus even the 1.4X extender is new),I'm evaluating so much,but not always making the right choices,or i'm trying things that are yielding images to post like one of my hare shots at f/9 where I was trying to figure out if stopping down helped IQ,but really it was the wrong tactic,just like you have spotted for the deer. Simon comunicating in web land is trying sometimes: I'd hate it to come over that I had thought of everything,I damn well haven't !!!! The steerage I'm getting here,thoughts like yours Jason's Kodiak's are so valuable to me, I simply can only try to get over how grateful I am,I'm labouring it at times because I'm new and you guys don't know the smiley sod that has just joined your forum. Beside the gratitude Simon these little thoughts like yours,even if I have mused to a certain level are utterly invaluable to me at this stage in my development!! They are confirming things I could have done better and hopefully I'll make a better choice next time. LMAO to be fair i'll probably mess up over and over,but that's learning and I love it.

Simon I agonised over my purchases for a long long time: both the camera..1div or 7Dii and the lens 300prime or 100-400 zoom. In this senario the zoom might have made things easier for this bumbling fool. But I hope with time and the kind help here I'll feel I made the right choices for me. I'm frustrated with my abilities,but I can see progress and am hell bent on grafting it out,means the world this help mate, whether it's constructive crit or words on a lens choice,it just helps dude.

Take care matey thanks for posting

Jason did a good job Simon ( it's also made me feel hugely more confident in my slow approach as even though I can't yet do what he has,I now know at least something of what is possible,in an image i've taken),so much appreciation for his efforts and kindness and now for your thoughts good sir:). Simon call me Stu every one does,to be fair I truncate names for a ruddy past time so i'm trying not to call you Si and him Jase it's hard,but trying to be polite,I'm a sad old sod that cares about others feelings mate,as well as being very informal .

Anyway, yup I think you are smack on for the deer,the reason I kept the extender on was the birds you haven't yet seen, or might not see:). Seconds before the fawns I was trying to get a great spotted wood pecker then mum fallow turned up,just minutes later. It's all very challenging and happens so fast

Simon i'm on such a learning curve (plus even the 1.4X extender is new),I'm evaluating so much,but not always making the right choices,or i'm trying things that are yielding images to post like one of my hare shots at f/9 where I was trying to figure out if stopping down helped IQ,but really it was the wrong tactic,just like you have spotted for the deer. Simon comunicating in web land is trying sometimes: I'd hate it to come over that I had thought of everything,I damn well haven't !!!! The steerage I'm getting here,thoughts like yours Jason's Kodiak's are so valuable to me, I simply can only try to get over how grateful I am,I'm labouring it at times because I'm new and you guys don't know the smiley sod that has just joined your forum. Beside the gratitude Simon these little thoughts like yours,even if I have mused to a certain level are utterly invaluable to me at this stage in my development!! They are confirming things I could have done better and hopefully I'll make a better choice next time. LMAO to be fair i'll probably mess up over and over,but that's learning and I love it.

Simon I agonised over my purchases for a long long time: both the camera..1div or 7Dii and the lens 300prime or 100-400 zoom. In this senario the zoom might have made things easier for this bumbling fool. But I hope with time and the kind help here I'll feel I made the right choices for me. I'm frustrated with my abilities,but I can see progress and am hell bent on grafting it out,means the world this help mate, whether it's constructive crit or words on a lens choice,it just helps dude.

Take care matey thanks for posting


Evening Stu, Si is fine with me.

I have only taken an interest in wildlife photography over the last year or so, but mostly garden birds to relieve the boredom. The guys on here have helped me a lot with composition and settings etc..... What I do now is try and start from the basic set-up and try and find the best settings for each scenario and write these down. e.g, metering mode, shutter speed, iso etc..........I then have a base line to start from and now I feel a lot more confident in my gear (Nikon D750). I also now shoot mostly in manual as with the D750 the buttons for changing settings can be done with the camera at my eye.

I was the same when I had the Nikon D7100 and 300mm f4 lens, I got the feeling of the settings using this combination before I bought a TC, it worked for me and may work for you?
Si, thanks again for this,lovely of ya mate,this I haven't thought of cool!!

Si,i've been truly in awe of nature since childhood,and have taken pics for ref for my drawings and me froggy stuff a goodly while.But i'm really starting over now despite my humour in a very serious way. I've always been gifted to see amazing things(who gets to see a knock kneed Roe kid just born still wet stumbling about trying to get milk from mum) and want to make a determined stab at putting some of this into pictures ,not just memories.Once I get a bee in my bonnet about something i'm a stubborn sod mate ,so I have part of the skill set ingrained in me,the other part involves a camera though,lol.. It will come,I shoot all raw manual for the wildlife,mainly jpeg for frogs,(just time really with them). But I need what you have camera at eye and be able to play with the settings instinctively,long way to go buddy,but the more that camera is in my face the quicker i'll learn....practice practice practice:D Tell ya what though kiddo if I can stop getting so wrapped up in the joy of it all that would be a big help!! Simply put I cherish that kids wonder I have, even though at the wrong side of 50 it gets in my way of having a cool head and thinking straight.

I have used the bare 300 here with my old 550 i'll dig out a couple of muntjac when I get chance buddy they are fond to me those pics first time I really felt I'd seen what quality glass can do(just on my level mate nowt grand),

belucky with your pictures Si
