Favourite Sweets

You're a good boy. :)
I remember that when dentists checked teeth and everything was fine, they'd offer a lollipop.o_O

Yeah, moan at you for eating sweets, then give you a lollipop for being a good boy / girl. Bloody hypocrites :mad:
Call it vegelate all you like if it makes you feel better.
It's still chocolate.
If you dislike it, don't eat it :)
It may well be called 'chocolate' but a simple description does not mean that it deserves the description.

The cack that Cadburys sell as 'Chocolate' under their name brand is not acceptable to be sold in many European countries except as 'Family Chocolate'.

Each to their own but mu taste buds tell me that the product has been compromised beyond redemption over at least the past 10 years. My taste buds tell me that it is vile yet when/if I buy 'continental' chocolate, even from Lidl or Aldi, the taste is better and yes, a read of the ingredients gives it away. 30-45% cocoa solids, whereas Cadbury's - 19-22%.

Agree with you - if you don't like it, don't buy it - which, for the Cadbury's brand I do not any more. I think the last time I did, it was a favourite 'Fruit and Nut'. I was shocked by the taste but impressed bt the product's correct description. It indeed had a NUT in it - 1 nut. The biggest nut was actually me - for buying it.
The cack that Cadburys sell as 'Chocolate' under their name brand is not acceptable to be sold in many European countries except as 'Family Chocolate'.

Clue's still in the name.
Clue's still in the name.
Too simplistic - but it is legal so agreed. As an anslogy of dorts - there are those who don't believe the ISS exists even though on a clear night it is reularly visible. Like CDM - all smoke and mirrors perhaps :)
Too simplistic - but it is legal so agreed. As an anslogy of dorts - there are those who don't believe the ISS exists even though on a clear night it is reularly visible. Like CDM - all smoke and mirrors perhaps :)

Poor (and tinfoil hat territory) analogy.
Poor (and tinfoil hat territory) analogy.
As all vegelate is chocolate?

Back to the real world - the rain has stopped (at last) and the day is calling....
I've just remembered how much I like Parma Violets, not to everybody's taste though...
Ah yes of course and what was that bubble gum that tasted like dettol? there used to be baseball cards in the packet too IIRC.
Of course in those days we had no idea about baseball really :D
And if you turned the cards over, they made a giant jigsaw

You're a good boy. :)
I remember that when dentists checked teeth and everything was fine, they'd offer a lollipop.o_O
Touting for business :D

- there are those who don't believe the ISS exists even though on a clear night it is reularly visible. Like CDM - all smoke and mirrors perhaps :)
Its just a bit of space junk,floating around up there. There have been 100's possibly 1000's of satellites fired into space since the early 60's.
As a kid I can remember seeing tiny objects moving across the sky at times, well before the supposed space station went into orbit :D
Are you thinking of dentene? (sp?) no not that ..
I think the chewing gum I am thinking of, is the little round while ball type. Loved the taste of them, like the smell of car paint in the garages. Probably why I wanted to work in a garage :D
I think the chewing gum I am thinking of, is the little round while ball type. Loved the taste of them, like the smell of car paint in the garages. Probably why I wanted to work in a garage :D
LOL no, the one I'm thinking of was flat, maybe 2 inches by 1.5 ins ( it seemed bigger at the time, but in reality ... )
I think the chewing gum I am thinking of, is the little round while ball type. Loved the taste of them, like the smell of car paint in the garages. Probably why I wanted to work in a garage :D

I remember....they looked like these but not minty.
I think for VAT purposes they are chocolate.

Doesn't matter.
Biscuits wholly or partly covered in chocolate are VATable at the standard rate.
But I think you're right that they're classed as chocolate bars.
They're getting tougher to find, but I'm partial to a mixed bag of Floral Gums and Cherry Lips.
They're a little soapy/floral, but I've never grown out of these!
I went through a phase of eating sweets late night and playing CoD with friends. Sugary snacks definitely helped my performance over chocolate.

I loved and still love Maoam especially the joystixx. I also love the natural confectionary company's jelly snakes, and Maynard's wine gums.