Feeling Dizzy?

Brilliant shot,
Love how my eyes are taken slowly into the middle every time (y)

Could i ask what lens you used?
Not an easy shot to carry off, but the out of focus front of the shot really distracts and the camera isn't central. Live view certainly would help, but even then, not easy. Ideally needed to be further forward so central and either use smaller aperture if not enough light, focus at hyperfocal or crop in to remove the OOF bits.
anyone else?

just what the rest said...the crop even if you lose some steps wont matter a lot
live view...is that using the screen on the back of the body?
Using live view too as i was not going to lean over them and use the viewfinder!

Spolied the whole effect now :D

Great pic, well taken ... even if it was from the safe angle.