Ferry heading into the Sun. Can anyone improve the photo with the untouched photos?

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This is my wife's favourite, she says it make Poole look like Shanghai or similar???? Don't ask me! Anyhow I'd be interested in your opinions. Thanks.

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WOW, blimey what a sun.

I can see where she's coming from. It does have that feel to it.

I like the contrast between the huge ferry and the smaller boats. I think that the busy-ness (?) works really well here.
I like it too - that sun looks amazing - great capture
Thanks for your comments. The Sun does look big. I had just changed from an 18-105 lens to the 300mm prime & I saw the Ferry comming in, but it was too late to change back so I took what I could with the 300mm & am quite pleased with the results.
An excellent composition, but the processing seems way out, the boats/ship look as though they have had bleach applied?
Not really my type of processing and the horizon looks a bit wonky, but other than that I really like the shot. :)

Thanks for your thoughts. The first one was a photomatix HDR. The second one is one of the three photos on it's own in Lightroom, mainly a little more exposure, some contrast.
I was looking at those flats this afternoon on the way back in from today's racing and found myself wondering where you were when you took this shot.

Were you on Brownsea or on a boat?
I was looking at those flats this afternoon on the way back in from today's racing and found myself wondering where you were when you took this shot.

Were you on Brownsea or on a boat?

I was opposite the car park at Sandbanks.

he composition and the light are good, but the processing is not so good, both in the first and in the second versions...In the second I prefer the more balanced contrast, but all around the Sun are visible too many artifacts...

I didn't notice that. I will look tomorrow & see if anything can be done. Thanks for your thoughts.
Processing is killing what would otherwise be a terrific shot. Keep it simple I say, even if it means you have some under exposure on the boats.

oh, nowhere near where I thought it was taken from. What lens were you using?
Nikon 300mm f4 prime with Kenko 1.4.

Processing is killing what would otherwise be a terrific shot. Keep it simple I say, even if it means you have some under exposure on the boats.

Yes you are right.

As I said before I was taking some bracket shots of the Panorama with my 18-105vr lens. I thought I would get a couple of shots of the sun whilst it was big on the horizon, After changing over the lens to the 300mm & adding the kenko 1.4 I noticed the Ferry, I took a split second decision to take the Ferry & Sun together but still had the bracket feature on so I got the 3 brackets but at a lower light than I would have got had I had time to change the settings, so I have what I have. I converted the 3 bracket shots from nec to raw, so if you click on the small photo you will have the full size shots. Does anyone want to use 1, 2 or 3 of the shots to get a better photo that I can get? I only have Lightroom at the moment.
There is slight movement from both the ferry & the sun between the shots.



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I think the first two bracketed shots may be too dark, so I've just taken #3 and played around with dodging/burning. Also darkened the sky area.
Dont know if its to your taste or not though?

I think the first two bracketed shots may be too dark, so I've just taken #3 and played around with dodging/burning. Also darkened the sky area.
Dont know if its to your taste or not though?


It looks fine apart from being a little dark. Is it possible to brighten it, but keeping the sun a yellow'red, as it was? I can brighten up the original raw if that helps.
What exactly is dodging/burning?
My personal take on it would be something a lot less dramatic. It won't go down well as everyone seems to like extremely contrasty shots, but here it is anyway..


On my laptop the whites look a bit yellow, but on my PC monitor they look alright, so sorry if it looks a bit off.
I like the original. More natural. Great capture though. (I'm no expert either!)
have you tried the contrast masking process? I think it would suit this shot.


That is good, but I don't have photoshop at the moment.

How's this?


Dodging and burning:

PS Actually, if you want I can take the more yellow sun from the darker shot and blend it into this one.

That is better, just read the dodge/burn link, very good, I will have to get Photoshop. If you can take the darker sun, & add to this photo for the colour the sun had at the time, it should look good.

My personal take on it would be something a lot less dramatic. It won't go down well as everyone seems to like extremely contrasty shots, but here it is anyway..


On my laptop the whites look a bit yellow, but on my PC monitor they look alright, so sorry if it looks a bit off.

Holy Sunglasses.:)

I like the original. More natural. Great capture though. (I'm no expert either!)
Thanks but that puts the cat amongst the Pigeons.:D
I have a Flickr account but it doesn't recognise the Raw photos, any ideas?

Canon togger that is very good. Chaz photos I like this although it's a little Redish.

What size are they each? Search for "Free File Storage" or "File Uploader" on Google. I reckon with the raws, much better results might be possible in terms of edits.

What size are they each? Search for "Free File Storage" or "File Uploader" on Google. I reckon with the raws, much better results might be possible in terms of edits.


They are just under 10kb each. I could convert to Tiff. But I will look for "free file storage' etc later.
I just find it amazing how so many people have a diferent take on the one theme...

I personally think the original posted image is the killer shot, allthough if it had canon_togger's sky it would be knockout.

I just find it amazing how so many people have a diferent take on the one theme...

I personally think the original posted image is the killer shot, allthough if it had canon_togger's sky it would be knockout.


I'm beginning to wonder just how bright my version when viewed on a callibrated monitor and what some of the other versions look like also.. they just don't seem right to me. :thinking:
I'm beginning to wonder just how bright my version when viewed on a callibrated monitor and what some of the other versions look like also.. they just don't seem right to me. :thinking:

Well on my monitor your version looks whiter than a white thing from Whiteville.
Does that help? :D
I have a Flickr account but it doesn't recognise the Raw photos, any ideas?

Canon togger that is very good. Chaz photos I like this although it's a little Redish.
Well yes its a late evening sun so the colour temp will be like that so your white will not be white if you think back to film day you have daylight film taking this, so you would have a good colour in your sunset with digital your camera is trying to take it out and make it look like daylight. You have to fool your camera at time and take control.
I added a warming filter to it BUT if I had the RAW then I set the whitlight to Daylight and you get something like this.
Using Corel Paint Shop Pro x2:

1.Open Image then right click >copy >right click> paste as new layer.
2.On selected layer: Adjust > Brightness & Contrast > Brightness=0 Contrast =12
3.Freehand select the sky and land with buildings > Selections >Invert
4.Selecting the water/boats layer; Adjust > Brightness &Contrast > Levels (from left to right) Shadow 0 Midtone 73 Highlights 255
5. Select eraser tool, and erase the layer outline that overlaps the sky (tidying up)
6. Keeping the same layer selected. Adjust > Sharpen > Highpass Sharpen > Radius= 250.00, Strength =100, Blend Mode= Hardlight
7. Keeping the same layer selected, double check for layer overlap, and tidy using eraser if needed.
8. Using freehand selection tool select the land in the background with the buildings only. Right click on selection >copy > Paste as new layer. Then move into correct position, and tidy edges using the eraser tool.
9. Adjust > Brightness & Contrast > Clarify > Strength 10.6
10. Layers > Merge > Merge All(flatten).
11. Resize and save as normal.

All that (which takes about 5 mins with practise) gives you this:


Though having uploaded, I realise I forgot to straighten the horizon :LOL:
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