Fight or flight

Gary Cantwell
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At my local pond, a lone swan landed three times and was chased off by the resident Cob three times.

Get off my pond
Fight or Flight (2).jpg
f6.3 SS 1/2500 ISO 1,2500 FL 150mm

Scared or what
Crap shot (2).jpg
f6.3 SS 1/2500 ISO 400 FL 347mm

I'm out of here
Flight (2).jpg
f6.3 SS 1/2500 ISO 320 FL 347mm

Wink still top swan on the pond.
Wink still top swan (2).jpg
f6.3 SS 1/2500 ISO 500 FL 600mm

Your doing fine, Gary! (y)(y)(y)

was chased off by the resident Cob

This is not what I observed! At this time of the year,
premature birds are honing their skill at intimidating,
seducing etc for the next winter's end when they will
have reached maturity.

The chased one in the #1, #2 and #3 is a female. I
cannot see clearly the gender of the "chaser" in #1
but #4 is most certainly a young male!

Your doing fine, Gary! (y)(y)(y)

This is not what I observed! At this time of the year,
premature birds are honing their skill at intimidating,
seducing etc for the next winter's end when they will
have reached maturity.

The chased one in the #1, #2 and #3 is a female. I
cannot see clearly the gender of the "chaser" in #1
but #4 is most certainly a young male!

Thanks for viewing and commenting Daniel.

I am not sure what you mean with my statement " was chased off by the resident cob"
The pond has only one pair of swans and they have there for four years (all the year round).
The chasing swan is a cob.
# 4 is the resident cob, and has had 3 sets of cygnets in the last 3 years. So it must be at the very least must 6 years old.

My dictionary translate cop as young horse!!!

How big is the pond?
Lovely sequence of pictures, noisy when they take off aren't they.

We had a resident pair on my local reserve, two years in a row the cob killed the cygnets :(
Last year they raised a brood and then earlier this year the female had an accident which resulted in her dying.
A new female has now moved in, there does seem to be a lot of flying from the pair but hopefully they
have now bonded
Great set Gary:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: A funny story in the first two shots well captured(y)

did it do a circuit of the pond to line up the attacker before it dropped its load? :oops: :$
Lovely sequence of pictures, noisy when they take off aren't they.

We had a resident pair on my local reserve, two years in a row the cob killed the cygnets :(
Last year they raised a brood and then earlier this year the female had an accident which resulted in her dying.
A new female has now moved in, there does seem to be a lot of flying from the pair but hopefully they
have now bonded
Thanks for viewing and commenting.
Never knew that cobs killed their young.
Thanks for viewing and commenting.
Never knew that cobs killed their young.

No one seems to know why he killed his own young, it is common for a new male to kill any chicks father by a previous one that it has replaced