Film ruined??

Matt Thomas
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Yesterday I shot some film with my Bronica. After I had shot all the 12 frames I thought that it was fully wound with the paper and stuff on the exposed roll. However when I opened up the back I saw that there was still a bit of film on the back plate (just the end of it really)

My question is - would it just be the end couple of frames on the rool that are ****ed or it's the whole film?

Please help me out. Thanks
Provided the film is wound tightly then you should only lose a small amount. The backing paper is light tight so should protect the film.

The worry is why wasn't the film wound all the way through. Maybe the counter started a bit early. You may find some images missing from the start of the film.

John C
Agreed - the earlier images should be protected by the backing paper as long as the roll was kept wound tight. When you've reached the last exposure, the best idea is to keep winding until you're sure the roll has disengaged from the feed spool - you can usually quite easily feel the resistence on the winder ease as the end of the film detaches from the spool.
Agreed - the earlier images should be protected by the backing paper as long as the roll was kept wound tight. When you've reached the last exposure, the best idea is to keep winding until you're sure the roll has disengaged from the feed spool - you can usually quite easily feel the resistence on the winder ease as the end of the film detaches from the spool.

Yea thats the one thing that I forgot to do. This is only the 2nd time using my Bronica so still learning what to do. I'll know for next time now thou :LOL: Hope the roll still comes okay thou :|
last time i tried to use a film camera i ended up tangled up in film...... lol
There is usually a faint click as the backing paper comes off the supply spool, also the winder gets a lot easier to turn . If in doubt keep winding for a bit longer
That's good news for you ... (y) ... and it will be good news for us ... :cautious: ... when do we get to see the alright ones then ... :D
