First camera and latest camera

My first camera, a Kodak Instamatic when I was a wee boy. It dissapeared into the mists of time but I found an identical one in a charity shop a couple of years back :)
First SLR, a Pentax K1000. Still have it over forty years later and still use it sometimes.
Latest SLR, a Canon EOD 5D Mkiii.

In between and in use still, a bunch of Pentax 35mm, SV, ME Super, Super A & LX
Bronica GS1 6x7
YashicaMat & Rolleiflex TLRs
Cambo 5x4
Pentax Auto110 (which is surprisingly capable)
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First camera I used, but didn't own, was a Conway 6x9 box camera, I have the camera, which I inherited, and the negatives.

Then a Kodak Brownie 127, the first camera I actually owned, followed by a Halina 35X, I think my grandfather gave me the money for that.

Latterly I bought a Canon T50, the 244T dedicated flash, remote release etc. Despite being the bottom-of-range Canon, in its day, it is very well made and liberating to use as the only manual intervention is to focus the lens. Speaking of which, you can use any superb Canon FD lens on he body.
What a great thread! First SLR Camera here was an EOA 500N - bought second hand in about 2002 I think. I still have it somewhere.
Most recent is an EOS R7.

I am another who is part of the instamatic club for "first ever camera" - I still have one of those as well, although not sadly my original one. My first DSLR was a second hand EOS D30 which IIRC I bought in 2005 - almost as iconic as the instamatic IMO although in a very different way!
my first slr was a Prinzflex 500 which was given to me by a work mate in the late 1970s. My latest is Fuji X-H1.
My first camera was a Canon "Canonette Junior" 35mm compact, which my dad got for me, and it seemed to have no end of issues with metering and light leaks.

First I bought myself was a Praktica MTL-3 on which I really learned a lot about photography.

Best film camera I ever had (and I had 2 of them) was a Minolta 9xi - max shutter speed of 1/12,000 sec, flash sync of 1/300 sec and built in 4.5fps motordrive!

Latest (and best) digital camera is a Canon R5.
All Canon EOS, starting some 30y ago:
1000FN --> 5QD --> 3 --> 10D --> 50D --> 40D --> 7D --> 5Dii --> 1Div --> 1Dx
Just realising I'm shooting 1Dx for 11 years already.. Def a personal best but I know it so well, and it's still a better camera than I'm a photographer.
Next up.. probably adding a R5ii while keeping the 1Dx.

Edit: ....1Dx --> R6ii
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My first camera was an olympus OM-10 given to me by my Dad, when I was 10 years old, and my latest is a Sony A7Riv.
My first interchangeable lens camera was a Praktica Super TL with a f/2.8 Tessar, my most recent is the Yashica FR with 50mm f/2 ML discussed elsewhere which was a nostalgia purchase, in reality the FR was my second SLR. My most recent modern camera purchase was an EOS M6 mk11
Canon EOS30 (still have in the box)

Latest Fujifilm X100VI

1st: Olympus Pen EE 1/2 frame. My dad bought me it when we lived in Singapore around 1968. I have still got it and it is still in good working order.

Latest: OM Systems OM-1 MkII
My first ever camera was a plastic fantastic from Woolworths c 1957, 828 film which is basically 35mm film without sprocket holes and with backing paper.

My first interchangeable lens camera was an Exa IIB, 1965.

My most recent was a Canham wood 10x8.

From 35mm (ish) to 10x8 - now that is moving up... :)
My first ever camera was a plastic fantastic from Woolworths c 1957, 828 film which is basically 35mm film without sprocket holes and with backing paper.

My first interchangeable lens camera was an Exa IIB, 1965.

My most recent was a Canham wood 10x8.

From 35mm (ish) to 10x8 - now that is moving up... :)

and to think digitalites still refer to 36mm x 24mm as "full frame"... ;)

(still love showing people who've only ever used digital a well exposed 10X8 transparency and watching their face as they look at the "miniature stained glass window")
First interchangeable lens camera was a Zenit EM, bought from a workmate's catalogue. Latest interchangeable lens camera is a Minolta Maxxum 7000. Latest camera bought today at an "antique" shop is a Beirette V viewfinder camera (£5)
First was a Nikon f301
Latest is Fuji xt5
First camera was an Agfa Silette II
Latest is Canon EOS 7DII
First camera when I was about 7...........I won at bingo stall a couple of wins cannot remember the make, but it got me into photography.

Latest Digital Fuji about 10 yrs old
My first 'proper' camera was a Zenit E with the 50mm Helios lens, built like a tank. I almost got the 'photo sniper' kit which I'm sure would have been equally robust. My current camera is the Sony A6700.....
My first camera was - yes, you guessed it - a Brownie 127, bought for 25 Shillings in 1959. 12 cameras later my latest is a Canon EOS R mirrorless.