First camera and latest camera

First was a Yashica FX-3 35mm SLR; latest is a Nikon D780 DSLR. There have been many in between :D
My first interchangeable lens camera was a Sony A77, prior to that I had fixed lens film cameras or used my Dad’s Canon SLR (can’t remember the model).

Latest is the Sony A1.
Chronological order with the exception of the 7D2 which was bought this year as a £300 remote camera.

20D 2004
7D 2012
R5 2021
7D2 2023

1st interchangeable lens- Minolta 7000i with autofocus
I was not very good manual focusing my wife’s Pentax K1000
Most recent Fuji X-T4
Favorite (not asked) Nikon F100
First, one of these circa 1979, with the same 50mm f/2.8 Dominplan lens which lasted a couple of years before I graduated to a Canon AV-1.

This particular working example was a nostalgia-fuelled purchase about fifteen years ago for all of £11 complete with the case.

Praktica PL Nova I by Rob Telford, on Flickr

Latest: A Sony A7III
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First = Praktica Super TL in 1977

Latest = Nikon D5
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My first (personal) camera was a Nikon D5100 and my latest is a Fujifilm X100F.

Had a D7200 and still currently have my A6400 in between those ^
My first interchangeable lens camera (SLR) was a Canon AE-1 Program in 1984. There were several more in between, but the latest and current is a Nikon Z8. My first camera was a Brownie Hawkeye in about 1953.
First - Kodak Instamatik 125 circa (1975)
Latest - Canon R5, GFX 100 (both 2020)
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First changeable lens camera? Zenith EM and still think about locking another up.

Last one I bought? Nikon D2Xs.

Over the last couple of years been acquiring a few old DSLR sand enjoy using them.
A red point and shoot with built-in flash. No idea the name of it. Then Canon 450D. Current is Canon R5.
My first camera as a kid was an Olympus Pen EE 1/2 frame. Then on to Pentax ME. Been mostly Canon DSLR's since, but now back to the beginning with an OM-5, for a small travel camera for this aged body
Zenit E

and now a Nikon D850 and an Olympus E-10 and that's about it, probably for good unless I move to a complete MFT system, although that is unlikely; but never say never.
First DSLR was the Sony A200 ( I first had a Sony DSC-P72 which was what got me first into photography then onto the Fujifilm S7000 bridge camera )
Latest camera ordered is the Fujifilm X100VI although thats a pre-order so is it maybe the Sony A7RV
Had a couple of cheap consumer 2 1/4 square plastic jobbys, a Halina 35X was my first 35mm and what I considered a proper camera. My first SLR was an Olympus OM1n which I had for many years before going digital with a Canon 350D in 2006, usurped with a 7D three years later.
first interchangeable lens camera was the Praktica Super TL1000 - sadly mine was a "monday morning/friday afternoon" job and after a couple of years begn doing double duty as a film shredder.

wasn't particularly sad to see it go when I dropped it off a bivi-ledge on the Aig du Midi - 3 bounces and around 2000m into a glacier took care of it. Happily Upgraded to a Canon A1 for the rest of my alpine summer.

Latest Camera - well - i'm not much of a gear-head these days, so it's my EOS7D (the original mk 1 version) and I've absolutely NO little voices saying "you need a new..."
Latest Camera - well - i'm not much of a gear-head these days, so it's my EOS7D (the original mk 1 version) and I've absolutely NO little voices saying "you need a new..."
Methinks he doth protest too much…
First 35mm camera was a Boots Beirette, first interchangeable lens camera was a Praktica MTL3, and currently using a Canon R6ii.
Methinks he doth protest too much…
not in the slightest - the EOS7d is far more camera than i need, and far more capable than I am.

I only really bought it because I wanted a digital version of my EOS3 which is probably my favorite camera of all time - and at the time of purchase the 5d was too expensive.
It's ongoing, isn't it? Just picked up a mint little Pentax Espio in a junk shop for a few quid. So that's my new, last camera. :D
Yes!!! A Zenith might be a better choice...
Is it wrong that this thread has made me think I need to buy a Praktica?
only buy one if you've a bunch of 35mm needing shredding.

(only kidding, sort-of, comment based on my own experience of a crap instance of the breed, your mileage may vary, objects in the rear view mirror may be closer than they appear and every other disclaimer you can think of, before someone jumps on me AGAIN for not showing a good example as a staff member. FFS.)
Nothing wrong with Prakticas. They are never going to win any style awards, but there is a lot to recommend them. Simple, bullet proof design with a decent shutter. I have a bit of a soft spot for them.
I definitely won’t be buying one to use.

I’ve better things to waste my time and money on than film photography

Not knocking anyone who’s into it; but it’s not for me.
I have a bit of a soft spot for them.
i found a fairly soft spot for mine - was about 2000m below me on a snow covered glacier. Unfortunately the three bounces against a granite "nordwand" on the way down meant any cushioned landing was pretty much academic.
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My first camera was a Minolta X300 film, but my first digital camera was a Kodak DC280.

I just bought a working one on eBay for £13 so will have fun using it and comparing to my most recent camera which was a Fuji X100V but I sold it a month or so ago.
An Agfa Rapid and aCanon R3. I had a notion that I might try and shoot with it recently but think there a no cassettes left anywhere with film in them.
Ok, 'interchangeable' is a bit of a qualifier that you didn't stress in the thread title. That's a hint that you could communicate better - but you could be some sort of '-lexic' or '-istic', and I forgive you anyway.

My 1st interchangeable was a Praktica FX2, bought used when I was about 18.

View attachment 414830

But it didn't have that lens on it, I bought it as body only. I got one of these:

View attachment 414831

And that's what I had for years. Blimey, those were the days.

None of it should matter to anyone any more. It's all just memories. But here's a picture taken with the above: it's a long- fallen beech tree that's sprouted a row of trunks ...

View attachment 414832
I have an FX2. Came to me in poor condition but I think I've rescued it. It has the Tessar lens. Reminds me a little of my Kine Exacta.
My first was a well used Zenit-E with Helios 58mm F2 lens, next was Canon AV-1, then AE-1, AE-1p, A1, EOS 500. Now moved to Nikon D600, D500...
Had so much fun with Zenit and learn so much (the hard way), mostly B&W as apprentice wages did not run to Colour !
Most here go from analogue to digi.
There’s only a few odd ones going from digi to analogue(including me)
1st = Praktica MTL3 (Closely followed by a used LTL3 & a new BC1)
Latest = OM Systems OM-5