First go at flower shots

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Hey everyone,

I Took the missus to the west penine moors today and saw some flowers which really stood out so took some photos. These are my first attempts so C & C more than welcome


There are a few other pictures of these flowers on my website but I think this one is the best of the bunch


I think this is my favourite of the flower photos I got.


This one looks really blurry to me which is a bit gutting


Random tree photo Nothing much going on but I think the focus is pretty good on it


Bit of Holly with an ickle spider on :D

As I said before C&C more than welcome. This is my first attempt at this type of photography so Any advice is more than welcome
I like No. 2, with the flower 'echoed' behind it. Perhaps if you got a bit closer you'd get only the two flowers and not the white flower that's to the left, as it's a bit distracting.

#1 is nice, but it's got a bit much going on. Perhaps if you could remove the white flowers and focus more on the orange ones? :thinking:
#3 is blurry, as you say - shame that
#4 is boring, hehe sorry :)
#5 needs to be closer to the spider - perhaps just the spider and the leaf it's on?
Thanks for the feedback :D

I was using a 50mm Lens so maybe if I get a macro lens I could get in closer.

AS the weather gets bettter I`m hoping to get more ops to do this