First post Derwent Water Cumbria

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Hello all,

As you can see I have only just joined and thought that I should make the effort to post something! I am usually just a reader of forums and have never posted anything in the past, mainly due to being very critical of my own work and almost always not liking the results.

Anyway enough of my insecurities :wacky:

This was taken easter weekend at Derwent Water in Cumbria, the first time in the 5 years that I have been vernturing 'Up North' I have actually been to one of the lakes when weather has been nice.

Hi there, nice shot of a lovely location.....

I guess for me the key things are I like the foreground at the far right, the little pebble bank and the tree provide a good front point of interest, however also for me though I think the panorama is too wide - for example I know thats Skiddaw in the background, but you cant make out any detail around it really.

The stitchnig is also quite evident in some of the blues - particularly if you look just to the left of the branches of the tree theres a noticeable join there

I am sure with what you've got though, you can work something really nice up!
thanks for the replies, I hadnt mentioned that I have not had chance to do any photoshop work on the pic, I have been at work since I took the picture and have only just had time to stitch in canons Photostitch. I will be addressing the joins as soon as I can but thought I would post it now all the same.

I agree about being a bit too wide, I havent done many panoramics before and will definately try some a little tighter in the future. At least it gives me good reason to go back up North some time soon!