First Trip to the Zoo

Edit My Images
Been for my first trip to the zoo today since getting my camera, was a hard day due to poor light and inexperience. Done quite a lot of shooting through glass etc.

After 4 years of ear ache from the wife we've finally bought a yearly pass so I should get plenty more opportunities :)

Any c+c and advise would be very welcomed.

These were all shot on d3100 + 55-200mm






All except the gorilla are shot through glass a all are cropped, some more than others.

Thanks (y)
hi ,i have not been posting long and I cant quite get used to it when people dont comment. I really like the tiger and the lion.i might have done a slightly wider crop to give them a little more feeling of space.i am still very much a beginner so cant really offer any reasonable criticism. cheers dan
Like the shots, especially the tiger the look in his eyes, did you have a young child with /near you ( they tend to ignore adults as they see children as easy meal )
A tidy little set Gary considering what you were up against, you have caught the moment well in the first two shots. I will remove if you wish but could not help having a quick play with the Tiger :D. Reduced the cyan and magenta, adjusted levels and toned the green bg down a little.

Like the shots, especially the tiger the look in his eyes, did you have a young child with /near you ( they tend to ignore adults as they see children as easy meal )

Damn, someone else has found out my trick.

Second tiger shot is better IMHO and yes it is humble, but they all look a bit over saturated to me, especially 3,4 and 5, could be my laptop screen mind you.
Thanks for the comments guys :)

Yeah, the second tiger look much better than mine, my pp skills leave a lot to be desired at the moment. The tiger shots I had were the ones that seemed the be affected by the glass the most.

As for them being over saturated I can't tell either, I have a laptop screen that says one thing and a monitor that says another :( really need to get them calibrated.
Are they that bad? :coat:

Not at all

The cats are lacking something but that doesn't detract from what you've captured in the first few shots - which are some really fantastic expressions.

With a bit of PP - the first could be fantastic.
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I think you have a nice set of shots there especially the tiger shot and Rich (u8myufo) has given you some great feedback with some very interesting guidance on processing, your tiger looks great with the tweaking. I look forward to seeing some more of your work.
Thanks Phil and Tom, yeah the first one is probably my favourite as well, as I said my pp skill are not great at the moment so I don't really know where to go with it. I might try and have another play around with number 1 later :)
Agree with most. The first is super. The tiger and the lion are good too. And yes, some simple (relatively) PP and you will have a cracking set here. It isn't easy shooting through glass or fencing, and often results in shots with less contrast and sharpness...worth investing a time in PP to get them up to scratch.

But very good go, and with the year pass you can go again and put things into practice some more. :)
Thanks Craig, I don't think my wife has seen the connection of be backing down on the year pass and getting a my camera ;).....Or maybe she has but just doesn't care :LOL:

I've had another little play using the advice fron Rich, I think it's a bit better than my first effort still not quite up to scratch but it's a good start I think :)

Looking at it again I think it might look a bit over processed now :shrug: :LOL:
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u8myufo said:
A tidy little set Gary considering what you were up against, you have caught the moment well in the first two shots. I will remove if you wish but could not help having a quick play with the Tiger :D. Reduced the cyan and magenta, adjusted levels and toned the green bg down a little.

Great shots ! You've got some grEat pictUres that just needed tweaking ( like all photos do! )
u8myufo said:
A tidy little set Gary considering what you were up against, you have caught the moment well in the first two shots. I will remove if you wish but could not help having a quick play with the Tiger :D. Reduced the cyan and magenta, adjusted levels and toned the green bg down a little.

Also u8myufo, what did you use to edit the picture?
Also u8myufo, what did you use to edit the picture?

CS Bradley, and probably far from perfect. If anybody is reading this and is a fairly relative newcomer you just have to take into consideration that we all see colours differently and our monitors are never all the same so there will always be slight discrepancies when we look at something. It is good to see that Gary has made another attempt at editing, this is the only way to learn imo, and if people still comment that there is something not looking right then go back to that same image again and adjust as needed. I have seen loads of images posted up and when someone points out that some adjustments are needed the OP will say ok I will do that, but seldom ever do :shrug: If you want to learn then the important thing is not to be ashamed or embarrassed about posting up any of your work for C&C even if it means half a dozen times. Going back to Gary`s edit I think there is an improvement over his original and if he sticks at it will see the benefits in the not to distant future.
I've had another quick go at number one, I think I've managed to pull it back to more natural colours.

I'm using Lightroom and still finding my way around it, I haven't really tried to fine adjust the colours before :)

Thanks again for all the comments.
I've had another quick go at number one, I think I've managed to pull it back to more natural colours.

I'm using Lightroom and still finding my way around it, I haven't really tried to fine adjust the colours before :)

Thanks again for all the comments.

Much better (y) Did you do this with the original file Gary or with the first image you posted after editing it if you get what I mean.
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Thanks Rich. I used the original file to have another go with.

Right, we can all attempt to edit a pic that someone has posted up and 9/10 you can get away with it depending on what needs doing, but going back to the original is by far the best method.
heres my go

added a duplicate Layer- high pass filter to help with the glass- adjusted the contrast to enhance the tiger stripes and adjusted the BG levels :D

nice shot by the way


Les :cool:
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