First Wedding (Gulp)


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Last night was the first wedding i have ever done and really wasn't happy with the results when i got them on the computer. The B&G really liked them though, i just thought i let them down on the quality but they didn't say anything about that, Infact they said they were "amazing". So what do you all think?

I was not the offical tog

It was my uncles and aunties wedding

Dad, Bride and Groom


Bride and Groom and Bridesmaids


Bride and Groom


This is probably the best from the day

More to come later.

C & C Please

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I don't know where we are getting them printed.

I took about 182 pictures in all, wasn't really an active wedding and i didn't have much space to work with.

I took a photo of them walking back down (ally?) and used wrong settings so it came out really dark
Well done Tony. Nice pictures. As already said 2nd could do with brightening but yey for you (y)
I don't know where we are getting them printed.

I took about 182 pictures in all, wasn't really an active wedding and i didn't have much space to work with.

I took a photo of them walking back down (ally?) and used wrong settings so it came out really dark

If you shot in a RAW you might be able to recover the shot, even if it is under exposed.

The pictures you've posted aren't bad at all!

Well done on the first...oh I remember mine :eek:

Anyway! I think the B&G should be pleased with them.

A bit of C&C (for next time!) If possible try and avoid taking with sun over head as the squinty dark eyes spoil them a little. An assistant (guest!) with a brolly/large reflector over their heads will do, or even a tree.

Also the posing of the groups. Get the outer people to turn their bodies inwards slightly, not too much but their heads turned towards the camera...Does that make sense.

I like the naturalness of the last one, though I would probably crop it so they are more central and will remove some backgroud clutter.

On the aisle shot, if you shot in raw...get as much back as you can and then conver to B&W as this covers up alot of sins when it comes to badly exposed shots! I know I have done it!! :LOL:

Hope this helps
Nice shots for your first time, the only thing i would say in number 3 you could of probably done with some fill flash to get rid of the shadows cast on the grooms face, and a bit on the brides neck, but that will come with more experience, I'm guessing it was quite a sunny day which can be difficult with the casting of shadows on face's, but well done, and can we see the some more from the day please (y)
I reckon you've done OK there, in fact I'd go so far to as to say I'm amazed given some of the stuff you were posting not that long ago, and I mean that in a good way. ;)

Looking at the shots it seems you have a habitual lean to the right which is something you need to be aware of, but well done all in all. (y)
Nice one Tony (y) they are really not half bad :) Looks like you might have been struggling to get people to look at you instead of everyone else with cameras on a few shots? In my limited experience I have found that difficult and it seems you really have to take charge and make sure you get your shot. They look good though mate :) You should be proud!
All credit to you Tony...getting the first one right should give you the confidence to go on further now.

Am I mad?

These look exactly like the kind of snaps my kids take in sunny places on their phones. Any DSLR set to any auto function would have done as well

Not saying they are actually bad as such, but it's hardly an achievement to take 3 shots in the same place on a sunny day stood up & square on, and get one underexposed is it

Soz, they do nothing for me m8


I wasn't exspecting anything near them comments :)

Thank you guys, I know i should learn about the leaning to one side but it was like there when i got there it really was :D (Simpsons FTW)

I don't think i'll do another one though :)

Am I mad?

These look exactly like the kind of snaps my kids take in sunny places on their phones. Any DSLR set to any auto function would have done as well

Not saying they are actually bad as such, but it's hardly an achievement to take 3 shots in the same place on a sunny day stood up & square on, and get one underexposed is it

Soz, they do nothing for me m8


It was for me

I took about 192 shots, not processed them all atm

Ah well, atleast the pro tog was there :LOL:
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Shot 3 looks great - sun or no sun. The couple look really happy. Well done.
I'm sure you learnt a lot. Next will probably be just as nerve-racking.

Diddy Dave
Nice job there. Must be great to be perfect ! What was your last hatchet job ?*@
Obivously they are not technically brilliant Tony,
BUT you have come a hell of a long way in a few months (y)
and :clap: for having the confidence to do it in the first place(y)
The main question I would ask Tony is did you enjoy it? I found that I enjoyed it immensely and I hope you had the same feeling at the end of the day.

We're all learning all the time and sometimes comments like that of DD just don't help at all - ignorance is bliss I guess!!

Hope your confidence hasn't been shattered and you go on to do bigger and better things.

All the best!
Really would have benefited from a shallower depth of field to blur the distractions in the background.
Hi well done, you shot these in very harsh light, not easy at all! the only way to learn anything is to do it,

dont be put off with neg comments.

Number three captures their feelings really well they are having a great day.

dont be put off with neg comments.

But take criticism from folk who know better and learn from it. If we only ever heard good things about our work then we will never improve.
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For a first attempt Tony, I would be pleased with them! As I said in your 365 thread, you know what to expect next time :)
But take criticism from folk who know better and learn from it. If we only ever heard good things about our work then we will never improve.

Thats exactly why I said it, I think what i should have said is learn from the negative comments. I should have explained better. I really didnt mean anything other.

my post the other night much better put across:) and thanks hobbytog for the reply to that one

All replies are to help, I have yet to post a good set
Im also new to this, but i love it and im by no means giving up! you will get loads of help on here. It gives me hope every time i post
I would have a good look at what others are posting and you can see what us learners are aiming for. Im a long way off myself but we all have to start some where.
good luck with it


Great attitude!! Stick with it!

Diddy Dave
Nice job there. Must be great to be perfect ! What was your last hatchet job ?*@

I suppose I should have expected a silly comment like this

What I was trying to get across was that although ok, there's nothing about these images that warrants the praise even Techno-Geek (Tony) was so amazed about; and to encourage someone to sally forth covering Weddings on the basis of these is frankly ridiculous - it was the comments rather than the shots that drew my attention and surprise

Tony has said he doesn't want to cover another, and anytime soon that's probably a good idea as he's lots to learn first, but that's not to say even in a year's time he'll not be ready - my point is, he's not ready now which he at least seems to appreciate

Groom on the dam right.

I presume that's not a good thing then? :D

Actually Papa, I've attended a few Wedding seminars in the past year from one of Britain's better know Pros of 20 yrs plus and one of Australia's greatest stars, and neither of them seems to mind too much where the Groom is so long as the composition works

Go figure :thinking:

It's tradition the groom is always on the right during the ceremony and then walking down the isle, might just be a UK thing.
The thing here is TG wasn't the tog at this wedding as I understand it, although his posts are a little confusing - on the one hand he says he hasn't decided what to charge yet, and on the other he mentions the pro tog being there. I'm sure TG wont mind me saying that he's had more trouble than most in coming to terms with the basics, and is definitely showing signs of progress, which was the motive for the positive comments - from me at least.

I don't think anyone is suggesting he sets up as 'TG Wedding Productions' any time soon, but a little encouragement does no harm at all. ;)
Groom on the dam right.

Maybe he's a left-handed swordsman :shrug:

Which is, of course, why the groom is to the right of his Bride - so he can defend his new wife from the attention of ardent, jealous suitors! The sword being the traditional weapon of choice ;) (Knife crime and curfew :naughty: )

I agree - the photography has improved, but as DD pointed out, the caution should be that glowing praise should not detract from the improvements that need to be made to make wedding tog out of him (Tony). Difficult to praise the improvement and offer the critique that is needed. Easy to do face to face - on a Forum like this? The words have to be chosen carefully to impart the right level of judgment/assessment.
Agree totally with CT!

People need to hear the negative as well as the positive, in fact more so in my case, but I think there are ways and means of doing this in a constructive way.

TG, I think you have done well for your first go - next time I'd aim to put them somewhere shady when the sun is so bright, maybe a nice alchove or garden area. This will stop any squinting and also make the light quite even and diffused.

If you want to stick with tradition, the bride goes on the left of the groom, but it is not the be all and end all of a wedding.

Another thing to do to make quite flattering shots is to turn the B+G slightly so they are looking ever so slightly over their shoulders, thier feet in a kind of T shape...

I'm definately no expert at this, having only shadowed a few times, but you do pick a lot up from the xperts.

A good attempt at your first wedding, it's a steep learning curve though! (y)
The thing here is TG wasn't the tog at this wedding as I understand it, although his posts are a little confusing - on the one hand he says he hasn't decided what to charge yet, and on the other he mentions the pro tog being there. I'm sure TG wont mind me saying that he's had more trouble than most in coming to terms with the basics, and is definitely showing signs of progress, which was the motive for the positive comments - from me at least.

I don't think anyone is suggesting he sets up as 'TG Wedding Productions' any time soon, but a little encouragement does no harm at all. ;)

I thought it was just me there, as the groom said. But i was so releaved to see another tog there.

I am not by any means saying i am even good at weddings, i just thought they looked good at the time. Atleast i know now that it is not a part of photography i would like to do.

I prefer doing Landscape photography. It's no where as hard as wedding photography :D

Next thing, Studio work :D
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