Focus on Spending!

didn't make it this year - combination of a) crashing the bike last week, leaving me with a stuffed up knee b) not having any spare money after MOT'ing the car c) my ticket for the show only turning up THIS MORNING.

Probably just as well, or I'd have ended up with a 7d and a bad case of "all signal no noise" from wor lass!
Just back from the last day,

And cracking deal of the day had to be Jacobs selling "B" Grade Canon 1D MK3 Bodies for £1299 to clear. (Boxed new with just scuffed boxes and full warranty)

They ran out about 1.30pm (Not really suprised at that price as the nearest deal to that was £1800) - And there were some second hand ones elsewhere in the show at £2100!!!!
Just back from the last day,

And cracking deal of the day had to be Jacobs selling "B" Grade Canon 1D MK3 Bodies for £1299 to clear. (Boxed new with just scuffed boxes and full warranty)

They ran out about 1.30pm (Not really suprised at that price as the nearest deal to that was £1800) - And there were some second hand ones elsewhere in the show at £2100!!!!

ARGHHHHHH - I knew i should have gone :bonk:
Im sure it was Viewfinder Photography, they had a lot of bargainous things there.

Yup picked up their brochure. They were selling similar stuff to FITP which made me look. They had some nice angled brackets as well but had sold out.
Just back from the last day,

And cracking deal of the day had to be Jacobs selling "B" Grade Canon 1D MK3 Bodies for £1299 to clear. (Boxed new with just scuffed boxes and full warranty)

They ran out about 1.30pm (Not really suprised at that price as the nearest deal to that was £1800) - And there were some second hand ones elsewhere in the show at £2100!!!!

Bonkers!! Told my mate about the deals on 1Dmk3s and he went a bit sick looking - he's been after one for a while and at that price he said he would have maxxed his CC out to get one....
the best thing by a mile was andy rouse photos on a seperate nikon stand

They were wonderful weren't they, thoroughly enjoyed viewing those.

Also impressed (once again) by some of the images produced by the Art Colleges, challenging, exciting, innovative and at times quite stunning work, bodes well for the future of creative photography.

Bought nowt, although half tempted by a 7D.
well ive only just got back and had a great day.

camlink tppro28b tripod - £50
kenro flash transmitter -£35
sony to iso adapter £13

was looking at a few other things but werent convinced. had a good laugh with geoffd70, stingy barstewards at jacobs wouldnt let the price lower on a new d3.
well ive only just got back and had a great day.

camlink tppro28b tripod - £50
kenro flash transmitter -£35
sony to iso adapter £13

was looking at a few other things but werent convinced. had a good laugh with geoffd70, stingy barstewards at jacobs wouldnt let the price lower on a new d3.

Nice to meet you young Luke. I bet your arms where aching when you got home :LOL:

As Luke says I couldn't get (Cameraworld actually) to drop from £2100 to £2000 for a refurbed D3 with 6 months warrranty - which wasn't a bad deal but I was sticking to my £2000 max. What willpower I have :D
Bought 2 Damien Lovegrove DVD's. £120. Just watched one, brilliant stuff.

A "what digital camera" mag, which I thought was free....wondered why I got odd looks.

Did anyone try out the Panasonic 3D-TV? I Wasn't that impressed to be honest. What's the difference between the £2.5k 3D-TV and a pair of cardboard red n blue glasses? Same effect no?
Possibly due to the Fujifilm guy telling me how fantastic it was, I think my hopes were too high.
So, I went cheap. Got a couple of 100 packs of Ilford Smooth Pearl, a couple of 100 packs of Harman Crystaljet Luster, a Strobies XS bracket, and some Lumiquest bits.

Could've easily dropped 20 grand though if the wife wouldn't have divorced me as a consequence. :D
Apart from the parking, I spent £1 on the latest issues of AP and What Digital Camera.
It's not nice looking at all that kit when you were made redundant over a year ago, and still not have a permenant job :(
I went looking for a ball head for my tripod and came back with a 24-70 2.8. :LOL: Parking at the station saved £3, so I could easily afford the lens! I think I had a sandwich and a J2O for lunch, but I was too excited and busy trying out the lens to think about food. :D:D:D

Oh, and I saved another £166 by not getting the ball head. :D:D:D

Having not found what I wanted, or more importantly at the price I wanted I relented and bought the D3X yesterday.

So there will be a D300 and grip for sale soon. Along with a Tokina 12/24 which is no good for the D700 or D3X.

Got me thinking, has anyone noticed an increase in items for sale after Focus? Everyone selling off the kit they have replaced at the show.

sypix you could have saved a £1 later on in the day they were giving them away.
lol, that was the cheapest thing I bought all day though, also got the new bjp for £2, better than paying £6.99 for one in the shops !
paid £8 to park only to find when leaving no one at the car-parks and barriers all up Ahhhhh!!!!!

I've fallen foul of that at the NEC before, so I only buy a car park ticket on the way back to the car now so I can check if the barrier is manned (added bonus is that there's not the queues to get a car park ticket that you get on the way in).

Wasn't lucky this time though... oh well.
I've fallen foul of that at the NEC before, so I only buy a car park ticket on the way back to the car now so I can check if the barrier is manned (added bonus is that there's not the queues to get a car park ticket that you get on the way in).

Wasn't lucky this time though... oh well.

Amazes me the amount of people queuing to buy tickets on arrival and the booths are empty at the end of the day!

Oh and I have managed to get out for free on many occasions.


lol, that was the cheapest thing I bought all day though, also got the new bjp for £2, better than paying £6.99 for one in the shops !

Only £1 yesterday and actually a very good looking magazine.

paid £8 to park only to find when leaving no one at the car-parks and barriers all up Ahhhhh!!!!!

went to pay on the way out and the barrier was up, so parking was free.

That was all I spent, although I picked up lots of brochures, had some chats to people, loved all the photo displays at various stands.
went on sunday... went looking for either 7D or 5D MkII and a 580EXII and came away with none... i thought the prices wern't that great so am still looking...

i obviously missed the canon B prices...
and a 580EXII

I don't know how the Canon flashes were priced, but I was so tempted to pick up half a dozen SB-900s from Jacobs (£289 each).
sorry hairydog but the bjp was £1 on sunday. geoffd700 was you looking at the d3 about 11.30am and put your own card in it,i was the fellow having a look at it with you, i went back about 4.30pm to see if they would move on the price or throw in a copy of nx but they did not want to know.I know £2100 seemed good but when you see that jabcos were selling new one's with 2 years warranty and a extra battery which cost about £90 for £2500 not so sure it was that good a price
Am I'm the only one to buy a 70-200L IS f.28 USM MkII for £1898,
I feel like I've just robbed my gran! I'm very happy with my first ever L lens.
Restrained myself !

Wanted a tripod and Nifty Fifty had really looked at Camlink before
but at the price they were offering them at !

Camlink tppro28b tripod - £50
Canon Nifty Fifty - £89

then there was parking ! and lunch !
Am I'm the only one to buy a 70-200L IS f.28 USM MkII for £1898,
I feel like I've just robbed my gran! I'm very happy with my first ever L lens.

My first was the 24-70mm and I remember saying at the time, I have just got my first and probably only L lens, 12 months later and I have a set of 3 and the MkII 2x Extender for the 70-200mm. Once you start there is no stopping :)
My first was the 24-70mm and I remember saying at the time, I have just got my first and probably only L lens, 12 months later and I have a set of 3 and the MkII 2x Extender for the 70-200mm. Once you start there is no stopping :)

Sounds like I'd better put my name down for some over time!
Am I'm the only one to buy a 70-200L IS f.28 USM MkII for £1898,
I feel like I've just robbed my gran! I'm very happy with my first ever L lens.

That's an incredible price! Cheapest on CameraPriceBuster is £2300. Was that from Jacobs at the show?

I just started a thread about that lens in the Equipment forum. It's fairly sharp... :eek:
Actually, my original post is wrong, Jacobs were selling it at the show for £1889 and it was £1898 from Cameraworld. Other places at the show had it up for over £2400 hopefully no one bought it at that price or they woudl be kicking themselves now.
Actually, my original post is wrong, Jacobs were selling it at the show for £1889 and it was £1898 from Cameraworld. Other places at the show had it up for over £2400 hopefully no one bought it at that price or they woudl be kicking themselves now.

That's an amazing bargain Nicky! Now this is interesting... out of purely academic interest you understand ;)

I just phoned Jacobs and they deny selling that lens for anywhere near that price at the show! I don't believe them though as they were playing games with CameraWorld and there were some fantastic deals going on, especially towards the end. However, they are now listing it at £2400.

Not to take no for an answer, I checked with CameraWorld. Their website says £1899.99 and although they don't currently have stock (1-2 weeks) they will take orders now and honour that price :)

Edit: More news - this price is part of a Focus show deal with Canon and they only have half a dozen lenses left as part of that allocation, at that price. After that, the price will go up. Better get that plastic out fast :eek:
I just phoned Jacobs and they deny selling that lens for anywhere near that price at the show!

A picture speaks 1000 words.... I didn't believe it either, hence I took a photo to make sure it was really real!

A picture speaks 1000 words.... I didn't believe it either, hence I took a photo to make sure it was really real!


Fantastic! What a deal you lucky bugger! Can't see that being beaten any time this year, especially the way Sterling is going.

That's HongKong price, with no UK warranty and tax to pay on top :eek: :D
I wasn't the only one, the boxes were disappearing rapidly.