Football blogs, General advice and tips

Edit My Images
I've wrote these blogs over the past few weeks

Where can images end up -

these two are more aimed at using Photomechanic and workflow

Preparing for a game -

Shooting and captioning during a game -

Improved workflow after a few weeks -

Where can images end up and what we can do to prevent things as much as possible -

Maybe of help to some of you guys
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happy to help

I will do an updated version of ingesting pics soon as I have changed my way of working slightly to only use auto ingest now

If anyone would like to know anything, or think anything would make for a writeup just let me know, I try to "blog" alot of info and keep things ticking over nicely
Interesting to read. Thanks for taking the time to write them
Another good read, thanks Steven. Its the small incremental improvements that add up to make quite a difference.

I for one am certainly learning from your experience. Thanks again for posting

No problem at all. I agree there, we always find the little things making the bigger difference

Very interesting! Thank you!

No problem
Keep this up Steven. Interesting to read other peoples experiences especially when your in a similar boat to myself.
Heres another I should have added

Where can images end up and what we can do to prevent things as much as possible -

well done... how about expanding and doing a 'how to google search images' then the follow up on how to take people to court, what to say, how to deal with people batting off your claims, what your rights are, how to get payments from thieves... all very important stuff in the modern day.
No problem

Going to post another improved workflow from the little things I have picked up once the season gets going again