For swag72, lack of DOF


Brian Cox
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Sara, You asked in the barbwire (I think) thread about DOF at 250mm with the Raynox...


C&C not required, I know it's rubbish... I got the angles wrong... Can you guess what I was trying to shoot it for ?
Thanks John!!! Ohh, I got really excited seeing myself in a thread!! Well, that DoF is absolutely non existent!! I think it's best to concentrate on about 50mm?!!

Seriously though John. Thanks for taking the time (y)
Sara, you're more than welcome. I say go for it, the full wack see what you get. It's damnably difficult but get it right... It's a great feeling. I'd love to know what sort of reproduction ratio I'm getting. I saw all that math in another thread, but to be honest, I can't be bothered working it all out. Suffice to say that the above is sparkly bits stuck onto the fanned bits of a small pine cone, and is looking along one fanned out section.
I've only got the nifty and 100mm macro now that will fit the Raynox. My other lens's are too big for the adaptor:( Cheers though, must get out!!
I'd love to know what sort of reproduction ratio I'm getting.

Photograph a ruler like this:

Divide 22.2 by the number of milimetres that show on the width of the ruler pic.

For example in my pic I reckon there's about 3.5mm across the frame so 22.2/3.5=6.3. The magnification is 6.3x (or 6.3:1 if you prefer). I used a steel rule with half millimetre markings but at lower magnifications millimetres should be plenty accurate enough.

NB - the 22.2 relates to the width of the sensor in a 450D. It's not the same for all camera!
Thanks for the guide. I just checked it and I get 8.5mm showing at min focus distance and 250mm which is 2.6x