For the 'younger' members of TP....

Yep...stink the place up, show them how to shoot while completely drunk and talk our way into a t1tty-bar and out again without paying the extortionate bar prices or getting frog-marched to an ATM by two Russian mafiosi...
Then blame the 'yoofs' when it all goes wrong, fall asleep on a park-bench and get robbed...

Count me in, sounds like a plan.

Sounds like we could learn alot and have some real fun! Lol. Apart from the Bit about blaming it on the yoofs. :D
I know I'm kind of awaking this from the dead... but

Any of our younger members finished they're photography exams yet??

Never seen this thread before but good to know there's quite a few other younger members on here!

I'm 20, not studied photography but always had an interest in it and only recently started to do something about it (last 4 months or so). I know what people are saying about it being seen as geeky, I am an IT systems engineer (programming etc) so I guess I am a bit of a geek really :geek:
I'm 14........ Whoooops that's actually meant to be 34, perhaps that was a Freudian slip of the finger? :nuts:

I used to "borrow" my parents' camera when I was a kid but didn't get my first DSLR until I was 30, so wish I'd done it earlier :bonk:

Good to see so many younger people into photography, it does seem to have a "geeky" image (pardon the pun) but it's more than worth it when you get some nice shots :D
25 going on 26 this year,

I know what you mean about being serious about photography, my friends think it's cool.
Wow just remembered about this topic, checking back when I posted I was 19 going on 20, now im 21.

BSc in Photography and Digital Imaging in sept! woot!!
Just to reassure you young'uns. As you get older nobody thinks that you're any less weird for liking photography. And you get ear hair. :)
Nice to see people adding to this thread again :D

i finished mine about 3 weeks ago, it was a 10 hour exam though which was good.:D

Presumably 10 hours exam... that makes you AS?
How'd you felt it went?

18 here, just handed in my AS final project!

Nice one Chris! How'd you feel it went? And what was your topic again?

I'm A2 and ours was exploration and discovery!

Feel free to post up your final exam images if you want! (y)
I had my AS photography exam about a week ago, we had to put together an exam book based on a key word (I chose 'splash') previous to the exam and then the 5 hour exam turned out to just be putting my photographs on exhibition around the school:LOL:

I'm 17 by the way and will defiantly continue with photography for some time.
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Im 21, been doing photography on and off since college for so 4 years now!

Just started picking up again, offering services to friends at the moment to build up a better portfolio, have my first wedding in sept, friend of the family, got all the gear i need so hopefully going in the right direction!
I'm 16 and started when I was..hmmm... 13 with a p&s. Last year I bought my first DSLR and have improved immensely! I will definitely keep my photography as a hobby, something relaxing to do without having to rely on it for a living. :)
Good to see some people my age around on the forum... :D
19 here, got into photography at 16, I make 'old people' go all nostalgic when they see me run about London with film cameras much older than myself. :p
I'm 15, become 16 in August. I got into photography last year, but didn't have a camera to play around. So I just fooled around with the cheapest compact I could buy (Sony W55) and waited a few months, until I got my DSLR in January this year. Thinking about selling it all and going Nikon though. Mainly because I have access to a lot of Nikkor glass that won't work decently with my camera :p
25, been snapping for many years, spent the last 5 years actually making a positive effort to understand photography as an art though. Only got really serious since getting divorced, although it was her father who really provided the kick start as he was just starting out with a Nikon D40x, and I was using a D40 at the time.

I've now got my style defined and just enjoy the moments as they come.
Nice to see people adding to this thread again :D

Presumably 10 hours exam... that makes you AS?
How'd you felt it went?

Nice one Chris! How'd you feel it went? And what was your topic again?

I'm A2 and ours was exploration and discovery!

Feel free to post up your final exam images if you want! (y)

Cheers! It seemed to be okay, it was mystery and imagination :).

I would have but our teacher wouldn't let us take them out of the exam once edited :| and as I was doing levitation photos I really cba with all the photoshop work again!
im 21 . i picked up my dads dslr one day about a year and a half ago and got hooked the moment i took my first photo! i bought myself a nikon d90 about a year ago and still love taking photos. ive signed up for college in september to do photography and have landed a small amount of work with a small local magazine which will hopefully lead on to bigger things. i think photography is interesting and definetely cool!
I'm 21. Bought my first slr at 18. Now a working commercial photographer and assistant photographer.
Im 24.

Purchased a D40 2 years ago but really done nothing with it other than shoot in AUTO until last July. Since then I have got the bug bad and moved to a D5000 but a D7000/D90 will be replacing that in the very near future. I don't shoot nearly enough as I want too but when I do get out I really enjoy it.

Its strictly amateur for me, Im an architecture student so my interest in architectural photography is rather natural. Ive never had a lesson, it is completely 'learn by doing' and have not really considered classes at all.
only just noticed this! 20 year old here :)

i do find it bizarre how id much rather go for a walk togging than go out on the lash! id much rather go out to photograph around sunset than go drinking lol.

i dont do it at uni or anything but i do advertising design so it does help a fair bit!
I'm 29 and I've had my camera for around 3 years. For the first year I mainly had it set to auto occasionally trying the other settings but since I didn't understand them I quickly went back to auto. This lasted around a year but I lost any passion for photography and put my camera away under my bed.
Then around a year ago I was in tesco with the missus, and while she was flicking through all the fashion magazines I picked up a copy of Practical Photography magazine. Just from flicking through I noticed all the tricks, tips and advice it had on offer so I bought it. I straight away got all excited about getting my camera back out and getting out to take some pictures. I've now well and truly got my passion back...........I just need the bank account to match it now for all the extras I want!
I'm 18. Bought a D40 in September (off a TP member) because I saw what was achievable with even the most basic DSLR. Definitely glad I bought it, I've surprised myself with some of the shots I've taken. I mainly shoot in Auto unless I'm doing anything specific, like Motorsport or night shots.

Not looking to upgrade yet, there's still a lot I need to learn and practice.
chrisphoto said:
Cheers! It seemed to be okay, it was mystery and imagination :).

I would have but our teacher wouldn't let us take them out of the exam once edited :| and as I was doing levitation photos I really cba with all the photoshop work again!

Ah that's it... Funny you did levitation, a friend of mine (in AS) also did that! Was great to see! Well when you do get hold of them post them up :)

A2 was exploration and discovery, was quite a hard theme as it was soooo broad! Got there in the end though!
22 here. I do photography at college. Recently have fallen behind with a lot of work but i feel like my passion is reigniting slowly.
I've just recently turned 18, and after years of saving up and begging, my dad finally bought me my DSLR :D Have always had an interest in photography and art but now want to take the interest further. Havent done a wedding yet, but have done a few family portraits at their home and a few party commisions. Planning lots of travel this year to get good landscape photos (hopefully ;)). Trying out different sorts of photography to find out what my favourite subject is. :)

I'm 21, my grandpa gave me his old 300D because he couldn't really figure out how to use it and it was in my cupboard for about 6 months until I started trying to experiment with it....

1 and a half years later i have a serious gear itch problem.

I'm 23. Got my first camera just over 2 years ago. This year though I'm starting to take it bit more seriously....whatever that means.

Even so, I feel a bit old...I know of some local togs 17-19yo who take superb images, way better than what I'm doing at the moment!