Free Photo Prints

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* 90 completely free prints for new Jessops Jpics customers (50 for existing customers).

Use the code "FREE50" on the Jessops Jpics website before Tues 13 Jan and you'll receive 50 free prints. Yet as new customers registering on the site get 40 free prints automatically that means use the code and you'll get 90 in total. While it costs £1.49 to get them delivered to your home or work, arrange to pick them up at a Jessops store and they'll be completely free.

Quantity: 50/90
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: Free/£1.49
Price per photo: Free/1.5p/3p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Jessops Jpics
* 10 free prints from Asda.

Set up an account with Asda Photo and it'll automatically credit your account with 10 free prints. As the prints can be delivered to a store, if your local store is listed pick them up if you're shopping there anyway and they'll be completely free. Alternatively, you can have them delivered to your home but you'd need to pay £1.50 postage.

Quantity: 10
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: Free/£1.50
Price per photo: Free/15p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Asda Photo
* 70 prints for new Snapfish users at 3p each (50 for existing customers).

From this Saturday 10 Jan use the coupon code "PENNY2009" when you order 50 prints using this special Snapfish link and it'll cost you 3p per print (1p per print plus 99p p&p). Yet if you're a new Snapfish customer you'll also get 20 free prints meaning, although postage will rise to £1.49, the individual print cost will still be under 3p.

The link above is a special link provided by Snapfish for this offer so that it could track usage. The code will only work when you go via this link but doesn't gain from people using it.

Quantity: 50/70
Print Size: 6" x 4" (10 x 15cm)
P&P: 99p/£1.49
Price per photo: 3p/5p
Deal valid: Sat 10 Jan to midnight Tues 13 Jan 2009
Link: Snapfish
* 40 prints from Bootsphoto at 4p each.

Register with Bootsphoto, pay £1.35 p&p and credits will automatically be added to your account giving you 40 free digital prints.

Quantity: 40
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm), 6" x 4.5" (15 x 12cm)
P&P: £1.35
Price per photo: 4p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Bootsphoto
* 40 prints from Photobox at 4p each.

Register with Photobox, pay £1.35 p&p and you'll get 40 digital prints. The offer's restricted to one per household. Yet, as a bonus, let a friend know about the offer via the website and you'll both get 50 free prints.

Quantity: 40
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm), 6" x 4.5" (15 x 12cm)
P&P: £1.35
Price per photo: 4p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Photobox
* 20 prints from Aldi for 6p each.

Discount supermarket Aldi has its own photo service. Register via the Aldi Photos website and you'll be emailed a code to get 20 free photos. Upload your twenty photos, enter the code in the box on the left-hand side of the page, and all you'll pay is the £1.33 postage.

If you don't know what a discount supermarket is then for more info read the What's Hot and What's Not at Aldi, Lidl and Netto article.

Quantity: 20
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: £1.33
Price per photo: 6p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Aldi Photos
* 20 prints from Kodak for 6p each.

Traditional camera and photos retailer Kodak is giving away 20 free prints when you register with its photo service. Register on the Kodak Gallery website and it'll give you credits for 20 free photos. Postage is £1.39.

Quantity: 20
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: £1.39
Price per photo: 7p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Kodak Gallery
* 30 prints from WHSmith for 7p each.

Register with the WHSmiths Photo Prints service and you'll be sent a code via email for 30 free prints. Make sure you check your junk folder in case the email's gone there. Once you've received your code go back to the site, upload your photos, ensuring the format is 4" (you may need to change this in the drop down box for each photo).

Quantity: 30
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: £1.99
Price per photo: 7p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: WHSmiths Photo Prints service
* 20 prints at 10p each from Extrafilm.

Register with Extrafilm to get 20 photo prints. The company's part of a Belgian group but also operates in the UK. Postage is £1.99.

Quantity: 20
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: £1.99
Price per photo: 10p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Extrafilm
* 25 prints for 12p each from Mypix.

Register with Mypix, part of the Dixons Group, and it'll give you 25 photo prints free though postage costs £2.90. Your account will automatically be loaded with credits for 25 photos. You'll need to download its special tool, Image Uploader, to upload your photos to your online album.

Quantity: 25
Print Size: 6" x 4.5" (15 x 10.2cm)
P&P: £2.90
Price per photo: 12p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Mypix
* 20 prints from Foto for 13p each.

Register on the Foto website, upload twenty 6" x 4.4" photos and it'll cost £2.68 (£1.99 postage plus 69p admin fee). Once you've uploaded your photos ensure the format is 6" x 4.4" for all photos otherwise you may not get them free.

Quantity: 20
Print Size: 6" x 4.4"
P&P: £2.68
Price per photo: 13p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Foto

Bulk or unusual size orders...

If you've exhausted all the above, prefer to buy in bulk from one site or simply want prints other than the standard sizes then try these for size...

* 200+ prints for 4p each from Jessops.

Order 200 or more 6" x 4" prints from Jessops and it'll cost 4p per print. Choose to pick them up in a Jessops store and there'll be no postage cost meaning that's all you'll pay.

Quantity: 200+
Print Size: 6" x 4" (15 x 10cm)
P&P: N/A
Price per photo: 4p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Jessops
* 30% off everything at Bonusprint.

If you can't get to a store but still want to cut the cost of a bulk or on usual size order then until 15 January Bonusprint is offering 30% off everything including digital photo prints when you use the promotional code "THIRTYJAN9".

Print Size: Various. See Bonusprint's size and price list
P&P: N/A
Price per photo: N/A
Deal ends: 15 Jan 09
Link: Bonusprint
* Pre-paid packs from Mypix.

Order a "tobefree250" pre-paid pack of 250 6 " x 4", 6" x 4.5" or 7" x 5.25" prints from Mypix and it'll cost £23.80. This includes postage and packing meaning per photo you're paying 9.5p each. You'll need to download its special tool, Image Uploader, to upload your photos to your online album. Plus, currently, buy two and you'll get the third free.

Quantity: 250
Print Size: 6" x 4", 6" x 4.5" or 7" x 5.25"
P&P: N/A
Price per photo: 9.5p
Deal ends: N/A
Link: Mypix