Free Photography Kindle Books

Damn - missed Have to settle for living on stale bread and cheese for a bit longer

Cheers dude! Missed those... I keep downloading all these freebies to my phone which is too small to read them, have to get something bigger soon!

Mastering camera aperture: digital photography tips and tricks for beginners on how to control depth of field. - Not free anymore shows £1.92 - I missed it :(

LOL - I think I'd better read this.
A year ago my tripod blew over in a storm and dumped my 5DII and 24TSE II into a lake.
A quick skim shows lots of really good advice, but he doesn't seem to have suffered from the blowing over problem :D
I'm now super-paranoid, if it's windy or the ground is a bit wobbly then the tripod legs get spread a notch - which creates a trip hazard but there is no way it can blow over...
Oh I must have been on before they started work again... sorry!

They seem to change price around 9:00am so you have to be up early. Not quite figured out when they actually get reduced in price the previous day.
Thanks, once again, to all the contributors in this thread (y)
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Just found this one...

Insights From Beyond the Lens: Inside the Art & Craft of Landscape Photography

Edited to add - there are also several more photography books on there for free tonight, but I don't have time to provide the links. Just search for photography books, put them in price order, low to high and scroll down....

and most are not worth reading