Froknowsphoto: Go above and beyond auto - any good?

He has loads of videos on YouTube, can't you just watch them for free?
seen a few a of his vids on youtube, and he's very good at getting you to understand what he's trying to teach big (y) from me hth mike.
I wouldn't pay for it, most of the content can be found for free on his and others channels. Some find prolonged periods of him a bit irksome, but his teaching methods are pretty good for most people.
I used to watch his videos, but find him extremely irritating at the best of times now. He spends as much time posing in the gym these days and showing us his "guns" ... eurgh ... as he does actually teaching photography.
I wouldn't pay for it, most of the content can be found for free on his and others channels..,

Yeah I'd second that. Just go right back to his early, early stuff and all the info you need is there. His teaching methods helped me immensely when I was starting out.

Seems like these days he's sold out a bit and gone very commercial. Or he's done very well for himself - whichever way you look at it :)
He's making money from photography, just in a different way.
I've listened to his podcasts - they become a little tiresome after a while, but it's occaisionally a good insight into other photographers
He found a niche and has milked the crap out of it. Fair play to him.
I've stopped watching most of his stuff as I find it a bit immature and repetitive, but he has built one of the most successful photography channels on youtube, and obviously now does that as his main job rather the music photography he did before. So you can't blame him for trying to grow and expand into different areas.
Some call it selling out, others as expanding your business.. Either way, he has and will continue to have a large following, as people outgrow him and move on, there are always new people just getting into photography and finding his stuff very useful.
Yeah I'd second that. Just go right back to his early, early stuff and all the info you need is there. His teaching methods helped me immensely when I was starting out.

Seems like these days he's sold out a bit and gone very commercial. Or he's done very well for himself - whichever way you look at it :)
How has he sold out? By making money from what he does? If he couldn't then all the free stuff would not be there either.
How has he sold out? By making money from what he does? If he couldn't then all the free stuff would not be there either.

Maybe sold out is a bit harsh. The point still stands though - when he first started out you could see he was doing it for the love of teaching something he's very good at. Now there are more adverts and sponsors on his uploads than on an F1 car.

Well done to him though, he's obviously very business savvy. Just now it's less about education and more about peddling Fro related merchandise.
Maybe sold out is a bit harsh. The point still stands though - when he first started out you could see he was doing it for the love of teaching something he's very good at. Now there are more adverts and sponsors on his uploads than on an F1 car.

Well done to him though, he's obviously very business savvy. Just now it's less about education and more about peddling Fro related merchandise.
Yeah but if he doesn't do that he doesn't get paid. It's the same as Facebook when people complain about ads. Everything has to be paid for somehow. Look at all the major pros though. Maybe not quite as in your face but they all pimp gear in one way or another and most have deals with major companies.
Yeah but if he doesn't do that he doesn't get paid. It's the same as Facebook when people complain about ads. Everything has to be paid for somehow. Look at all the major pros though. Maybe not quite as in your face but they all pimp gear in one way or another and most have deals with major companies.

I'm happy for the guy - if I remember correctly he started out teaching of photography because that's what his mother did and she died when he was young (sure there's an upload where he discusses that) - so there's
no doubt he got into it for the right reasons. All I'm saying is that now he's leaning more towards a DigitalRev style channel than his earlier, really good, tutorials.

So if you want the basics covered his new stuff isn't applicable. His early playlist entitled 'Digital Photography Class' however, covers almost everything - even down to how to hold your camera :)
I don't mind him making money, or doing what he does. He is pretty good for beginners, and I'd have to admit I did learn a few things watching his youtube clips. I just don't like his personality. He's too full of himself. His hardcore followers treat him like a God. Nothing he says could ever be wrong, just try disputing something he has taught on his forum ... yeah, good luck with that. The Mods will be on you like flies on ... well, y'know.
I like his RAWTalk podcasts. Akin to Kevin Smiths SMODcast...ballpark topic but talks about this n that. Both he and Kevin Smith are marmite personalities I guess
Whatever did people do before the internet, and before all these famous YouTube "photographers" released these wonderful videos to give us all their knowledge and secrets. LOL

I'm surprised anyone buys these things to be honest.... but you can't blame the guy if people want to give him money for teaching them basic photography that can be self taught for free though. Maybe I should cash in on this too... I'd have to cultivate a silly hair style, or a comedy beard, or some other affectation of course... but maybe it's worth it... like Movember, but being paid for it :)

I used to watch his videos, but find him extremely irritating at the best of times now. He spends as much time posing in the gym these days and showing us his "guns" ... eurgh ... as he does actually teaching photography.

All sounds a bit weirdly homo-erotic actually.

Can't you people just buy a book or something? Why does everyone need entertaining in order to learn these days?
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It used to be interesting when he interviewed people but now it's boring. The art of photography with ted Forbes is a bit of a gloss over of a subject. More of an introduction to a photographer, no depth.

I quite like listening to podcasts as I don't sleep much, but a lot seem to rely on video these days. Be quite nice to find an in depth audio podcast into photographers work.
I bought it, unless his brought a updated version out

Found it very useful learning about about camera settings and I liked the way he speaks about what things do, to a newbie it was very easy to watch and understand

I have however got a little tired of his stuff as its all very similar, very good though and I still get his facebook feed