The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Thanks. Thought I'd over processed it a bit.

I think slightly under, mate. There's LOADS more detail in there if you want it? This is a VERY rough edit but.. I do like your edit, though. Mine was just to show what's there.

Not a very scientific test but I took the 2 images below the other day. Both JPG, straight out of camera, no sharpening etc just cropped & resized.

Canon set up was my 6D & 24-105 f4, Fuji was the X-T1 & 18-55 f4.

Fuji by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Canon by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

I honestly can't see that much in it, but the DoF is a bit better on the FF 6D (as you would expect).

Like I said, not that scientific, just an interesting test...

If I was being super duper highly critical I might say that the Canon is slightly sharper. But if the two hadn't been side by side I wouldn't complain about the Fuji. Given all the well rehearesd facts about mirrorles v full frame I'd still be accept the Fuji.
I think slightly under, mate. There's LOADS more detail in there if you want it? This is a VERY rough edit but.. I do like your edit, though. Mine was just to show what's there.

Thanks. I made a slight (well major) balls up. I'd been playing with the macro rig yesterday and as I was stacking was shooting JPEG only. Never changed it back to RAW:eggface:

Yours is a bit lighter than mine which I like in some areas - l/h side - but I'm not too sure about other areas.
Chacun a son gout!
If I was being super duper highly critical I might say that the Canon is slightly sharper. But if the two hadn't been side by side I wouldn't complain about the Fuji. Given all the well rehearesd facts about mirrorles v full frame I'd still be accept the Fuji.

The Canon combo was probably 30-50% more expensive, much heavier, but (for me) easier to use. That said, I haven't had the Fuji a week yet....
The Canon combo was probably 30-50% more expensive, much heavier, but (for me) easier to use. That said, I haven't had the Fuji a week yet....

A key factor in sharpness could also be the software or in camera processing... but generally bigger sensors are sharper.
Thanks. I made a slight (well major) balls up. I'd been playing with the macro rig yesterday and as I was stacking was shooting JPEG only. Never changed it back to RAW:eggface:

Yours is a bit lighter than mine which I like in some areas - l/h side - but I'm not too sure about other areas.
Chacun a son gout!

No worries. So, if I just extract a bit more detail but leave you levels alone I get this, which I really like, personally?

No worries. So, if I just extract a bit more detail but leave you levels alone I get this, which I really like, personally?

No worries at all. Play away to your heart's content! I sometimes finish up with 4 or 5 versions of the same shot and can't decide which I like best.
How does the kit lens 18-55 fair?? Compare to the 16-55 2.8
Not a very scientific test but I took the 2 images below the other day. Both JPG, straight out of camera, no sharpening etc just cropped & resized.

Canon set up was my 6D & 24-105 f4, Fuji was the X-T1 & 18-55 f4.

Fuji by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

Canon by Steve Jelly, on Flickr

I honestly can't see that much in it, but the DoF is a bit better on the FF 6D (as you would expect).

Like I said, not that scientific, just an interesting test...

It's tricky to test when shooting a subject that close with such limited depth of field, and as such I think the Canon is focused closer than the Fuji, hence the Canon shot looks sharper overall.
How does the kit lens 18-55 fair?? Compare to the 16-55 2.8

Rookies, what do you want an X-T1 system for ???

  • If it's compactness then the 18-55 is the way to go, it's a brilliant lens, and makes 'kit' lenses from other manufacturers look daft.

  • If you want the ultimate zoom in that focal length band then the 16-55 is the way to go, but, it's a huge (in Fuji terms) slab of glass. - the 50-140 is equally a huge piece of glass, but to get constant f2.8 out of a zoom there are physical limitations.

  • But if you want the best IQ then primes are the way, the Fuji primes in this band are excellent especially the 23mm and the 56mm.

You really do need to make your mind up about the hardware direction you want to take your photography in. :thinking:

In your shoes, I would buy a S/H X-T1 and 18-55 and see how you get on with the Fuji system. Explain to your wife that after 3 months you will sell either the Nikon or the Fuji, and for the moment she has to let you use both systems side by side.

You may not even get on with the Fuji way of camera handling/menus/etc, and if you decide to sell it in 3 months you'll probably only loose £30-£50. That is a small price to pay to the amount of time you spend analysing every detail on forums. Get out there and do some shooting, get a life back and stop trying to spec a camera system off other people's opinions,.....this is not a risk free hobby......what one person likes doesn't suit all.....
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Rookies, what do you want an X-T1 system for ???

  • If it's compactness then the 18-55 is the way to go, it's a brilliant lens, and makes 'kit' lenses from other manufacturers look daft.

  • If you want the ultimate zoom in that focal length band then the 16-55 is the way to go, but, it's a huge (in Fuji terms) slab of glass. - the 50-140 is equally a huge piece of glass, but to get constant f2.8 out of a zoom there are physical limitations.

  • But if you want the best IQ then primes are the way, the Fuji primes in this band are excellent especially the 23mm and the 56mm.

You really do need to make your mind up about the hardware direction you want to take your photography in. :thinking:

In your shoes, I would buy a S/H X-T1 and 18-55 and see how you get on with the Fuji system. Explain to your wife that after 3 months you will sell either the Nikon or the Fuji, and for the moment she has to let you use both systems side by side.

You may not even get on with the Fuji way of camera handling/menus/etc, and if you decide to sell it in 3 months you'll probably only loose £30-£50. That is a small price to pay to the amount of time you spend analysing every detail on forums. Get out there and do some shooting, get a life back and stop trying to spec a camera system off other people's opinions,.....this is not a risk free hobby......what one person likes doesn't suit all.....

Thank you for the ear bashing lol

I did say somewhere that I am aiming for a 2 system this the xt1 being a used kit. So I was just asking about the lens as I will get one of them and a 56mm. But I think I get the kit lens for lightness and compactness
But in this moment in time a brand new xt1 is £600 after cash back and trade in. Only if I can find a old compact if it works lol
How does the kit lens 18-55 fair?? Compare to the 16-55 2.8
For day to day shooting there's not a lot of difference, it is sharper and bettter contrast IMO but the lack of OIS can cause slower shutter speed shots to look soft. The constant aperture is good as is the extra at the wide end, but on the minus it is a lump of a lens,
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Thank you for the ear bashing lol

I did say somewhere that I am aiming for a 2 system this the xt1 being a used kit. So I was just asking about the lens as I will get one of them and a 56mm. But I think I get the kit lens for lightness and compactness

In that case IMO to start with don't duplicate focal lengths that you have in your D750 arsenal, so if you have the 24-70 f2.8 zoom in the Nikon then don't get the 16-55 f2.8 in the Fuji, if you had those side by side I reckon you'd always reach for the Nikon, perhaps consider going all prime for the Fuji, or vice versa.

PS waiiting for the post that says 'do you think that Fuji will offer a better cashback/trade in deal after 31/5.... now where did I leave that crystal ball........
Won't be asking about the cash back as when that end they giving free battery grip apparently
Won't be asking about the cash back as when that end they giving free battery grip apparently

To me, the grip just brings the body back up to the size of an SLR, and negates all the positives about the size. But some guys do have HUGE hands, so I can see why some prefer to have one.
To me, the grip just brings the body back up to the size of an SLR, and negates all the positives about the size. But some guys do have HUGE hands, so I can see why some prefer to have one.
You know what they say about men with huge hands !;)
But in this moment in time a brand new xt1 is £600 after cash back and trade in. Only if I can find a old compact if it works lol

But the Fuji only works out that price after your trade in. So you won't have 2 systems.
To me, the grip just brings the body back up to the size of an SLR, and negates all the positives about the size. But some guys do have HUGE hands, so I can see why some prefer to have one.
+1 on this, I bought a grip on this forum and TBH I've used it twice, the extra battery is handy, but it does negate the benefits of the smaller form factor.
I have big hands. Clumsy hands. A grip came with my X-T. I sold it pretty quickly and don't find the body difficult to use.
Maybe it's a generational thing. Film cameras were usually about this size and they were never a problem.
I did say somewhere that I am aiming for a 2 system
That's just plain silly.
If you have two kits with you then you will always go to one or the other as your "default" kit. Then you will have to think when you pick up the other. Then you will give over picking it up because you have to think. Then you will sell it. By all means buy one and try it, but alongside your existing gear? That won't work.
That's just plain silly.
If you have two kits with you then you will always go to one or the other as your "default" kit. Then you will have to think when you pick up the other. Then you will give over picking it up because you have to think. Then you will sell it. By all means buy one and try it, but alongside your existing gear? That won't work.

Nonsense. Loads of people use a DSLR and a CSC alongside... including myself. Best of both worlds.
Nonsense. Loads of people use a DSLR and a CSC alongside... including myself. Best of both worlds.

Agreed I will take both systems next weekend when I take part in the L2B Mini run. On the Saturday we are going into London I will take my Xpro1 kit as its light on the Sunday I will use my Nikon kit
I'll unsubscribe from this thread. It's no longer about the kit it's all about whether rookies should buy one. This would be a better conversation on Facebook.
That's just plain silly.
If you have two kits with you then you will always go to one or the other as your "default" kit. Then you will have to think when you pick up the other. Then you will give over picking it up because you have to think. Then you will sell it. By all means buy one and try it, but alongside your existing gear? That won't work.

The whole idea of the Fuji (for me) was to allow me to take the camera out more often, and keep my 7D2 with long lenses for wildlife (Fuji just doesn't have what I want for this) and also allow me to keep my 6D for some serious landscape work. I don't want to be taking the DSLR to car shows, smaller events etc.

As long as you are disciplined about it, I see no reason why you can't run 2 systems. Heck, I know a guy who runs Canon for wildlife and Nikon for portraits, work that one out....
I'll unsubscribe from this thread. It's no longer about the kit it's all about whether rookies should buy one. This would be a better conversation on Facebook.
He's done this to the Sony A7 and Nikon D750 threads already within the last few months. It does get quite tiresome but you could just put him on ignore rather than unsubbing from the thread :)
What most haven't spotted though is that this is @rookies yearly phase, most of the same questions were answered this time last year when he was going to get the X-T1 :D
Has anyone here used Amazon warehouse ? The description on one of the used XT1's is a bit disconcerting, "small cosmetic blemish on front of camera, less than 2.5x 2.5cm" ??????
Has anyone here used Amazon warehouse ? The description on one of the used XT1's is a bit disconcerting, "small cosmetic blemish on front of camera, less than 2.5x 2.5cm" ??????

Yeah, its a bit hit and miss. See feedback also 87%.