funniest youtube video


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I like youtube videos where people fall over or walk into something or got hit in the groin etc.

What's the best video of this ilk you've seen. link to it here for my amusement
ok I'll start. It's not a falling over incident but it is excellent

thats what I'm talking about. keep them coming: here's one I watched at least one hundred times


This is one of my work mates, we bet him £3 to eat a whole dorset naga chili.

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This one has me crying with laughter every time! :LOL:

This one always makes me chuckle

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NSFW, needs sounds - suggest headphones if you're anywhere near other people!!!

An oldie but a goodie - the video and the subject ;)

One can never get tired of Nigella :D

This photo say's it all


A video showing someone dying? Not really appropriate, especially in a thread about funny videos

wow, someone dying, yeah not a good idea!!!. was it the guy with the electric cable on the train?
indeed it was, thoroughly unpleasant to watch. Wished I'd read the commets/description first.

yeah thats a real nasty video. You watch it and it takes you a few seconds to realise what you just watched ater it has finished and then it's like "hmmmm, some things can't be unwatched"
yeah thats a real nasty video. You watch it and it takes you a few seconds to realise what you just watched ater it has finished and then it's like "hmmmm, some things can't be unwatched"

seen that before, not exactly in the spirit of the thread :shrug: although i've seen a lot worse....some of which I wish I hadn't.
not really a "funny" vid as such, but anyone who's seen the Miami Dolphins :love: parody of Carly Rae Jepson's Call Me Maybe will appreciate it :)

not really a "funny" vid as such, but anyone who's seen the Miami Dolphins :love: parody of Carly Rae Jepson's Call Me Maybe will appreciate it :)


didn't find that particularly funny.... BUT it did make me seek out the cheerleaders version which I enjoyed immensely! (y)