Easier said than done but if you can avoid falling into the trap of gear lust then you really should. It ruined my love of photography and cost me £1000s.
Keep thinking about getting a new camera to replace my less than modern 5D, but know in my head its just buying for the sake of it

Live view and sensor cleaning device might be handy, but how much better would the photos be? Keep thinking its getting a bit long in the tooth, then I look at a picture and realise i'm still more than happy with it

Mainly take landscapes or still objects with a tripod at low iso's using centre point so not sure how much I stand to gain from something like a 6D, used 5D mk ii or even the mk iii

Doesn't stop me looking every now and then, even though I could afford it have a feeling it might be something of a letdown, there again maybe not !!
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I'm more of a 'swapper' than a 'buyer' :)

When I see the number of lenses etc some people own I think I could never do that & use them all. I have a 5D2, 17-40L, 50/1.4 & 135L - Yes there's always dream stuff I'd have with money no object but I think I have a realistic & usable collection at the moment.
I've found that high ISO on sony is awfully noisy and like a few reviews said, no matter what WB I use (ie, correct or blatantly wrong and fix PP) the reds are too high in camera. Also lens availability is a factor too and the Nikon 5200 has a swivel screen, which means it'll help more with my "stupid body" stuff. ;) There's a few other bits,. but that's it in a nutsell, pretty much.

you could try dxo, I've never had too strong reds, but I've got got a55 and a77. Could be a odd filter issue, I've noticed some uv filters have a colour cast on there reflection, often green, or could be your pc screen too
I've never suffered from much GAS with digital.. all I'd like is 85mm 1.8, a studio light or 2 and to replace the x100 I begrudgingly had to sell.

Film, though? Do you have a few hours for me to list? :D
I've never suffered from much GAS with digital.. all I'd like is 85mm 1.8, a studio light or 2 and to replace the x100 I begrudgingly had to sell.

Film, though? Do you have a few hours for me to list? :D

I would have imagined that with film GAS wasn't as much of an issue. You spend big once and the body could happily last you 15 years, longer if you kept up with regular servicing. These days everything changes so quick it's impossible to keep up to date and because things have moved away from the mechanical when an older camera has a failure it's generally going to be a total loss.
I'd like a time machine so that when I've been stuck in work all day and the weather's just right I can travel back at the end of the day and get some photography done!! Either that or a clone of me so I can send that version to work :D

However since they sell neither of these at Wex my credit card is fairly safe for the foreseeable future!! :)
I would have imagined that with film GAS wasn't as much of an issue.

Nah - you just had more money burning a hole in your pocket to spend on other things like lenses because you didn't swap bodies as often ;)
or you want a different camera :), and you get more for your money with film
I would have imagined that with film GAS wasn't as much of an issue. You spend big once and the body could happily last you 15 years, longer if you kept up with regular servicing.....
As a 100% analogue tog I sort of agree with this observation but with 2 important refinements.
1. It applies to each type of camera within a format.
So, in 35mm, the SLR experience is different from rangefinder, so I need one of each. And one needs to experience a variety - but probably (??) limited to just one example of each - of other formats, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x17, 8x10, ULF, ......
2. This observation also applies to lenses within each format...... a handful of lenses is needed for each format

So, for those formats I have, I don't yearn to upgrade my gear.
But I may add that missing 6x7 system........ any recommendations?
i seem to have quenched my thirst for new cameras and lenses and whathaveyou for now. Unfortunately, i'm hankering for speedlite accessories etc to use out on location stuff, some of which isn't particularly cheap :LOL: I also wouldn't mind an SB910 to complement my existing guns.......:LOL:
As a 100% analogue tog I sort of agree with this observation but with 2 important refinements.
1. It applies to each type of camera within a format.
So, in 35mm, the SLR experience is different from rangefinder, so I need one of each. And one needs to experience a variety - but probably (??) limited to just one example of each - of other formats, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x17, 8x10, ULF, ......
2. This observation also applies to lenses within each format...... a handful of lenses is needed for each format

So, for those formats I have, I don't yearn to upgrade my gear.
But I may add that missing 6x7 system........ any recommendations?

Of course, in an ideal world one would have a small selection of 35mm bodies, each loaded with a different emulsion. At least 2, one for colour and one for B&W. Maybe another few to account for faster films and maybe even slides and negs... Back in the days when film was the only option, not a cheap proposition but these days when film bodies seem to be selling for very little (OK, maybe not the best bodies but in film terms, the body is less important than it is in the digital world), it is a viable one! At least with some MF systems, one can have a selection of interchangeable backs for different films and (on 120), limited frames to have to use up should one need a different emulsion and no back free! :)
My GAS is mainly to do with not being able to carry around an full DSLR kit anymore,so have sold of all my Nikon gear and mainly replacing it with Fuji,nearly their hopefully all over soon :rolleyes: :)
I may be crazy, but thinking about the Df keeps me up at night... I'll get it one day, used... like everything else...
So, how many of you are getting all GAS-y with the arrival of the 7dii.... Bit much for Santa, I suppose!!
I find that the lack of funds helps with the GAS problen :) or should that be :(
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Bump... Is Christmas causing your GAS to flare up now that we are much closer? :wave:
I don't need Christmas :D

Nor me. I've just treated myself to a 7DMkII after vowing I would wait until LR had been updated before I would by one. Trouble is its so small without a grip now I've got to buy one of those tomorrow.

Good job I've sold my 5D3
Bump... Is Christmas causing your GAS to flare up now that we are much closer? :wave:

Grrrrrrrrr......................... YES. :(

(anyone want a D4 so I can spend again? :D )
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Swap my Canon 1.4x mkI for a mkIII
Swap my EF70-200 f/2.8 mkI for a mkII
A 5D3 to compliment my 7D (but really I want a 1D-X)
A Benro GH2 to replace my Benro GH1 gimbal head (undermount instead of sidemount)
A maco lens of some description, then decent flashes to go with it.
Remote camera releases / IR trigger releases
A faster PC so I can sort photos quicker in Lightroom and clear the backlog.

I was briefly tempted by the X-Pro1 and two free lenses offer but I think I've got over that.
You definitely should buy the 1DX. Forget the rest. Its the one to have.
As much as I'd like to, my savings haven't yet recovered from the 500mm f4 mkI I now own.
Well, I succumbed to the EOS M with a flash and kit lens for £200 from Argos. Oops... Quite fancy the 22mm to go with it...
When I was drunk a couple of weeks back I ordered a 16-35mm f2.8 mk II from Calumet... i have till Monday to return it but considering 'forgetting' to do so.
I tell myself I'm pretty good at avoiding it. Knew I needed a 6d more than a 5d3. Narrowly avoided buying a 24-70 to replace the 24-105. But keep suffering urges to get the 16-35 F4 and buy primes, in particular a 100L macro or 135L and a 35mm. I like the idea of the non L lightweight but keep looking at the L or A. About to change jobs so should wait til I'm through the probation period...
Just added a Sigma 35mm 1.4 Art to my collection today, that should keep me happy for the rest of the month, I hope :rolleyes:
When I was drunk a couple of weeks back I ordered a 16-35mm f2.8 mk II from Calumet... i have till Monday to return it but considering 'forgetting' to do so.
Ha ha! Time's almost up... I wonder if there is another hobby which is quite so... Mesmerising!
I'm more of a 'swapper' than a 'buyer' :)

When I see the number of lenses etc some people own I think I could never do that & use them all. I have a 5D2, 17-40L, 50/1.4 & 135L - Yes there's always dream stuff I'd have with money no object but I think I have a realistic & usable collection at the moment.

^^^^ haha :) I now have a 5D2, 17-40L, 28/1.8, 50/1.4 & 135L :) Plus I bought a adapter to use my Yashica 35mm stuff on the EF mount [50/1.9 & 2] :) I also added a Helios 44-2 & 44M-4 & Pentacon 1.8/50 [for sale!] & I just this evening bought a Yashica 28/2.8 too :) I did sell my Canon EF 100/2.8 macro though so that makes it about evens ;)
Your honor, I can not tell a lie, pressed the buy now button, added the LENS10 discount code and bought a new Canon 17-55mm f2.8 to go with the 70D I bought a couple of months ago, but your honor it was a bargain 10% off and £45 cashback in my defence
Your honor, I can not tell a lie, pressed the buy now button, added the LENS10 discount code and bought a new Canon 17-55mm f2.8 to go with the 70D I bought a couple of months ago, but your honor it was a bargain 10% off and £45 cashback in my defence

Go to bed early with no supper :D
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Your honor, I can not tell a lie, pressed the buy now button, added the LENS10 discount code and bought a new Canon 17-55mm f2.8 to go with the 70D I bought a couple of months ago, but your honor it was a bargain 10% off and £45 cashback in my defence

Haha, that was very similar to how my 16 - 35mm purchase occurred.
Well, I'd rather like to have a Nikon F, Canon F1, Pentax LX all with waist level and plain prism finders. Like to have, but I'd never use them.

There are also a number of large format lenses that I'd like, plus a few large format cameras in 5x7 and 10x8 sizes, all of which I would use, but wouldn't add very much in terms of what I currently use and what I use it for. I am rather tempted to move up from 5x4 though...