geekscruff - 52 - 2011

Firstly welcome to the forums, I notice this is your first post :wave:

Eggcellent thought behind this image :coat: Eggs is an Egg Box - love it, a great double twist to the theme which gets a big (y) from me. I'm not sure the not quite straight down view works though and I think whilst the soft side lighting avoids harsh shadows it does unfortunately give some odd shadows on the two eggs from the middle of the egg box. However, the black background does make the subject stand out and you've got a good DoF even if it's not quite enough; the top of the eggs and the tip of the middle of the egg box look a little soft.

A few questions for you to think about

Why did you choose to only have 2 eggs in the box of 4, was this a deliberate choice over a full 1/2 dozen eggs or was this what you had in the house?
Why did you choose this angle to shoot from, did you try any angles?
What would you do differently next time?
Perhaps most importantly, what did you learn from taking part this week?

Overall a good start.
I really like it, simple, but effective:)
I like the fact you've got the bottom of the egg box slightly soft, really emphasises the depth (to me, anyway!)
I even like the fact the Lion symbol on top of the eggs are not lined up,
but then, this is just my opinion, and I'm new to this myself!

To answer the questions:

1) I did chose the 2 eggs rather than a full box and the box of 4 rather than 6. I just thought that these were more interesting than a full box.

2) I did try other angles. In fact, my preference would have been to get the reflection of the box in the surface (which is actually the top of the cooker) and capture an image from the side. I did try a few like that but nothing quite worked.

3) I'd probably not post this one, but would have spent longer today taking more pics until I was really happy with one! ... seriously though, the light is all wrong and I should have experimented at a different time of day (the sun started streaming in the window) or with a lamp to pick out the shadows and reflections I wanted, and tried lots of different angles until I got the one I wanted. I still think I'd stick with the dark/reflective surface though.

4) I've learnt that taking criticism is HARD, and I should spend longer taking the shot I want, rather than settling for one that's kindov there, but not quite.