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Okay, first of all, up until last night I never believed in such things...

Whilst driving home from work at about 2am, Via the Mrs friends to pick her up we were driving along country road when I noticed a figure in the road, slammed on the breaks, in a national speed limit, come to a stop, to see a male in an old farmers hat and old ripped clothes. Just looking at us, (The Girlfriend saw this too, so I'm not going mad) I then looked down to the handle in my door to get out and have a word, and looked back up and he was gone? At which point I quickly got back into the car and drove off, at the appropriate speed. Stopped off at my Mum's on the way through and explained what had happened, she said she had something like that happen to her on that exact road a few years before.... scary stuff, As I said I don't tend to believe in them but I'm 100% know what we saw!

what are you're views on Ghosts?
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There have been other threads on this in the past.

I do believe in ghosts, and other goings on, my experiences are as follows.

When I was about 5 or 6 I was really ill, basically given a 50/50 chance, I remember seeing what looked like an operation on tv but couldn' see it properly as people were in the way, it was like the camera was on the wall by a clock, when eventually the surgeon moved and it was me on the operating table.

Secondly my gran woke me up and had a conversation with me in the moddle of the night, she was nearly 100 miles away in hospital, I remember looking at the clock and noticing the time, the next morning the hospital had phoned and my gran had died about 5 minutes before she had woken me up.

Lastly Back in 1991 I was down at Barton clifftops one summer evening and I saw a blue sphere travel in across the sea up the beach up the cliffs and along the cliff tops towards me, as it got closer to me I found that I couldnt move and was fixated by the light and its movements, when I could eventually move I found that I had lost about 35mins of time that I couldn't account for.

And for the record I am not bonkers.:LOL:
Maybe he fell into the ditch being dazed by your headlights - and you drove off leaving him there swearing and mumbling trying to get out in the dark!!!
I believe there is a ghost in my house because I can never find my glasses amongst other things. I swear it moves them around. It sometimes even puts them on the top of my head!
Humans are genetically programmed to see faces and people shaped things in random patterns. Could just as easily have been the tree branches or whatever in the headlights which is why the 'person' isn't there when you get out of the car.

The fallen/jumped out of the way is just as likely too.
I once saw an unidentified swimming object! It was in the sea at Blackpool about 1982. I was walking along the seafront and the tide was all the way in, about 10 yards out and a foot below the surface was a white sphere a bit bigger than a football, keeping pace with my walking. If I stopped the object stopped and then carried on when I walked. After about two minutes it did a zig zag thing then shot over the horizon at amazing speed. I was walking with a friend, and to this day I ask him "Did you see that thing in the sea at Blackpool?" he always confirms he did.

I am also a non-believer (agnostic?) in the supernatural.
I've never seen a ghost or anything at all "paranormal", and I'm fairly sceptical, but not a complete unbeliever. I do look for rational/prosaic explanations for things first, before the esoteric ones though.
Many years ago my son aged about 5-6 cried everynight when he was in bed. He claimed an old woman kept hitting him. He often made comments about the old woman was in the room but no one else saw her.

Thirty odd years later my son still remembers every detail about those incidents & swears blind they happened.
My view is (and this probably only really applies to those videos of "ghosts doing stuff" on Youtube) that if you were a ghost, come back to our world from the afterlife, would you really spend your time moving boxes around in some guy's garage?


You'd be spending an inordinate amount of time in ladies' locker rooms.
My view is (and this probably only really applies to those videos of "ghosts doing stuff" on Youtube) that if you were a ghost, come back to our world from the afterlife, would you really spend your time moving boxes around in some guy's garage?


You'd be spending an inordinate amount of time in ladies' locker rooms.

Humans are genetically programmed to see faces and people shaped things in random patterns. Could just as easily have been the tree branches or whatever in the headlights which is why the 'person' isn't there when you get out of the car.

The fallen/jumped out of the way is just as likely too.

Nah, he was bang in the middle of the road, well lit, and barriers either side, myself and my Mrs saw him just so weird, gives me goosebumps!
i definatly believe in ghosts and have had a lot of first hand experiences with them inlcuding my dead father, its a bit late and im tired so im not going to write it all out now, theres far too much to tell to be honest.

On a side note i always find it amusing when i try to explain to a skeptic about ghosts and they are like "yeah whatever, ghosts aren't real." Then as soon as i mention getting out the ouijji board they suddenly panic and say "oooh don't mess with those things, they are dangerous, you don't know what sort of things you can bring in."
That must have been some realy strong weed, my friend:p:D
Did you both look down at the door handle at the same time then? Wouldn't one of you still have been looking?
Humans are genetically programmed to see faces and people shaped things in random patterns. Could just as easily have been the tree branches or whatever in the headlights which is why the 'person' isn't there when you get out of the car.

The fallen/jumped out of the way is just as likely too.

Basically, this.

James Randi
hasn't had to part with his million dollars so far :p
Alien farmers?
Okay, first of all, up until last night I never believed in such things...

Whilst driving home from work at about 2am, Via the Mrs friends to pick her up we were driving along country road when I noticed a figure in the road, slammed on the breaks, in a national speed limit, come to a stop, to see a male in an old farmers hat and old ripped clothes. Just looking at us, (The Girlfriend saw this too, so I'm not going mad) I then looked down to the handle in my door to get out and have a word, and looked back up and he was gone? At which point I quickly got back into the car and drove off, at the appropriate speed. Stopped off at my Mum's on the way through and explained what had happened, she said she had something like that happen to her on that exact road a few years before.... scary stuff, As I said I don't tend to believe in them but I'm 100% know what we saw!

what are you're views on Ghosts?

You weren't out towards Sudbury were you? There was a Tudor re-enactment weekend at Long Melford.Lots of people dressed up in clothes like that. Just a thought
You weren't out towards Sudbury were you? There was a Tudor re-enactment weekend at Long Melford.Lots of people dressed up in clothes like that. Just a thought

No, in-between Thorpe Le Soken and Kirby Cross
Knowing the power of photography, with nearly everyone in the western world carrying some type of camera, it would appear rather strange that there is not one piece of decent evidence to support the subject:thinking:

This would appear logical I agree. But what if the supernatural/paranormal doesn't follow logical rules? It may not be possible to record this phenomena.
This would appear logical I agree. But what if the supernatural/paranormal doesn't follow logical rules? It may not be possible to record this phenomena.

If you can see it, then there's electromagnetic force involved via its gauge boson (the photon) and you can therefore capture it on film, video or sensor. :p
This would appear logical I agree. But what if the supernatural/paranormal doesn't follow logical rules? It may not be possible to record this phenomena.

We live in a world surrounded by scientifically proven experiments, and to date there is not a shred of evidence that Ghosts, Fairies, Goblins, or any other mysterious creatures exist.
They do make a great story though. There are many stories out there if you choose to believe them, like Nikon is better than Canon:LOL:

If you can see it, then there's electromagnetic force involved via its gauge boson (the photon) and you can therefore capture it on film, video or sensor. :p

We live in a world surrounded by scientifically proven experiments, and to date there is not a shred of evidence that Ghosts, Fairies, Goblins, or any other mysterious creatures exist.
They do make a great story though. There are many stories out there if you choose to believe them, like Nikon is better than Canon:LOL:


From Wiki

Photons, like all quantum objects, exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. Their dual wave–particle nature can be difficult to visualize. The photon displays clearly wave-like phenomena such as diffraction and interference on the length scale of its wavelength. For example, a single photon passing through a double-slit experiment lands on the screen exhibiting interference phenomena but only if no measure was made on the actual slit being run across. To account for the particle interpretation that phenomenon is called probability distribution but behaves according to the Maxwell's equations.[46] However, experiments confirm that the photon is not a short pulse of electromagnetic radiation; it does not spread out as it propagates, nor does it divide when it encounters a beam splitter".[47] Rather, the photon seems to be a point-like particle since it is absorbed or emitted as a whole by arbitrarily small systems, systems much smaller than its wavelength, such as an atomic nucleus (≈10−15 m across) or even the point-like electron. Nevertheless, the photon is not a point-like particle whose trajectory is shaped probabilistically by the electromagnetic field, as conceived by Einstein and others; that hypothesis was also refuted by the photon-correlation experiments cited above. According to our present understanding, the electromagnetic field itself is produced by photons, which in turn result from a local gauge symmetry and the laws of quantum field theory

As much as I want to agree with you, we need to leave some room for doubt. The scientific method itself may not be the holy grail :)suspect:) of reason and reality as Popper pointed out.
From Wiki

Photons, like all quantum objects, exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties. Their dual wave–particle nature can be difficult to visualize. The photon displays clearly wave-like phenomena such as diffraction and interference on the length scale of its wavelength. For example, a single photon passing through a double-slit experiment lands on the screen exhibiting interference phenomena but only if no measure was made on the actual slit being run across. To account for the particle interpretation that phenomenon is called probability distribution but behaves according to the Maxwell's equations.[46] However, experiments confirm that the photon is not a short pulse of electromagnetic radiation; it does not spread out as it propagates, nor does it divide when it encounters a beam splitter".[47] Rather, the photon seems to be a point-like particle since it is absorbed or emitted as a whole by arbitrarily small systems, systems much smaller than its wavelength, such as an atomic nucleus (≈10−15 m across) or even the point-like electron. Nevertheless, the photon is not a point-like particle whose trajectory is shaped probabilistically by the electromagnetic field, as conceived by Einstein and others; that hypothesis was also refuted by the photon-correlation experiments cited above. According to our present understanding, the electromagnetic field itself is produced by photons, which in turn result from a local gauge symmetry and the laws of quantum field theory

As much as I want to agree with you, we need to leave some room for doubt. The scientific method itself may not be the holy grail :)suspect:) of reason and reality as Popper pointed out.

Eh? Your eyes react to photons falling on light sensitive cells and the resulting signal is passed via the optic nerve to the brain where it's interpreted as an image.

Film in a camera reacts to photons falling on a light sensitive material which is then chemically processed to produce an image.

A digital camera reacts to photons falling on a light sensitive detector and the resulting signal is then passed via electrical connections to a processor where it's interpreted and an image produced.

In each case the overall process is more or less the same, i.e.

photons -> light sensitive medium -> processing -> image.

In the latter two the process is reiterated by looking at the generated image.

Photons are the gauge boson (force carrier) for the electromagnetic force. Their quantum particle-wave duality is neither here nor there at the scale in which we're interested - it only becomes significant at quantum scales. Light is light, it's a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that happens to be one that we use to see things around us. If something can be seen then it's using light in some way and therefore if the eye can see it then other devices sensitive to that portion of the EM spectrum, i.e. film, photodetector, CCD sensor chip, CMOS sensor chip, etc. can 'see' and record it as well.

If they can't then neither can the eye - you can't have it both ways :p
Eh? Your eyes react to photons falling on light sensitive cells and the resulting signal is passed via the optic nerve to the brain where it's interpreted as an image.

Film in a camera reacts to photons falling on a light sensitive material which is then chemically processed to produce an image.

A digital camera reacts to photons falling on a light sensitive detector and the resulting signal is then passed via electrical connections to a processor where it's interpreted and an image produced.

In each case the overall process is more or less the same, i.e.

photons -> light sensitive medium -> processing -> image.

In the latter two the process is reiterated by looking at the generated image.

Photons are the gauge boson (force carrier) for the electromagnetic force. Their quantum particle-wave duality is neither here nor there at the scale in which we're interested - it only becomes significant at quantum scales. Light is light, it's a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that happens to be one that we use to see things around us. If something can be seen then it's using light in some way and therefore if the eye can see it then other devices sensitive to that portion of the EM spectrum, i.e. film, photodetector, CCD sensor chip, CMOS sensor chip, etc. can 'see' and record it as well.

If they can't then neither can the eye - you can't have it both ways :p

Yes, I am not disagreeing with you completely, just asking if it's possible that science has not yet covered all possibities.

For example, a single photon passing through a double-slit experiment lands on the screen exhibiting interference phenomena but only if no measure was made on the actual slit being run across.

This experiment shows there is a mysterious/quantum effect going on. Say it was scientifically proved that more dimensions existed, All kinds of possibilities and theories could be advanced, that we don't know about yet.
Yes, I am not disagreeing with you completely, just asking if it's possible that science has not yet covered all possibities.

For example, a single photon passing through a double-slit experiment lands on the screen exhibiting interference phenomena but only if no measure was made on the actual slit being run across.

This experiment shows there is a mysterious/quantum effect going on. Say it was scientifically proved that more dimensions existed, All kinds of possibilities and theories could be advanced, that we don't know about yet.

If it can be seen, it can be recorded. The mechanisms for sight and optical recording are the same. The wave/particle duality of photons and the effect of observation is only significant at the quantum scale - it doesn't have any effect at the gross scale of matter.

Basically, if you can see it, it's affecting light and it can be recorded. If you can hear it, it's disturbing air and it can be recorded.

The existence of additional dimensions may well be possible - at least according to some recent theories - 26 according to SuSy/String theory and 11 according to M-theory IIRC. So what? If the additional dimensions are capable of being seen then the same rules apply. If you can see it or hear it, you can record it. :shrug:
I run Surrey Paranormal, an investigation team and have seen, felt and hears tons or weird stuff plus i have seen a Girl crossing the road on the A22 and have had 8 mediums there who all gave me the same info!!

They do seem to be 'real' but I always question everything to make sure what has happened isn't something natural or what the mind has made up.

From Wiki

As much as I want to agree with you, we need to leave some room for doubt. The scientific method itself may not be the holy grail :)suspect:) of reason and reality as Popper pointed out.

I totally agree that science has a long way to go and the quantum world is proof of that. If we were to assume that for some strange unknown reason, that despite alleged cases of people seeing ghosts, they could not be photographed (although the only thing I have not been able to photograph yet, is a quality landscape :LOL:), we then must assume these ghosts are from the ‘ after life ‘ ?
Now unfortunately this then goes into a subject that we are not allowed to discuss on the forum (religion).
So if we were to compare it to another mystery, namely aliens and aliens UFO’s, again the lack of decent photographic evidence seems strange to say the least.
It always seems to be the case that these so called unexplained mysteries are always witnessed by individuals or small groups who only have extremely poor photographic techniques and equipment.
Maybe we should have a photography competition to capture a ghost!:D
Perhaps the ghosties are not visible at all? Perhaps they have the ability to let our minds 'see' what they want us to perceive .... Who really knows whats real anyway? :D
Just for the record, I believe because family members look after me who have passed on, they send signs and will right wrongs done to me/us, but they will never change my direction or help me to achieve by stepping on someone else, they kind of re address the balance of my life if I am Ill done too,also close family friends who have passed on do the same,

One uncle in particular looks after me a great man great history and suffered in life, I know he his there because his pipe tobacco smell St Bruno catches the air, and my aunty his wife has said the same.

If it can be seen, it can be recorded. The mechanisms for sight and optical recording are the same. The wave/particle duality of photons and the effect of observation is only significant at the quantum scale - it doesn't have any effect at the gross scale of matter.

Basically, if you can see it, it's affecting light and it can be recorded. If you can hear it, it's disturbing air and it can be recorded.

The existence of additional dimensions may well be possible - at least according to some recent theories - 26 according to SuSy/String theory and 11 according to M-theory IIRC. So what? If the additional dimensions are capable of being seen then the same rules apply. If you can see it or hear it, you can record it. :shrug:

If it can be seen it can be recorded hmmmmmm. You seem to be ignoring the double slit experiment. Ok I will have to try and think of an example of something that can be seen but not recorded. Maybe you are right and there isn't anything.
If it can be seen it can be recorded hmmmmmm. You seem to be ignoring the double slit experiment. Ok I will have to try and think of an example of something that can be seen but not recorded. Maybe you are right and there isn't anything.

I didn't ignore it.

In my first reply I said:

"Their [photons] quantum particle-wave duality is neither here nor there at the scale in which we're interested - it only becomes significant at quantum scales."

In my second reply I said:

"The wave/particle duality of photons and the effect of observation is only significant at the quantum scale - it doesn't have any effect at the gross scale of matter."

To reiterate and state for the third time: The effect you're referring to is only significant at the quantum scale - it's not relevant at the gross scale of physical matter.

As for something that can be seen but not recorded, well, good luck with that one :p