Gjon Mili

Yes, its a ballerina.

Nice timing...

Incidentally, that image is from 1947 - so he wasn't using CLS!
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the principle behind the shot is you need a dark background (like a black sheet) then, using a long exposure you light your moving subject with a series of quick flashes from your flashgun.the long exposure means the camera will record all the light that hits the sensor whilst the shutter is open and because the room is dark the only light is coming from these flashes, your camera will only record the subject during each flash duration, not at any other time in between.This gives you a sequence of frozen positions, rather than a long blurred trail of movement.

some flashes have a "stroboscopic" mode to automate the sequence of flashes but if yours dosnt you can fire the flash manually a few times, you wont be able to fire off as quickly as automatic so you will have fewer stages in the sequence but it works along the same lines.

im quoting this months page 56 of digital photo mag, they just happen to be doing a feature on how to do it this month :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL: